Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Barbara »

With the news that 3 identical statues of St John of Kronstadt will be given to 3 different locales, I looked to see WHY Voronezh is one of these select ones [ Jordanville Monastery and an MP Hamburg parish being the other 2 ].

To my surprise, I found that the statue is planned for the Kominternovsky district of Voronezh. An area celebrating --- Comintern, the notorious Communist International ?? What on earth is a street named THAT doing in today's supposedly free Russia ?

Then, the street where the 13 foot high monument to St John of Kronstadt will be placed is named for a World War II Soviet general Lizyukov. This is one of Voronezh's main streets. But why does THIS name remain ?

There are no pictures of Lizyukov in English language search save this blah-looking one. How is this morose, dejected looking figure [ described as the center of the photo below ] likely to inspire anyone today ? Fine that he sacrificed his life in a tank battle, though reports differ about the details.
Let's grant that he was brave. After all, he was awarded not one, but two 'prizes' called after The Unmentionable Bolshevik Usurper and was named Hero of the Soviet Union....ahem !

However, of what merit is this example for today's generations, who needed spiritual models, not Communist soldier ones !
Such streets and districts throughout the vast Russian Federation need to be updated immediately with spiritually inspiring names. How about Ulitsa Metropolitan Philaret of New York instead ?


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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Barbara »

Murmansk Airport in winter - brr !

A bit of progress has been made in the decision to rename the Airports of Murmansk and Pskov in honor of Saints rather than Bolshevik nightmare figures. However, the latter creepy Red Guard [ as opposed to the White resistance to the Communist takeover of Russia ] 'hero' came in a close second to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II in a vote on the topic :

[/color]"The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation held its final meeting of the expert council of the “Great Names of Russia” contest on Tuesday, summing up the national vote for renaming 42 airports throughout the country after great Russians.

5.5 million people participated in choosing 42 names out of a possible 142, and the final results were announced on the program 60 Minutes on the channel Russia-1, reports the Murmansk Gazette.

Among the winners was Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II, in whose honor Murmansk Airport will be renamed, having received 49% of the votes (71,652).

The great and beloved Russian saint defeated Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, a Soviet polar explorer, scientist, and Counter Admiral who was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and nine Orders of Lenin, who fought for the Bolsheviks in the Russian civil war. [ BOO ! ]He received 41% of the vote (60,402).

State Duma Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, known as a great venerator of the Royal Martyrs, noted that there are plans to allocate $52,290,000 (3.5 billion rubles) for the reconstruction of the airport, and the new name in honor of Tsar Nicholas will help speed up that process.

“Believe me, having received the name of Tsar Nicholas II, this airport will receive the long-awaited federal money quicker,” she said in an interview with Moscow Speaks.

While some in Murmansk have decried the results, claiming the city has no connection to the Tsar, Royal Russia reports that this is not the case: “Murmansk, Russia’s first ice free port was in fact founded in 1916 by Nicholas II and named Romanov-on-Murman. It was from here that many believed the Imperial family would have been sent abroad to England after the tsar’s abdication, however, it was not to be.”

Murmansk Province Deputy Vladimir Akhrameiko noted the same to Tsargrad: “After all, if not for Nicholas II, our beloved city of Murmansk would not exist. That’s how I voted, and I think it’s absolutely reasonable… For Murmansk, it seems to me, the most important thing and the very foundation was laid, of course, by Nicholas II.”

Pskov Airport will also be renamed in honor of St. Olga, the Equal-to-the-Apostles

The soon-to-be St Olga - Pskov Airport

MAY ALL THE REST OF the AIRPORTS< STREETS, Boulevards, Squares, Buildings, etc be swiftly renamed after spiritual themes, such as Archangel Michael Bridge -- after all Paris has one built way back in 1859, the Pont St Michel ... WHERE is Moscow ? And other cities ?

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Barbara »

The above process has been finalized :

"A number of Russian airports have been officially renamed in honor of famous historical Russian figures, including Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II and St. Olga the Equal-to-the-Apostles and others, reports Foma....

44 airports were officially renamed by a Presidential decree published on May 31.

Other notable winners include Alexander Pushkin (Sheremetevo Airport in Moscow), Emperor Peter I (Voronezh), and Empress Catherine II (Krasnodar)."

I included the last sentence because I am thoroughly dismayed to see Sheremetevo Airport become Pushkin, a secular poet, famous as he is. WHY NOT A VALID SAINT to help protect the Russian Federation's capital ? [ Will it later be changed to Matronushka Airport ? ] I think this was a grave error to glorify a popular figure but one who possesses no ability to intervene for even one person, let alone the many thousands going by air into and from Moscow every day of the year.

Then the names of the two most Protestantizing anti-Church rulers, Peter I and Catherine II, adorn 2 provincial airports. Horrible ! If this were a truly Church-oriented society, not a hybrid one, there would be such names as Patriarch Nikon Regional Airport given to cities associated with him, such as Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod [ the truly great champion of the Church was born in Veldemanovo not far from that city in old times famous for its fair ].

Where is "Elder Amvrosy International Airport" for Kaluga's air terminal, presently known boringly as Grabtsevo. And on and on with valid Saints. Best of all would be to use the names of various Icons of the Mother of God, to ensure Her protection.

Said the same Bishop Jacob of Naryan-Mar and Mezen mentioned in my post from January 2018

“We must follow the path of historical and Divine truth… Geography and the naming of lands should record the path of creation, not of destruction. It’s comical to see these names in the Russian Arctic: Komsomol, Bolshevik, Pioneer. We must have a more serious attitude towards our own history, and respect and love our land."

Of course, it is not comical to see these hard-core Communist terms, but devastating. Who could honor Communist youth organizations like this ? Even saying the word "I am going to visit Young Pioneer Ostrov" gives power to the dread mandatory association of Soviet young people ? Why not "I would like to visit the Derzhavnaya Mother of God Ostrov" ?

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