
Patristic theology, and traditional teachings of Orthodoxy from the Church fathers of apostolic times to the present. All forum Rules apply. No polemics. No heated discussions. No name-calling.
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Mary Kissel
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Post by Mary Kissel »

Thankyou for replying for me Justin.. I agree with what you've said in reply to Konstantin. :)
I try to not judge anyone, no matter what they say or do but I'll admit that I fall short of doing that sometimes.
What is wrong with saying "God bless our troops" ??? As Justin said, we pray for armed forces, the president and our government period at every Liturgy!
I didn't know either that there were Orthodox over there. Thankyou for telling me that!

I agree, we did go there to overthrow Sadam and get rid of the biochem and weapons of mass destruction...thats why we're there right now. I never said that we were attacking all of Iraq and I even said myself that I'm against wars and violence of any kind but as I said before, we Americans voted for Bush, he's in office, just let him do his job and pray for all of them over there.

Forgive me, but you are wrong for saying we should not ask God to bless our troops... we're SUPPOSED to pray for EVERYONE aren't we? even our enemies!

the sinner,

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understood, and no hard feelings.

Post by Konstantin »

Dear Mary and Justin,

I want to understand you both.

If I was back in the states, I would too probably think the way the both of you have been following the war.

But unfortunately, I'm not inmy home town, upstate New York. I'm living and working overseas in Moscow Russia.

You have to understand one thing, what the US is telling you to believe, you follw.

the press and the govt are all in one.

again, you will call me anti semetic, and i will say, well, you are dissillusioned.

This war is not about chemical warfare, or saddam, as a whole.

This war is a strategic need for the US, to cover up, a range of reasons.

None are in order, but you will get my drift i hope:

-get rid of saddam (which I do support)
-get closer to israel (future position and support)
we've been financing israel for the past 50 years. and in the past 30 years it's been a mess with the original owners of the land, the palestinians.
-economically speaking the US is in a crisis. ask any banker, who would be able to explain to you, that the us dollar is now lower than the euro currency. every time the us sinks into a crisis, a war has to break out.
this will help the US, by placinga pricetag for the war, now europe and others have to cough up the money, secondly, the oil will be put under US control, third, contracts have been signed already to rebuild iraq to US only companies.
-close down unnecessary US camps in europe, this will be one huge camp later, to help build israel up finally. why? so that israel will be able to build it's final temple, before their christ is to appear (our antichrist).
-this is not a Christian Warfare, thus is my reason why we can't say God Bless them. Becuase we don't know what the reasons are for the troops to be there. We are saying it in a sense that we wish them goodluck, but for what reasons are they there for? They are there destroying lands, and innocent people. The Orthodox Churches are being destroyed, and we are saying God Bless our Troops? Can't we state, God Bless the Innocent Iraqi people who are now dying and have no more water or medical help?

I'm not anti semetic, and as I have explained in another thread, that is a false term. just a few examples for you to better understand that propaganda: whats the term for: anti italian? anti catholic? anti white? anti russian? anti orthodox? anti anything? thus please understand the created term, and anything that you might consider I am, I am not! Becuase at the sametime I can state you are anti"something" unfortunately there is no such term.

Sorry if I have stepped on both of you. and No, I'm not a wacko. I don't support any wars, only if the war is against our Christian Thinking or religion. This is not an attack on our religion. But yes, it's an attack on our biblical areas known as Babylon.

Saddam never ahd anything against Christianity. I don't support Saddam too. and yes, I know how many people he has murdered, but how many have we murdered them? during the UN (US) sanctions of the past 12 years, and now how many will perish after the war?

This is the devils work. and it's not just saddam. this war is for the destruction of a govt that once was against zionists. They made that clear. Our govt is under the influence of zionists, since we support israel.

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Seraphim Reeves
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The REAL Babylonian Connection

Post by Seraphim Reeves »

Part of the affinity for many American politicians with Zionism may have something to do with a factor which connects both Masonry and the esoteric/occult dimension of Rabbinical Judaism - Babylonian occultism.

When the Israelites sojourned in Babylon, they encountered by the noble religion of the Persians (originally a monotheistic religion, that also believed in the Messiah, and was to some extent perhaps influenced by the Jews - thus why the Magi came looking for the Messiah...the "magi" were part of the clerical class of the Persian/Zoroastrian religion), as well as the unfortunate supersticion (I'd go so far as to call it witchcraft) of the pre-Zoroastrian Persians. Just as much as they gave (of the revelation of God to the Persians), they unfortunately took (imbibing many of the wicked thoughts of the Babylonians.)

Thus when they returned to Palestine, some of them took ideas back with them which were quite sinister. One need only due a cursory study of Jewish occultism (Kabbalah) to see it's connections with Babylonian occultism (all occultic traditions to one extent or another claim to inherit their craft from Babylon), and how it also has an intimate connection with the exoteric religion of the Pharisees (which became modern "rabbinical Judaism.")

This explains why the Masons (euro-occultists) have a facination with things that are oddly Judaic (like Solomon's Temple, and the Kabbalistic nonsense which taught that Solomon was in fact a Sorcerer who used the "Name" of God as a talisman to control demons and make them do his bidding)...and why there is a correlation of interests between the Talmudists and Masonic societies.

Suffice it to say, it is one of the worst kept secrets (yet not widely understood enough) that Masonry has been a detrimental influence upon the modern world - thus why all traditional Christian bodies (including Orthodox Christianity) has always denounced it, and insisted that affiliation with Masonry is incompatable with Christianity. This unfortunatly includes an incredible amount of influence upon American politics, in some respects perhaps right from the inception of the United States.

Such talk will sound like foolishness to some people, who say they believe in the devil, but do not really believe in diabolical evil or that men even make alliances (unknowingly and knowingly) with such spirits. However, the evidence is right before us - it is the subtext of much of what mankind has suffered in recent times.


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