Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

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Re: Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

Post by Barbara »

Me, too, it's so long since I read the series on Optina Elders that many details have faded away. But maybe it's time
to go back through them !

I know for sure, though, that the Elder Sebastian book was just waiting for this exact moment.

Maybe the same way, it's time to reread some of these and different things which are relevant this time will leap out
to delight the reader.

Speaking of the departure of Elder Leonid, did you ever eat the pancakes -?? I suppose they are called blini in Russian.
Somehow that sounds like a different dish - like sour cream or something - than the pancake mix type we all grew up with in America.

I feel so sorry for him, though, and all the Elders who were tragically persecuted by the rest of Optina Pustyn - not Bolsheviks at that stage,
but monks, abbots, etc ! It is staggering that the regular monastics were so unforgiving and unappreciative of the clairvoyance of the Elders.

No wonder the Elders all resided in a separate area, the St John the Baptist Skete. I saw their cells, of course, when visiting.

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Re: Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

Post by Matthew »

Yes, interesting life and full of difficulties...which is what makes the manner of their blessed departure all the more powerful. You got to see their cells in Optina? Wow. That is a blessing.

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Re: Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

Post by Barbara »

Yes, I did, thank you for asking ! I wandered around the inner grounds of the Skete itself too. I enjoyed the summer day, imagining
what it must have been like to be a pilgrim in early decades of the 20th century and before that, too. It was not difficult
to feel oneself transported back, as many of the Russian pilgrims milling around wore more traditional attire.
[I am quite fond of the old Russian style for women ! They should return to it, has so much character.
Instead of horrible blue jeans, carbon copied from America.]

I had an experience but I will save for some other thread.

What I hurried to the computer after work to write, though, is of another blessed departure. I mean, MIRACULOUS !
I had never heard this story, but right you mentioned this subject, I happened to open to a page about
the repose of Elder Anatole.

It's the most amazing departure from this life, ever !

The Bolsheviks closed Optina in 1921 and phased out the monks slowly but surely.

Elder Anatole, about whom I have never read because there is no biography of him, hence I had not
knowledge of his character, was arrested by the local Communist committees.

He asked if they could return in the morning. They agreed [it was early in those years, probably,
and the brutes had not quite hardened as much as they did later].

So the Elder shut out even his cell attendant. He prayed fervently most of the night. The cell attendant
kept checking but Fr Anatoly said "Get out of here !" most emphatically each time.

Finally the local committe arrived at daylight.
The cell attendant told them to by all means, enter the cell.

There was Fr Anatole peacefully asleep - forever ! He had died - must have been his prayers.

Isn't that interesting? This was the recollection of Elder Sebastian.
I don't know if it is in other accounts of Optina Elders or is totally unique.

I suspect the latter, because I think this anecdote would have been much quoted had
it been copied elsewhere.

Just one of the gems from this book, it's really good.

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Re: Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

Post by Maria »


Many saints have a premonition of their deaths.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Russian Orthodox demand that Apple change its logo

Post by Matthew »

He must have achieved great intimacy and favour with God to be granted the release he surely must have been beseeching. Very striking account of the death of a blessed one!

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