ROCOR: a history in pictures

Patristic theology, and traditional teachings of Orthodoxy from the Church fathers of apostolic times to the present. All forum Rules apply. No polemics. No heated discussions. No name-calling.

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by Barbara »

Thanks a trillion for passing the word along - happy to hear that. I was afraid it might be a long time before they got around to making the change. So this is excellent. Please pass along my thanks. I just like everything tidy, i feel better knowing that -

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by RocaRemnant »

You’re most welcome sister Barbara, I’m glad I could help

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by Barbara »

I wanted to return to the photo series here.
The 1st one labeled "Met Anastassy at the Synod Building" appears to be somewhere else. I would have thought it was a dormitory at Jordanville, but I don't think there was the dome over the doorway at Jordanville.
Anyone know where that might be ? Perhaps an earlier location for the Synod headquarters ? For I just happened to be reading a Rocor Studies article which said that Archbishop Apollinary had his headquarters in the Bronx at a Church there which was later renamed for the Ascension. But that had to be closed when violence broke out in the 1960s ; by that time the Park Ave. Synod building had already become the main headquarters.
That was very interesting to learn

The picture below that one DOES appear to be the Synod building because of the flights of stairs on the outside.

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by RocaRemnant »

Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) ROCOR, Serving Liturgy with the GOC in the early 2000s. (Credit to Orthodox Traditionalist Publications)

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by Barbara »

Interesting. I didn't know that Abp Hilarion had served with them !

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Priest Antonios
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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by Priest Antonios »

That’s the Synod in Resistance, just so no one gets confused.

RocaRemnant wrote: Mon 12 February 2024 11:38 pm

Archbishop Hilarion (Kapral) ROCOR, Serving Liturgy with the GOC in the early 2000s. (Credit to Orthodox Traditionalist Publications)

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Re: ROCOR: a history in pictures

Post by Barbara »

Oh of course ! Thank you, Father Antonios !
Isn't that Abp Chrysostomos on the right in red ?
And Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili, head of SiR.

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