The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

Brilliant Euphrosynos Cafe member Cyprian has made a surprising discovery. Even the GOC Synod appears to heartily recommend false saint Luke !
Cyprian points out that under the GOC website's Lives of Virtuous Persons, there we find Abp Luke of Simferopol : ... URfCZqNomM

Let me add that not only is Luke of the Crimea included among this number of Orthodox persons deemed exemplary, but he tops it !

Metropolitan Philaret of New York by contrast is 3rd from the bottom....the write up about that incorrupt True Saint is short ; despite the fact that Met Philaret [Vosnesensky] lived so recently, there are only a few photos. 3 come from the article by a Russian nun, Tatiana Senina, and are not particularly flattering to this towering hierarch of the 20th century, whose import reaches up to the present. Better images could have been found of Rocor's stalwart anti-Communist and anti-ecumenism third 1st Hierarch. A few pics are interesting but much better photo coverage could have done.


Much more information about this Confessor's life is easily found on the internet to improve the written content. If nowhere else, then here at this website.

Dr. Luke of the Crimea ? What kind of coverage does he receive on the Virtuous Persons list ? A lengthy, densely-packed essay by reposed Met Chrysostomos of Etna, which I would copy over here if permitted. Throughout, Abp Luke is called "St Luke".
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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by eish »

Jean-Serge wrote: Fri 26 February 2016 6:40 pm

You can fin some sources in this discussion: ... 12&t=10575&

I am reproducing them below:

Alexander wrote:

Luke Voinio-Yasenetski is not a Saint but a traitor of New Martyrs. He was a traitor not only by his cooperation with tyrant Joseph Stalin who was a terrible persecuter. Luke Voinio-Yasenetski directly complained to Soviet powers against catacomb priests.
One episode even was mentions in his official life of MP (probably as a "good example"). They published a document by "Upolmomochennyj" (an official who was supervising MP from soviet government, a sort of a moderator). In this document he reports that Luke Voinio-Yasenetski asked him to stop the activity of a catacomb priest hieromonk Hippolit Veryutin who lived in that region. This is page 225 in the official book.
I wonder if this episode was translated into English or Greek. This is the year of 1948, among the documents.

MP priests continue to complain to authorities even up till now. They act as their saints acted.


The book is no longer available but it would be nice i fsomeone could provide the extract (a priori page 225) even in Russian.


It may count as necromancy to continue the discussion after this long, but for what it is worth I have tried to find this incident in the new English language version "The Blessed Surgeon: The Life of Saint Luke Archbishop of Simferopol." ISBN 978-0-9714139-2-4. Divine Ascent Press. 2nd ed, 2008. Author Archdeacon Vasiliy Marushhak, translated by A.A. Vassilyeva. 191 pages. It states that it was originally published in Russian under the titlle "Blessed Surgeon: the Life of Archbishop Luke (Voino-Yassenetsky)," so this is supposed to be the correct book.

I did not see the exact incident described in detail. (Forgive me if perhaps I made a mistake.) All I found was this:

"In the postwar period, when the Church had a great deficiency of clergy, many charlatans appeared, impersonating priests. Sometimes they were clergymen who had been deposed from the priesthood by a legal bishop [Note: With this I assume the text includes priests illegally "deposed" by the MP because they didn't go along with the agenda] and sometimes they were just frauds [Another note: With this I assume the text includes priests ordained outside of the MP by catacomb bishops]. Vladyka Luke ordered that he be informed of such suspicious people." (Page 108.)

The descriptions in the book are not all in chronological order and the movements of Bp. Luke are often not properly assigned a year. However if he indeed arrived in Crimea in 1946-1947 then this has to be the only reference in that chapter.

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Re: The Pseudo-Saint Luke of the Crimea

Post by Barbara »

Oh GREAT ! Welcome, eish, by the way, hope you will enjoy your time here and find it of benefit !

You were quite a help to pursue that loose end. There are SO MANY on here ! We members must work diligently to fill in the blanks or complete things that were unknown at the time, or waiting a translation or whatever the situation.

It will help all readers who find this site to be able to learn the FULL STORY on any given subject, not partial accounts which will leave them wondering.
I feel it's our duty to provide as much background or evidence for our standpoints AS POSSIBLE !

You have really contributed.
Your notes added help everyone to comprehend the REAL MEANING of the cryptic phrases which would not make sense to most readers of that book. Hence they would gloss over the passage, which does seem to reveal that this treachery in fact went on.

I shudder whenever I see an 'icon' of Abp Luke and look away. If anyone else has the same reaction, but doesn't know why, this thread will help them understand.


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