The Western Rite

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Post by nyc_xenia »

joasia wrote:

I've noted it frequently, when I have to call a customer based in NY or NJ. It's gonna take alot of work...

That’s odd…I think they are usually pretty polite. You know why? It’s because usually, they want to keep their jobs.

If they seem rude to you, I’d hate for you to visit a busy supermarket in the city some evening. When I say rude, I mean the type of people who see you’ve been on a line for some time and then they just step right in front of you, turn around, look at YOU (while your wonder what they’re doing) as if YOU have some issue. Then they’ll flat out ask you something like, “What? You got a problem?”

That's not what I understood from your comment:

My comment was directed at the position which you originally had. To me, it read as if you were saying that the traditions of the East were the only valid and correct ones. Then in you’re your closing, it read as if you were saying that use of anything other than the Byzantine Liturgy and the traditions of the East, should be discarded as unorthodox.

That to me sounds like you have an issue with the subject. That's why I made my comment.

I have no issues with the Western Rites, but rather with the attitudes and line of questioning (which sort of hinders on interrogation at times) from some people.

I think your husband should have specified which he was referring to, at the beginning. Which one did he have in mind?

Maybe he presumed that those following up on the topic would be more familiar with Western Orthodoxy as a whole.

That's why after your reply, it occurred to me that we might be discussing different Rites. I don't know anything about the Hispanic one. How many Western Rites are there, anyway? This is new to me.

I believe I gave you a link last time which explained all of that.

… I think the Western Rites falls under another category that can be either Orthodox in respect to the Orthodox dogma or those that incorporate innovations, as you mentioned.

Well, a rite is Orthodox or it isn’t, it’s just that simple.

Excuse me for being confused. Your husband asked the "list members" what they thought was "legitimate expressions of Orthodoxy". Then I asked him to clarify. Apparently, you didn't understand what he meant either. Then he asked 3 questions. Deacon Nicholai answered. Since I am a list memeber, I thought I had the right to answer and I answered with the supposition that he(your husband) was referring to the Western Rite most popular in the U.S. I was a little confused about Deacon Nicholai's third answer, but I figured it would be clarified later. Since your husband was asking the list members, which I am one, I gave my silly little view of it. And here we are. But, it seems that my response is not really required. I don't have the knowledge of expertise that you are seeking.

Apparently, you’d fit right in the Big Apple there, huh? :bump:

… It's not like we're talking on line. Get it?

So, how are we communicating? You see, I thought we were "talking" online…

There I go again how? I thought you were referring to a specific file. Forget this part.

By assuming there was only one existing PDF file in Google…Forgotten.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. I assumed that the "legitimate Rites of Orthodoxy" was based on the Eastern Rites, that I thought the members who are Orthodox, here, follow. Nobody ever mentioned that they were part of the Western Rite, unless I missed a post about that.

Ok. I’m going to show you what I read above: “I assumed that the "legitimate Rite of Orthodoxy" was the Eastern Rite.”

I never assumed to redirect it. I just misunderstood the direction of it. I thought since most here follow St. John's Liturgy that it was a question of comparision.

Yes, in which case, I posted the link for the comparisons between the Liturgies of Saint John and the Hispanic (Mozarabic) Rite. There are a few more comparisons online for various Rites, but I’d have to look up where I have previously seen them.

Whoever follows the truth of Christ's teachings, passed down from the Apostles, in dogma and spirit is accepted, by God as His servant; He has witnessed this through His saints. That's the true measure of the Orthodox faith. I don't have any knowledge of the Western Rite so I'll stop here.

“Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
John 4:20-24

In the end, it’s not a matter of Eastern or Western Rites or traditions, but rather a matter of Orthodoxy, and keeping that which is correct worship, teaching and doctrines of faith.

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