Harry Potter and the Dark Knight is the Antichrist

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Re: Harry Potter and the Dark Knight is the Antichrist

Post by Barbara »

Really good points, Cyprian. It's great to re-learn them by reading over your posts again.

Well, not everyone has been deceived by the Devil with regard to the evil tracts :

"[Fr.] Dan Reehil contacted exorcists in Rome and the US, who recommended removing the fantasy novels from St. Edward Catholic School's library in Tennessee.

"The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text," the [priest] said in an email obtained by local media.

Rebecca Hammel, the superintendent of schools for the Catholic Diocese of Nashville, told the newspaper The Tennessean that Reehil had "canonical authority to make such decisions."

Although the school used to stock the books, it will not offer them to pupils in its newly opened library, Hammel said.

...[ launched in 1997, the series ] has been repeatedly banned from schools in the US and Britain, mostly for allegedly promoting satanic values or black magic."

I will provide the link later, since my library computer shut off
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