Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

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Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

Post by Cyprian »

d9popov wrote:

We should all condemn the un-Christian deviations of the Latin Church over the last 1000 years; but we should not take the approach that Cyprian takes in his post. There is no "secret society" controlling the world; God is in ultimate control of the world---He is the Pantokrator, and that is a dogma of the Church.

[deleted - personal attack]

Why won't you believe in a secret society conspiring to rule the world and install the Antichrist? You believe in John Romanides, who professed a belief in an evolutionary origin of man. Unless you would like to clarify for us, and confess the Orthodox truth, that man did not evolve by "chance," we are left to assume that you have a hard time recognizing events that are ordered, seeing everything as "chance". Are you willing to confess to this forum that evolution and Darwinism are demonic inventions? . . .

Hieromartyr Andronik of Perm (+1918)

"It is not a question of the struggle between two administrative regimes, but of a struggle between faith and unbelief, between Christianity and antichristianity. The ancient antichristian plot, which was begun by those who shouted furiously to Pilate about Jesus Christ: 'Crucify Him, crucify Him: His blood be on us and on our children' - continued in various branches and secret societies. In the 16th century it poured into the special secret antichristian order of the Templars, and in the 18th century it became more definite in the Illuminati, the Rosencrucians and, finally, in Freemasonry it merged into a universal Jewish organization. And now, having gathered strength to the point where France is completely in the hands of the Masons, it - Masonry - already openly persecutes Christianity out of life there. In the end Masonry will be poured out into one man of iniquity, the son of destruction - the Antichrist (II Thessalonians 2). In this resides the solution of the riddle of our most recent freedoms: their aim is the destruction of Christianity in Rus'. That is why what used to be the French word 'liberal', which meant among the Masons a 'generous' contributor to the Masonic aims, and then received the meaning of 'freedom-loving' with regard to questions of faith, has now already passed openly over to antichristianity."

. . . this hieromartyr explains that there is a secret society which is vying to bring forth Antichrist. Would you have us believe some nonsense that the Antichrist is just going to be conceived and arrive as a result of some random accident, in which two teens passions got away from them in the backseat of a car?

. . . Why don't you explain to us how the Antichrist is going to come?

Nowhere have I ever denied that God is ultimately in control of His entire creation. However, God permits evil, which everyone ought to be able to recognize. The World Wars did not simply happen by "accident". They were the result of decades of planning. The attacks of September 11, 2001 were not merely an "accident," but were carried out by a secret society of evil-doers.

. . .Why don't you tell us who was responsible for planning and executing the attacks of September 11, 2001?

Isaiah 66:4  I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. 

God allowed the secret society to produce the world wars, the attacks of September 11, etc. A secret society is the vehicle which will bring forth the Antichrist, as the fathers inform us. . . . A century ago, the hieromartyr told us that France was completely in the hands of the Masons. The Masons had a large nation like France in their hands a century ago, and you would have us believe there is no secret society ruling the world. Since the hieromartyr informs us that Masonry will be poured out into the Antichrist, and we are always drawing ever-nearer to the Antichrist, it is only logical that the power of Masonry would grow stronger as we approach the end, not weaker. And that is precisely what thoughtful and discerning people observe. Masonry everywhere gaining strength, not weakening . . .
according to the saints and pious elders.

Archbishop Averky (Taushev)
Is It Possible To Recognize The Antichrist?

"We do not see yet Antichrist himself, but his spirit obviously is settling in and already beginning to rule in the world. A large number of forerunners of Antichrist are preparing with tremendous energy for his arrival, his triumph, and his enthronement among mankind. Of course, a very long and considered preparation is necessary for the Antichrist to be able to be accepted amongst Christian people. It has been and is being conducted from the very times of the Apostles with ever-greater intensity."

As Archbisop Averky makes clear, there is a society composed of a large number of forerunners preparing with "tremendous energy" for Antichrist's arrival. None of this is going to be random or by chance or accident.

Letter On The Origin And Time Of The Antichrist by Adso of Montier-En-Der (written between 949/954):

"The Antichrist will have magicians, enchanters, diviners, and wizards who at the devil's bidding will rear him and instruct him in every evil, error, and wicked art." [Harry Potter is an allusion to this. He has magicians, enchanters, diviners, and wizards who rear him and instruct him in every evil, error, and wicked art.]

The demons have influence, but God is the All-Ruler. Is there "some vestige of good in Roman Catholicism"? Without a doubt: Yes! When Roman Catholics tell non-Christians that Jesus Christ is the only-begotten Son of God, that is a good thing.

Don't overlook James 2:19

Last edited by Maria on Mon 24 September 2018 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: One paragraph was deleted; others edited for ad hominem attacks. Avoid the "you" attack, instead ask questions.
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Re: Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

Post by Cyprian »

What utter confusion this forum has been allowed to degenerate into. Now we are going to have a defense of the Inquisition? People would do well to cast off their RC baggage, which is obviously a burden to them.

This is what a holy saint had to say about the Inquisition. If the Inquisition was "necessary" why did the saint call it scandalous and say it was motivated by "domination and avarice"? I suggest more time spent reading the saints, and less time on blasphemers like John Romanides and disinfo from the likes of QAnon.

