What Contributed to the practical fall of Russian Life?

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Re: What Contributed to the practical fall of Russian Life?

Post by Matthew »

Good points. Also, we should remember that Abp Andrew was Russian. I rather think his English was very limited and likely this sermon or article was originally written by him in Russian. Russian language is 9 times more subtle and precise and complex a language than English. It is like Classical Greek in that respect. English is a much less precise and articulate language than these very capable and philosophically superior languages of Russian and Greek. I think the english translation may give a different sense than the original by Abp Andrew. BTW, Abp Andrew was a clairvoyant elder, and was close friends with St Philaret, and was one of the last True "hardliners" and defenders of ROCOR, that stopped ROCOR from being led astray by the weak-willed judases who took over after the Old Order that had seen the Revolution passed on to their reward. Joanna, we ought to reverence and hold Abp Andrew in high esteem which he deserved. However, I am glad that you are on the lookout for any errors, regardless of who might have written something. Just remember that Abp Andrew is one of the Good Guys on Our Side.

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Re: What Contributed to the practical fall of Russian Life?

Post by joasia »

Icxypion wrote:

Good points. Also, we should remember that Abp Andrew was Russian. I rather think his English was very limited and likely this sermon or article was originally written by him in Russian. Russian language is 9 times more subtle and precise and complex a language than English. It is like Classical Greek in that respect. English is a much less precise and articulate language than these very capable and philosophically superior languages of Russian and Greek. I think the english translation may give a different sense than the original by Abp Andrew. BTW, Abp Andrew was a clairvoyant elder, and was close friends with St Philaret, and was one of the last True "hardliners" and defenders of ROCOR, that stopped ROCOR from being led astray by the weak-willed judases who took over after the Old Order that had seen the Revolution passed on to their reward. Joanna, we ought to reverence and hold Abp Andrew in high esteem which he deserved. However, I am glad that you are on the lookout for any errors, regardless of who might have written something. Just remember that Abp Andrew is one of the Good Guys on Our Side.

Symeon, thank you for the lesson of languages. That is a good point. Translation can be misleading. I deal with it myself, in Church...Greek to Russian to English to French.

I have to confess that I am not familiar with Abp. Andrew. I admit my ignorance. Of course we should have reverence for all TOC clergy.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: What Contributed to the practical fall of Russian Life?

Post by jgress »

I don't see the problem with saying there's no "formula". To me it's obvious what Abp Andrew meant: there is not some recipe or instruction manual that will guarantee you salvation if you only follow it to the letter. You can't gain repentance simply by mouthing certain prayers or making the right number of prostrations.

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