Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Barbara »

Reading other material in the NYT, something I do only very rarely, I came across this page for upcoming itineraries offered by the Times. I was aghast that the blurb described the Bolshevik Revolution as something to be 'commemorated'. One pictures a priest censing while serving a moleben when one hears that word.


Shockingly, with all the resources at their disposal, the New York Times made an error on the year. It should be the 100th anniversary. Then, too, anniversary should NOT be capitalized. The way it's written up below, it looks like a fun carnival.

To make matters even worse, the headline picture of a small slideshow shows the ugliest statue bust of The Unmentionable Lieutenant of the Devil ! Take a look if your eyes can bear it.

This is the mentality of the most influential purveyor of news in the U>S. From this scandalous writeup, we can gain a glimpse of how much opposition there is to dismantling every last image of The Unmentionable inside Russia itself.

But all that resistance comes from a stagnant idea and set of ideals. Surely, the opposition from every quarter, in and outside Russia - for one thinks that the NYT would shed tears were their favorite bust of The Unmentionable shattered and dumped into the dustbin of history - can be overcome. I think the calls have to become louder and more insistent that this obvious correct step be taken promptly, instead of dragged on and on, suiting only the Devil and his minions.


2017 : If you are interested in our 2017 itinerary, which commemorates the 75th Anniversary of the Revolution and includes a visit to the Museum of the Political History of Russia, please call 855 698 7979 for details. ... =body-main

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Barbara »

It's another "Unity Day"< November 4, 2017.

Going back to the original posts of this thread, I find it interesting that even the Rocor-MP youth can see how stupid it is to retain those evil Bolshevik revolutionary names for boulevards, statues, monuments, plaques, etc.

Red Army units train incongruously in front of the Patriarchal Palace, built by Patriarch Nikon, in the Kremlin, 1921.

This is all the more ridiculous for a Russian Federation projecting itself - in some quarters, anyway - as today's protector of family values and a bastion of religion in a sea of atheism inundating the Western world.


"Isaia Trofimenko was born in New York. His parents came to the USA in the 1980s as political refugees who wished to practice their Orthodox faith and rear their children in the Orthodox Church. Isaia graduated from New York University, where he studied music, and has been singing in the Synodal Cathedral Choir for ten years.... “The pre-Revolutionary Russian culture is my culture, my music. We always had a lot of literature lying around our home, and albums about the last Tsar’s family. Like most new Russian Orthodox immigrants who sought asylum in America, my parents had to relearn this period in history. I grew up with this knowledge and want to share my experience with other young people who live in Russia, who visit from Russia. Despite the fact that you can find any kind of literature you like, this page in Russian history is little studied.”

"The young attendees feel that it is important to conduct similar symposia to discuss these matters, which is important even today.

“In Russia, with the beginning of perestroika, a lot of good changes have taken place,” said Isaia. “I’m talking about the opening of new churches and monasteries, the mass publication of Orthodox Christian literature, but there are also tendencies that are troubling. A lot of cities and streets bear the old Soviet names, even 25 years after the fall of the USSR they still haven’t decided what to do with the mausoleum of the Revolution’s leader. Russian society has still not come to terms with the October Revolution. This is all very strange. Society today continues to remember the Soviet Union as a great nation.”

“Everyone knows what happened in 1917, but no one is in a hurry to properly evaluate those events, and bring them to a close,” agreed Masha Healy. “It is a good thing that there are people who study this topic and can discuss it with us, the youth of the Russian diaspora.” ... osium.html

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Maria »

Archpriest Victor Potapov said: “I Believe that the Reunification of the Church Was the Result of the Prayers of St John of Shanghai” cf.

Lord have mercy. This article is a false justification of the MP-ROCOR "reunion" as it attributes this false union of 2007 to the action of St. John of Shanghai. Actually, there was no need for a reunion as the Soviet Church was a schism created by Met. Sergius when he cooperated with the KGB.

If the MP had repented and had asked for forgiveness for Met. Sergius' act of apostasy, then this would have been fruitful and of God.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Maria »

Maria wrote:

Archpriest Victor Potapov said: “I Believe that the Reunification of the Church Was the Result of the Prayers of St John of Shanghai” cf.

Lord have mercy. This article is a false justification of the MP-ROCOR "reunion" as it attributes this false union of 2007 to the action of St. John of Shanghai. Actually, there was no need for a reunion as the Soviet Church was a schism created by Met. Sergius when he cooperated with the KGB.

If the MP had repented and had asked for forgiveness for Met. Sergius' act of apostasy, then this would have been fruitful and of God.

Upon further reflection, it may be that Met. Laurus was sincerely deceived by the devil.

With KGB blackmail going on in the background, and with a simple majority of the ROCOR bishops already in agreement with the decision to join the MP, this deceptive act of veneration and "support from St. John of San Francisco and Shanghai" supposedly sealed the deal. Those naive and blindly-trusting bishops who were unsure, would see this apparent act of faith as a green light to go ahead and join the MP. In addition, any of the faithful, who heard news of this "support of St. John" would also blindly go along with the KGB agenda to ratify union between the MP and the ROCOR.

