A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by Maria »

Lydia wrote:

I read the book. It is not an autobiography, it is fiction. Carre was a Roman Catholic who was rightfully dismayed at Vatican II. She made up this story of KGB infiltration to deflect from the real source of Roman Catholic apostacy, which, of course, is the Roman Catholic Church itself.
As for the suggestion that the fragmentation of the TOC's is blessed by God...NO! Get a grip, people.

Do you have any proof that Marie Carre made up AA1025 and that it is fictional?

There have been several other books and articles written by former communist spies who detailed their stories, which parallel that published by Carre. However, I certainly agree with you that there have been and currently are some scoundrels clothed as Roman Catholic priests, bishops, and even cardinals who still need to be brought to justice for allowing the molestation of thousands of children throughout the world. Certainly this deplorable situation is an indication that the Roman Catholic Church has fallen into apostacy. However, this topic should be covered in a new thread.

Back on topic: the fragmentation of the TOC's is unfortunate, but it is a symptom of our sinfulness, not a blessing of God.

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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by Lydia »

Maria wrote:
Lydia wrote:

I read the book. It is not an autobiography, it is fiction. Carre was a Roman Catholic who was rightfully dismayed at Vatican II. She made up this story of KGB infiltration to deflect from the real source of Roman Catholic apostacy, which, of course, is the Roman Catholic Church itself.
As for the suggestion that the fragmentation of the TOC's is blessed by God...NO! Get a grip, people.

Do you have any proof that Marie Carre made up AA1025 and that it is fictional?

There have been several other books and articles written by former communist spies who detailed their stories, which parallel that published by Carre. However, I certainly agree with you that there have been and currently are some scoundrels clothed as Roman Catholic priests, bishops, and even cardinals who still need to be brought to justice for allowing the molestation of thousands of children throughout the world. Certainly this deplorable situation is an indication that the Roman Catholic Church has fallen into apostacy. However, this topic should be covered in a new thread.

Back on topic: the fragmentation of the TOC's is unfortunate, but it is a symptom of our sinfulness, not a blessing of God.

Even though the burden of proof is on the author, the nature of the narrative is the strongest evidence. It is so improbable as to be ridiculous.

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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by Maria »

Lydia wrote:
Maria wrote:
Lydia wrote:

I read the book. It is not an autobiography, it is fiction. Carre was a Roman Catholic who was rightfully dismayed at Vatican II. She made up this story of KGB infiltration to deflect from the real source of Roman Catholic apostacy, which, of course, is the Roman Catholic Church itself.
As for the suggestion that the fragmentation of the TOC's is blessed by God...NO! Get a grip, people.

Do you have any proof that Marie Carre made up AA1025 and that it is fictional?

There have been several other books and articles written by former communist spies who detailed their stories, which parallel that published by Carre. However, I certainly agree with you that there have been and currently are some scoundrels clothed as Roman Catholic priests, bishops, and even cardinals who still need to be brought to justice for allowing the molestation of thousands of children throughout the world. Certainly this deplorable situation is an indication that the Roman Catholic Church has fallen into apostacy. However, this topic should be covered in a new thread.

Back on topic: the fragmentation of the TOC's is unfortunate, but it is a symptom of our sinfulness, not a blessing of God.

Even though the burden of proof is on the author, the nature of the narrative is the strongest evidence. It is so improbable as to be ridiculous.

That the KGB have infiltrated the MP is not fiction. Several members of the MP hierarchy have been revealed as KGB agents. Indeed, the allegation in 1997 that the Ukrainian Patriarch Filaret Denisenko was a KGB agent was proven correct. With all the wickedness and intrigue at the Vatican, is very probable that the KGB have succeeded in infiltrating the Vatican at the highest levels. The former Jesuit priest, Father Malachi Martin, and others also documented the presence of KGB agents in the Roman Catholic hierarchy. I talked with several devout Melkite priests who were at Vatican II, and they were convinced that some of the Cardinals were KGB agents because their attitudes were not correct. In Los Angeles, many Catholics labeled Cardinal Mahony, who aided pedophile priests, as the "red" cardinal. Indeed, the "Red Cardinal of Century City" was Father Malachi Martin's nickname for Cardinal Mahony.

In fact, as an undergraduate, many years ago, I won a scholarship to attend two weeks at a special Stanford economics forum where they had an avowed communist on staff. We received special instruction on how to recognize communist and KGB tactics and propaganda. That communist professor was our final project! He could not wait to leave the lecture hall. :wink:

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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by jgress »

arcmode wrote:

Not saying anything specifically about anyone at all, but logic dictates we must assume the following to be true:

1, Every forum on the internet that discusses any subject of any importance whatsoever already has at least two members who are spies.

2, At least one of those member/spies will be a Moderator.

Has anyone else considered the possibility that the TOC divisions are allowed by God to confuse the Devil?

OK despite your pleas that you aren't accusing anyone specifically, you have basically just accused one of the moderators of being a spy (or else you're saying that this forum doesn't discuss anything of importance). You've been pushing the boundaries in several recent posts and I suggest you be more careful about what you write.

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Re:Ambrosios (Lamian Synod) now united with Kallinikos

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

Ambrosios of Philippon (Drama),an Akakian Florinte Bishop of the formerly "Lamian Synod" (Makarios Kavakidis and Euthymios Orphanos) is now united with the great Florinite Synod of Kallinikos Sarantopoulos, the successor of Chrysostom Kioussi. Here the concelebration in the Monastery Taxiarchon of Kallinikos in Athikia near Korinthos.
http://imab.gr/index.php/latest-news/27 ... 1-08-57-13

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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by Father Roman »

Maria wrote:

Western Orthodox Church of Civitas Classis (Archbishop Volodymir, formerly of the Synod of Milan)

Dissolved Synods:

Synod of Milan under Archbishop Evloghios - apparently this Synod has dissolved as of Dec. 2013

Synods that are no longer part of True Orthodox:


New Website of the Archdiocese of St. Julius Islan (former archdiocesi Synod of Milan)


New website of the socalled "Synod of Milan" http://metropoliamilano.com/

Archimandrit Roman
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Re: A complete listing: True/Traditional Orthodox Christians

Post by Maria »

Met. Rafael of Russia has fallen into the Name-Worshiping (Name-Glorifying) Heresy and has broken communion with Met. John of New York:

This jurisdiction has been removed from the listing of True Orthodoxy in the Opening Post of this thread.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.