St. Ambrose of Optina on the Roman Catholic Church:

"Those well-disposed towards the Latins likewise extremely erroneously reason that, firstly, upon the falling away of the West from Orthodoxy, something as if became lacking in the Catholic Church. This loss was replaced long ago by all-wise Providence–it was the foundation in the North of the Orthodox Church of Russia. Secondly, they think that allegedly for the sake of the former seniority and size of the Roman Church, the Orthodox Church has need of union with it. However, we are speaking not of a human judgment, but a judgment of God. Apostle Paul clearly says, What communion hath light with darkness? (2 Cor. 6:14) – i.e., the light of Christ’s truth can never be combined with the darkness of heresy. The Latins don’t want to leave their heresy, and they persist, as the words of Basil the Great testifies about them what has been proven over many centuries, “They do not know the truth and do not wish to know; they argue with those who proclaim the truth to them and assert their heresy,” as stated above.

Instead of entertaining the above-mentioned thoughts, those supportive of the Latins, would be better off thinking about what’s said in the psalms, I have hated the congregation of evil-doers (Ps. 25:5), and to pity those who, for the sake of domination and avarice and other worldly aims and benefits, scandalized almost the entire world through the Inquisition and cunning Jesuit intrigues, and even now outrage and abuse the Orthodox in Turkey through their missionaries. Latin missionaries don’t care about converting to the Christian faith the native Turks, but they strive to pervert from the true path the Orthodox Greeks and Bulgarians, using for this purpose all sorts of unpleasant means and schemes. Is this not craftiness, and is this craftiness not malicious? Would it be prudent to seek unity with such people? For the same reason, should one be surprised at the feigned diligence and selflessness of such figures, i.e. the Latin missionaries and sisters of mercy? They are downright pitiable ascetics. They strive to convert and lead people, not to Christ, but to their pope.

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Re: Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

Post by Cyprian »

Archbishop Averky (Taushev)
Is It Possible To Recognize The Antichrist?

But then by the middle of the eleventh century the “spirit of Antichrist” had so firmly taken root in the West that it was able to completely tear away a whole half of Christendom from union with the Universal Church. The result of this was “Papism” with its many and varied departures from genuine Christian teaching on faith and piety-with its newly conceived dogmas, defective morality, indulgences, the “sacred inquisition”, and similar perversions.

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Re: Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

Post by Maria »

I have edited a post to remove ad hominems.

Please be careful, Cyprian, not to employ a sentence beginning with "you" as it frequently leads to a personal attack.

In Christ,

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Re: Francis and all recent popes were groomed by Jewish-Sanhedrin

Post by d9popov »

Dearest Cyprian, you ask: "Why won't you believe in a secret society conspiring to rule the world and install the Antichrist?"

I believe in God and in the Church, not in a secret society! Lots of secret societies exist, but none control the world, none control major world-historical events or the weather. Governments, social movements, and the instabilities of weather and economies are major factors in our world, not a Jewish Sanhedrin.

I have already denounced Father John Romanides on several specific doctrines. I have already denounced the idea that man came about by chance or random evolution. I have already stated that some form of evolution explains why, after God created mankind, the aboriginal people in Australia look different from Chinese who look different from Icelanders. If you believe that the created universe is less than 10,000 years old, then it would also seem that you believe in a more rapid version of evolution from Adam than I do. Current science sees the Australian aboriginals as evolving separately from the rest of humanity for over 40,000 years. Darwin was wrong about "chance" but not about everything.

Anti-Christian agendas permeate popular culture and school curricula and politics and government policy. They are open, not secret. It is the open anti-Christian agendas that explain the sinful state of the world, not a non-existent Sanhedrin. Hollywood movies are not cryptic prophecies of future events. Such a view is not in Orthodox tradition at all. None of the saints taught that.

The anti-Christ will be welcomed because so much of society in already in open rebellion against God's commandments.

Cyprian, you believe that: "The attacks of September 11, 2001 were not merely an "accident," but were carried out by a secret society of evil-doers." You ask " Why don't you tell us who was responsible for planning and executing the attacks of September 11, 2001?"

Osama bin Ladin, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, Mohamed Atta, etc. Muslim terrorists planned and executed it, not Jews. The Muslims did it because they take the Quran literally and want to kill Christians. The explanation is pretty easy to figure out.

Cyprian believes that: "God allowed the secret society to produce the world wars."

No, not even close. Not factual at all. Orthodox Christians have always agreed on who started the two world wars. World War I was started by Austria attacking Orthodox Serbia. Pretty simple. Documents show that the ultimatum and attack had been planned by the Austrian government (against Serbia) before the Sarajevo assassination. Germany was morally responsible for encouraging Austria's behavior and for giving them a blank check. World War II was caused by the evil Hitler's invasion of Poland and over a dozen other countries. He had an open anti-Slavic (anti-Orthodox) and anti-Christian ideology and anti-Jewish agenda. The Germanic governments hated the Slavic Orthodox and they started both wars, first in Serbia and second in Poland-on-the-way-to-Ukraine-and-Russia. There you have two OPEN agendas against Orthodox Christianity. Some sources claim that Serbia lost a quarter of its military-aged men due to the Austrian and German attacks of the First World War. The Croatian Roman Catholic Fascists killed 200,000 or more Orthodox Serbs and tens of thousands of Jews. The Axis killed millions of Jews and Slavic Christians, because hey had an especial hatred for those two groups. The anti-Jewish and anti-Orthodox-Christian agenda of the Nazis-Fascists-Muslims, was an OPEN AGENDA, not a secret conspiracy.

The demons have influence, but God is the All-Ruler. Is there "some vestige of good in Roman Catholicism"? Without a doubt: Yes! When Roman Catholics tell non-Christians that Jesus Christ is the only-begotten Son of God, that is a good thing.


I stand by that. James 2:19 does not deny that it is good for people to confess Christ. His point was that confession of faith without good works is dead. First confession of Christ; second Orthodox baptism and spiritual struggle.

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