The Christian "mind-set"

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The Christian "mind-set"

Post by Liudmilla »

Epistle: Romans 12:4-5, 15-21
Gospel: St. Matthew 12:9-13

The Christian Mind-Set: Romans 12:4-5, 15-21, especially vs. 16:
"Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion." Usually, in the concluding portions of his letters, the Apostle Paul presents practical applications of his teachings. He follows this pattern in Romans. Hence, in the passages from the Epistle hereafter, St. Paul addresses several practical implications that follow from his theological teachings in the first eleven chapters.

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 The first working issue he discusses is the necessity of having a true, God-given, mind-set.  He declares that the source of a Christian's right attitude is a consciousness of the Church as the Body of Christ.  Then, he defines the essentials of this Christian mind-set. Finally he provides some examples of how a Christian mind-set ought to be expressed in the world.
A genuine Christian mind-set can only arise as one acknowledges that he stands within the Body of Christ (vss. 4,5).  The acceptance of membership in Christ - that we belong to His Body - is essential for the formation of a right mind.  Each true Christian numbers himself among the Faithful.  Organic, spiritual union with Christ and with one's fellow Christians must be owned.

The Lord Jesus portrays us as a single, living entity, such as a vine (Jn. 15:5).  Family imagery is used to express our close interdependence, which includes terms such as father, mother, sister, and brother.  Starting from the experience of a vital fellowship, how natural it is to "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and [to] weep with those who weep" (vs. 15)!

The affirmation of unity in Christ leads further - to the discovery of and growth in the common, shared mind of the Church through all time.  Hence, in today's reading, the Apostle urges us to: "be of the same mind toward one another" (vs. 16).  Again, in his first letter to the church in Corinth, he says the same: "...we have the mind of Christ" (1 Cor. 2:16).

It is when we think the Lord's thoughts after Him - will as He wills and choose as He chooses - that we are confident that we have the true Christian mind-set.  How is that mind characterized?  The mind of Christ and His People does not yearn after high position, nor waste energy on ambition or on what is popularly esteemed in the world (vs. 16).  Observe: the Apostle assumes that we have the power in Christ to manage our thoughts, to "be not high-minded, but to fear" (Rom. 11:20).  The right Christian mind is not to "be wise in your own opinion," but to "associate with the humble" (vs. 16).  In all this, Christ is the central example: His style of thinking, His approach to people and situations, His self-emptying, and His humility (Phil. 2:8).

To help us etch the true Christian mind-set indelibly in our hearts, the Apostle fashions "the way of the Lord" (Acts 16:17) into a set of nine commandments: 

1) "Repay no one evil for evil" (Rom. 12:17).
2) "Determine on the noblest ways of dealing with all people" (vs. 17, NBV).
3) " peaceably with all men" so far as it is up to you (vs. 18). 4) "Beloved, do not avenge yourselves" (vs. 19).
5) "Leave room for divine retribution" (vs. 19, NBV).
And drawing two injunctions from Proverbs 25:21 –
6) "If your enemy is hungry, feed him" (vs. 20).
7) If [your enemy] is thirsty, give him a drink" (vs. 20).
8) "Do not be overcome by evil" (vs. 21), and rather than giving in to evil,
9) "Overcome evil with good" (vs. 21).

How much these ‘commandments' sound like the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's second great command, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" (Mt. 22:39)! It is not surprising. Did not the Apostle himself have the mind of Christ?

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"O Lord eternal, by the power of Thy blessing enable me at all times to speak and act to Thy glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom: aware always of Thy presence."  

Prayer at Daybreak, Archimandrite Sophrony Sakharov

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