Ania, on dating Buddhists

Should Orthodox Christians date non-Christians?




Total votes: 19


Post by OrthodoxyOrDeath »

Boy, I just noticed that the choice in the poll says "non-Christian"! I thought it said non-Orthodox, because I think Orthodox Christians should refrain from even dating them!

And, as a Greek, not even a non-Greek; how else can you expect good skolthoya and doe-ma-thez the rest of your life? :)


With regard to Bobby. I pray he snaps out of this sickness and comes to realize terrible damage this does to his soul.

Having said that, I pray Anastasios at least talks to him and perhaps he will recognize his mistake and there can be a reconcilation of sorts. We should all be very concerned for him as a brother who has terrible demons attacking him.

I am not at all sympathethic to porn posters, as some may remember I left the other board because of such a thing. We have a duty to help our brothers up: this means letting them know our strong objection and intolerance, but I think the door of opportunity should be left open - just perhaps. This would mean he would have to sincerley regret scandalizing everyone. Of course perhaps my feeling would be differenct if I had seen the picture, but thank goodness I was spared.

Last edited by OrthodoxyOrDeath on Tue 22 July 2003 6:49 am, edited 6 times in total.
Posts: 266
Joined: Tue 17 December 2002 11:31 am

Re: Ugh!

Post by Logos »

Nicholas wrote:

BobbyB a.k.a. Bobby, administrator of OrthodoxChristianity.nyet just posted the obscene, pornographic, sickening picture of the Cafe again, so I have followed the suggestion of Methodius and banned him again. :x

Have you considered taking legal action?

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