Forum Rules

Moderators: Mark Templet, Mark Templet

Posts: 1382
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Forum Rules

Post by jgress »

Saint Euphrosynos Cafe is a forum committed to fostering community among fellow True Orthodox believers and helping each other in our struggle for salvation, and also in reaching out to members of official Orthodox churches or other denominations, religions or philosophies. We welcome questions, discussions and even disagreements, but there are limits we must respect in order to avoid inflaming passions. Therefore the moderators have decided on the following rules, in addition to Christ's commandment "that ye love one another, as I have loved you" (John 13:34).

General rules

The following hold for both public and private forums:

  • No personal attacks or ad hominem arguments
  • No gossip, slander or unsupported attacks on the character of those outside the forum
  • No links to personal blogs or websites that contain gossip or defamation. Please read the blog before posting it to insure that there is no gossip anywhere. News media speculation should be posted in the private political forum.
  • No general polemics against True Orthodoxy or proselytism in favor of other religions or worldviews
  • No promotion of immorality or attacks on traditional doctrine or praxis
  • No explicit discussion of sexual matters
  • No blasphemy, foul or inflammatory language
  • No posting of spam or pornography (incurs immediate permanent ban)
  • No copyright violations (see end for more details on this)
  • No questioning or challenging of moderatorial actions
  • Prompt compliance (within 24 hours) with any moderatorial request, e.g. for translation, citation etc.

The following hold for the public forums:

  • No polemics against particular True Orthodox jurisdictions (permitted in Intra-TOC Polemics Private forum)
  • No politics or speculations about the end times (permitted in Political and Social Issues Private forum)

If you wish to post material that is only appropriate for these two private forums and do not yet have access to them, please contact an administrator for access to avoid incurring a possible penalty.

Private forums

Access to the public forums is free to all members and membership depends only on not being a robot, being over 13, and not having already been permanently banned. Access to private forums is subject to the following conditions:

Intra-TOC Polemics

Access to the Intra-TOC Polemics forum is restricted to True Orthodox members. In order to gain access, you must provide an administrator with the contact information of a priest or bishop in a recognized True Orthodox jurisdiction so that we can confirm that you have been received into the Church (by baptism, chrismation or confession) or are an inquirer or catechumen preparing to be received into the Church.

Controversial Social and Political Issues

There are no special restrictions on participation in this forum if you are already a member. Please contact an administrator for access.

TOC Priesthood

Open to any canonical deacon, priest or bishop in a recognized True Orthodox jurisdiction. Contact information from a True Orthodox bishop or synod may be required to confirm your ordination and canonical status.

TOC Women

Open to any female True Orthodox members or catechumen. Please contact an administrator about access; proof of identity may be required, as well as contact information from a True Orthodox priest or bishop.

TOC Youth

Open to any young True Orthodox members or catechumen, young meaning between the ages of 13 and 19. PM an administrator for access.


From the time of publication of these rules, discipline will be as follows (subject to moderatorial discretion):

First warning
Second warning
Third warning, banned 1 day
Fourth warning, banned 7 days
Fifth warning, banned 2 weeks
Sixth warning, banned 1 month
Seventh warning, banned permanently

Note that "warning" means active warning, i.e. one that appears in your private profile. These private warnings automatically expire after 3 months, after which they no longer count.

Moderators may be lenient towards new users and send informal warnings by private message before imposing a formal, public and/or board issued warning.

After a second or third active warning, Moderators may impose Post Moderation on a user involving one or more forums. This means that when a user posts in a forum, that post is kept hidden and must be approved by a Moderator before being published. Post Moderation is imposed to help a new member understand our rules.

Moderators reserve the right to edit or remove offending posts in order to conform to these rules.

Members have the right to contact an Administrator or Moderator privately to discuss a warning, ban or other moderatorial decision.

Any attempt to skirt a temporary or permanent ban will incur immediate permanent banning.

Other moderatorial actions

Moderators also have the responsibility to keep forum threads on topic and reserve the right to move, split, or merge topics, to move posts and to edit subject headers to promote harmony. Posts will not be edited unless they violate the forum rules, could be easily misunderstood due to serious typos, or at the member's request.

If Moderators judge that the thread as a whole has become inflammatory or otherwise inappropriate for this forum, they reserve the right to lock it temporarily or permanently, and to remove or edit offending posts or threads. Alternatively, if certain threads consistently provide welcome contributions, then Moderators may "pin them," meaning they will always appear at the top of the list for that forum.

Copyright violations

You MUST get the permission of the author, publisher, or website before posting the intellectual property of others. Generally, if someone's writing is paid for by another, e.g. a business company, news agency or publishing house, the company owns the copyright. Otherwise, the author owns the copyright. In either case, without permission from the company or author, you may not reproduce the piece of writing in full, but only selective quotations of two small paragraphs or up to 2 sentences from an AP or Reuter's news story along with a link or citation of a printed source so that readers can refer to the original source.

Encyclicals and synodal announcements are assumed to be public domain, but here also a link or citation must accompany the text.

Note that different sources have different copyright policies, and some allow copying of entire articles or large quotations, provided there is attribution (e.g. Wikipedia). It is the responsibility of the user to include the copyright policy with the rest of the text when copying large blocks; otherwise, the moderator will assume a copyright violation.

Language policy

Unless you are posting in one of the foreign language forums, please provide a translation for any non-English text in your post. Human translation is preferred, but machine translation is acceptable, e.g. Google Translate. Failure to comply with a request for a translation from a moderator will result in a warning.

Citation policy

A moderator may ask for a citation of some source to support an assertion of fact. Please comply with any such request to avoid getting a warning. Either bibliographical reference or a URL will suffice.

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Re: Forum Rules

Post by Maria »

Re: Copyright Laws

Here is some more helpful information. ... =29&t=9619

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Forum Rules

Post by Maria »

Rules amended to add:

- No links to personal blogs or websites that contain gossip or defamation. Please read the blog before posting it to insure that there is no gossip anywhere. News media speculation should be posted in the private political forum.

Several posts have had to be removed due to the horrific links they contained.
Please read the personal blog or website before quoting or linking it to our site.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.
