Pilgrimages to St. John of San Francisco

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Re: Pilgrimages to St. John of San Francisco

Post by Jean-Serge »

People arriving late should not commune; arriving late and communing has become a bad habit in too many churches. This indicates a disrespect for eucharist and is an unworthy communion, for condemnation and not salvation. This explains the priest's reaction who knew nothing about traffic jams.

Priidite, poklonimsja i pripadem ko Hristu.

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Re: Pilgrimages to St. John of San Francisco

Post by Barbara »

Well, this is a good illustration of the fact that in any city, but especially the clogged Bay Area, one needs to
start out way in advance of the time of the Liturgy. Allow extra for congestion anywhere along one's route and
especially, save time for parking. People can be let out at the door of the Cathedral, of course.
But the driver still needs to find a SAFE parking spot. There is nothing worse than a nasty parking ticket to
put a dent in the light of the experience of visiting St John's relics.

I remember a scene from an old movie, "Come to the Stable" about Catholic nuns establishing a convent in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
The foundresses, played by Loretta Young and Celeste Holm, have to drive into New York City to obtain a permit or something.
Their car receives a parking ticket in downtown. Having no clue what it is,
they merrily tear it up and throw it to the winds !

That won't work in reality, especially not today...

Now JamesR, you made a slight mistake I have been meaning to correct since I read your nice writeup.
Eugene Rose [not yet a monk] was baptized in the Old Cathedral of the Holy Virgin, not the New Cathedral, which is the one
you visited. Next time, you might like to go there, too.

St John did serve here first. Then, too, if you request, perhaps call in advance to arrange this, the mantia worn by both holy Archbishop Tikhon [Troitsky] and St John Maximovitch is available to be seen and
laid over one with prayer made for you. The priest is an American convert and much of the parish is, too. Some of them
knew people who knew Fr Seraphim when he was alive. You might enjoy speaking with them there.

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