The following books by St. Optatus, which also predate St. Augustine, will also be beneficial to those interested in this topic.
The Work of St. Optatus the African
Bishop of Milevis
On the Schism of the Donatists Against Parmenian
The following books by St. Optatus, which also predate St. Augustine, will also be beneficial to those interested in this topic.
The Work of St. Optatus the African
Bishop of Milevis
On the Schism of the Donatists Against Parmenian
I hate to ask a "what if" question, but if I were with my non-Orthodox friend who is a Roman Catholic, and if she were to ask for Baptism in extremis because of her current heart condition, and if there were no laymen around who could baptize her, then couldn't a woman who is a member of True Orthodoxy baptize another woman in that situation? There are no True Orthodox churches where I live. The closest one is at least two hours away.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.
I suggest getting in touch with Bishop Sergios. The last thing you want to do is not take the opportunity to baptize someone because some internetodox has decreed it's an abominable heresy for a woman to perform a baptism in extremis.
I personally know in a true orthodox church about a lady who baptised someone because there was no other opportunity and the bishop told by phone it was OK.
Priidite, poklonimsja i pripadem ko Hristu.
And it IS important to try and get in touch with your bishop. This is obviously a "gray area" where there's not a lot of precedent to rely on. If you contact your bishop and he tells you yes or no, then you have respected the hierarchy. If he says no, then you have to work out with him how this woman can get baptized.
At the very back of the English language Pedalion are contained the Canons of St. Nikephorus. On page 970, is listed a set of additional Canons, specifically Canon VI and VII which state:
Canon VI
In case of necessity even a monk who is neither a cleric nor a priest may baptize a child; and likewise may a deacon.
Canon VII
When no Priest is available, unbaptized infants must be baptized by anyone present, even though he be their own father, or anyone else, provide he is a Christian and he is not sinning.
If you notice on page 972, we find note 3, which is attached to Canon VII, which states:
"This Canon is also mentioned also in the Epitome of the Canons by Armenopoulos, Section 4, headings 2 and 14, in which even a layman is permitted to baptize (vol. I of the Acts of the Synods).
In Christ,
Fr. Enoch
“We cannot destroy the Ecclesiastical Canons, who are defenders and keepers of the Canons, not their transgressors.” (Pope St. Martin the Confessor)
Fr. Enoch,
So women are not allowed to baptize in any circumstance?
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)