Yet another awful experience with my mother.

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Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Justice »

I'm sorry to say another experience with my mother has happened. I still live with my mother (I plan to move out in five months) and I still haven't been to church in my life though Since I look at this forum my mother has been constantly looking over my shoulder. When I finally asked why she was doing this she said she wants to make sure the people on the forum aren't fanatic nut jobs! And to make things worse, she wants to get approval from a PASTOR to confirm that the people on this forum aren't crazy!! :x :x I don't think I've ever been more irritated at my mom in my whole life.

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Re: Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Maria »

Lord have mercy.

It might be best to obey your mother until you move out in order to keep the calm. Obey God first. In other words, do not deny Christ.

Do you have a job to support yourself? Are you moving in with friends, or are you going to attend college?

You can always use the computer at the library or perhaps when visiting a friend. Do you have any friends who are interested in Christianity, especially Orthodox Christianity?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Barbara »

Very sorry to hear that, Justice. I know what you mean very well. This is opposition from the Devil working through your mother, sad to say, to impede your progress in the Truth. I hate to say this, because we all revere family as sacred. But - the truth is, that these days, the Devil can pick on any discordant note in any member of the family and press on that chord until the person does or says what the Devil needs in order to drive YOU crazy. The Devil's hope is that you will be weak and pliable and give up your search for the Truth in True Orthodoxy. Many people would. But you are tougher than that, I can see.

You must DEFY the Devil by remaining firm and stating that it's preposterous to demand such a thing. Is this an Orthodox Priest or a Protestant pastor from whom she is insisting you get an endorsement ?

Of course, say what you have to say in a nice tone, not a demanding one. But realize that THIS is an example of spiritual warfare written about by the Fathers and St Theophan the Recluse. Never give in to the Devil. The Devil then tries to widen the foothold in your soul until you are owned lock stock and barrel by the Devil. If you succeed in this challenge, you will be needled again. But at least you will be on the victorious side as opposed to the 'cave-in' side.

You can ask the assistance of Archangel Michael and your own Holy Guardian Angel in this battle so as to be able to withstand this pressure, which can become intense.

See, here you are, being comforted in this and all battles by the Angel Guardian !

By the way, when I read about the lives of the Optina Elders, I note the common thread of opposition from either a family member, sometimes the mother in fact, or another figure, to their entering the monastery. If not that, then when they arrive at Optina, they are stuck in a highly unappealing place, like having to listen to wood being chopped right underneath where they are sleeping in a tower as happened to the future Elder Anatoly. See how there is ALWAYS this demonic opposition to any good endeavor ? It is usually described in Orthodox literature as a testing or purification of the soul. I feel it is an out-and-out fight by the Devil to hold back the good souls everywhere from accomplishing or finishing up what they need to in order to fulfill God's Holy Will.


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Re: Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Justice »

Thank you both for your empathetic responses, also I thank you for putting up with these encounters I post.

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Re: Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

You must DEFY the Devil by remaining firm and stating that it's preposterous to demand such a thing. Is this an Orthodox Priest or a Protestant pastor from whom she is insisting you get an endorsement

Its a Protestant Pastor.

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Re: Yet another awful experience with my mother.

Post by Barbara »

That's RIDICULOUS, then ! What else would a protestant pastor say except "These people have crazy ideas" ?
This is by no means a litmus test of any value. If your mother is living in such unreality, it means much of her advice is way off base. Just to advise you to NOT take her seriously.

Like Maria said, you might have to endure just a little longer. But it's a compelling reason to find an independent place to live so you aren't being bombarded with such negativity.

No problem at all : keep posting, Justice ! We all like your enthusiasm and good sense. I am happy you joined the forum !

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