The MP lately has canonized a lot of pseudo saints (Matrona and Luke especially) in order to gather support from the laity. This is the same tactic being used by the Vatican in their recent canonizations of John Paul II, John XXIII, and others. It is truly sad when church hierarchs use political canonizations to gather financial support from clergy, laity, and government entities.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Maria »

Re: the harassment experienced by laity, clergy, and bishops in the ROCOR before the ROCOR-MP union of 2007

Before the 2007 ROCOR-MP union I personally witnessed fights at the ROCOR Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles while a member of World Orthodoxy. I was visiting that parish to venerate the miraculous myrrh streaming icons of St. Nicholas and the Theotokos.

The demeanor of the parish priests and deacons had a very negative impact of me. Whenever Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles had a visiting myrrh-streaming icon, the bishops, priests, and deacons who formed the procession to escort the icon never smiled, but always had scowls on their faces, and they were always distracted, never prayerful, as they were constantly on the lookout for anti-union Traditional minded ROCOR members and clergy who might be visiting that parish. One such anti-union priest was taken to the hospital by ambulance as he was almost beaten to death by the deacons, but he forgave his attackers, and did not press charges.

Bishop Alexander Mileant, may his memory be eternal, told me while I was a catechumen in 1995, not to join the ROCOR as it was wicked. Again, during the years of 2000 to 2003, he told my husband and I not to join the ROCOR, and to be very careful when visiting Holy Transfiguration Cathedral.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Justice »

Maria wrote:

Re: the harassment experienced by laity, clergy, and bishops in the ROCOR before the ROCOR-MP union of 2007

Before the 2007 ROCOR-MP union I personally witnessed fights at the ROCOR Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles while a member of World Orthodoxy. I was visiting that parish to venerate the miraculous myrrh streaming icons of St. Nicholas and the Theotokos.

The demeanor of the parish priests and deacons had a very negative impact of me. Whenever Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles had a visiting myrrh-streaming icon, the bishops, priests, and deacons who formed the procession to escort the icon never smiled, but always had scowls on their faces, and they were always distracted, never prayerful, as they were constantly on the lookout for anti-union Traditional minded ROCOR members and clergy who might be visiting that parish. One such anti-union priest was taken to the hospital by ambulance as he was almost beaten to death by the deacons, but he forgave his attackers, and did not press charges.

Bishop Alexander Mileant, may his memory be eternal, told me while I was a catechumen in 1995, not to join the ROCOR as it was wicked. Again, during the years of 2000 to 2003, he told my husband and I not to join the ROCOR, and to be very careful when visiting Holy Transfiguration Cathedral.

Wow! I never would have thought it had gone that far. Was this attack talked about on NFTU? or any other Traditional Orthodox website? I would love to read more into this uncalled-for behavior. This is a good example on why ROAC split. Even if they split over Cyprianism this surely must have played a part in it.

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Re: Rocor-MP Synod re the 2 Anniversaries 1917-2017

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:
Maria wrote:

Re: the harassment experienced by laity, clergy, and bishops in the ROCOR before the ROCOR-MP union of 2007

Before the 2007 ROCOR-MP union I personally witnessed fights at the ROCOR Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles while a member of World Orthodoxy. I was visiting that parish to venerate the miraculous myrrh streaming icons of St. Nicholas and the Theotokos.

The demeanor of the parish priests and deacons had a very negative impact of me. Whenever Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Los Angeles had a visiting myrrh-streaming icon, the bishops, priests, and deacons who formed the procession to escort the icon never smiled, but always had scowls on their faces, and they were always distracted, never prayerful, as they were constantly on the lookout for anti-union Traditional minded ROCOR members and clergy who might be visiting that parish. One such anti-union priest was taken to the hospital by ambulance as he was almost beaten to death by the deacons, but he forgave his attackers, and did not press charges.

Bishop Alexander Mileant, may his memory be eternal, told me while I was a catechumen in 1995, not to join the ROCOR as it was wicked. Again, during the years of 2000 to 2003, he told my husband and I not to join the ROCOR, and to be very careful when visiting Holy Transfiguration Cathedral.

Wow! I never would have thought it had gone that far. Was this attack talked about on NFTU? or any other Traditional Orthodox website? I would love to read more into this uncalled-for behavior. This is a good example on why ROAC split. Even if they split over Cyprianism this surely must have played a part in it.

I do not know if the many you-tube videos that were taken of these clergy fights are still viewable at YouTube. However, I do remember seeing a lot of these videos being posted between 2000 to 2007, especially after diocesan conferences were held. I did not know what was really going on at that time, but I did not want to be a part of it especially after Bishop Alexander had warned us about the ROCOR. He knew. Perhaps, just perhaps, that is why he died of cancer. He could have been targeted as the pro-MP KGB had a weapon to trigger a sudden and massive heart attack (like the one that killed Father Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center) and another to trigger a slow death by cancer.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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