House nuns for TOC's and Traditional Orthodox !

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House nuns for TOC's and Traditional Orthodox !

Post by Barbara »

What about setting up programs for middle - aged and older women who would like to become semi-nuns
but would not be able to handle the rigors of usual cenobitic life.

I think all conservative Orthodox Churches should be figuring out ways to provide a nice monastic-style life for women whose
children may have grown up and they feel an emptiness. Or, their career has run out.
Or, the women wish to PARTLY leave the world. They will want to prepare themselves for the later years of life to use their
time wisely to cleanse their souls while still having the opportunity.

It seems to me that a measure of discipline would be helpful to structure lives of such women, because
this Western life has seemed to erode away at that quality.
Hence, having a group or nuns loosely affiliated working from home would provide encouragement so badly needed.

Other angles and thoughts that members may have ?

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Priest Antonios
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Re: House nuns for TOC's and Traditional Orthodox !

Post by Priest Antonios »

Godly like-minded people coming together would seem like a good idea to me!


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