Bad habits

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Re: Bad habits

Post by Maria »

Lydia wrote:

I'm sorry, I don't know the source. I read it a long time ago and it stuck with me.

Hopefully, someone here will remember the source. I have also heard that story before.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Bad habits

Post by Matthew »

I remember this story, too.

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Re: Bad habits

Post by arcmode »

It is here somewhere on this site, I read it a little while ago. I'm trying to find it again.

Do not be shocked by those who teach new doctrines but seem to be worthy of credence. Stand solidly like an anvil under blows. A good athlete suffers blows but wins. St Ignatius.

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Re: Bad habits

Post by Barbara »

Funny !

But I still think that this is NOT the norm ; it's just a story, not even true, maybe.

What about the thousands, tens of thousands of people who have addictions and do not even try much
to shake free of them ?

What is really the dynamic there ?
Does the Devil have them in a tight grasp so that's why they cannot break free ?

I really want to understand this phenomenon, as it is exponentially increasing, I suspect, in these days.

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Re: Bad habits

Post by Lydia »

What I take from the story is that God loves a meek and humble heart more than outward piety, and a haughty and judgmental spirit.

Also, we can never really know why people become enslaved to addictions, and perhaps they fight everyday against them without success.

I thank Our Lord that I am not addicted to "substances"; but I struggle with other things, such as anger and laziness. Time and again I repent my quick temper and resolve to be more patient and gentle with God's help.
Yet, I fail. I guess this is a sort of addiction.
Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

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Re: Bad habits

Post by Barbara »

It's good to mention this, because anger is all around, everywhere, it seems.
I sometimes think that devils try to kindle anger [aha ! Another reason NOT to use those repulsive kindle readers when one
can open a real, live book instead]
in humans.

So the trick is : to close off whatever avenues the Devil uses to sneak in to spark off anger and fan the flames.

This is what I spend a lot of time doing IN GENERAL : looking around for ways the devil could some day even in the distant future
invade my life or property and sealing those potential entrees completely off now, while there is time.
Later there may be upheaval and times may not be so easy.

So the same with anger and laziness. When you see yourself hanging back from doing something,
force yourself with a happy heart, feeling that you are CONQUERING that bad impulse to procrastinate, or be slothful !
There is a great victory every time you overcome that.

Or let's say you KNOW you have to do some chores or work. But you don't want to, as they are not-so-fun.
Make it a special point, then, to tackle the odious ones first. That way you show you can't be manipulated by demons
whispering "oh put that off, you can do it later".

But later sometimes doesn't come !
You have an opening right now and you have to seize it, is how you can frame it in your mind. Whether it's urgent or not,
having that "I am going to tackle what I am avoiding right NOW !" mentality trains you to jump at every task or action you need to do.
Such as writing people that you were putting off, or things like that that we all tend to do.
Because you see yourself avoiding it, put it at the top of your list, no matter how unimportant it SEEMS.
That way you make yourself really agile in doing what you would normally prefer not to.

The devil can't get to you, then, with suggestions of further sloth or procrastination !

Gives up on you entirely, goes away FOREVER, God Willing !

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