MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

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MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

Speaking of naming of streets as an important bellweather of political leanings of a particular era, here is a street in Limassol, Cyprus taking on a highly unusual name.
This article adds to the one on which it was based by adding a quick fact that Met Nikodim, of poor memory, was widely believed to have been a KGB agent.

Operating under the code name of Adamant, Nikodim [Rotov] was notorious in the circles of the Russian Church Abroad and other anti-Communist quarters. His repose in September 1978 has done nothing to quiet the debate about his suspicious activities during his time holding the most powerful of positions in the Moscow Patriarchate after the title of Patriarch. Here I am suggesting that Nikodim may have been the more senior KGB agent, with Patriarch Pimen a figurehead.

"2018 marks 40 years from the repose of the well-known hierarch of the 20th century Metropolitan Nikodim of Leningrad and Novgorod. Representatives of the Russian-language parish of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Limassol, Cyprus addressed the municipal authorities with an initiative to rename in honor of Met. Nikodim the street on which their church is being built, reports the site of the Russian Orthodox Church...
As the head of the Department for External Church Relations, Met. Nikodim represented the Russian Church at a number of international inter-confessional meetings, and was named President of the World Council of Churches in 1975. Many have also suspected Met. Nikodim of being a KGB agent, propagating the image of Soviet peace and unity through his inter-Church work. He died in 1978 while in Rome for the installation of Pope John Paul I, who prayed over him in his final moments.
This is the world’s first street named in honor of Met. Nikodim. "

The article by the MP website says that the parish asked the civil authority for permission to name the street of their Church in honor of Met Nikodim [Rotov]. However, one can be absolutely sure that the parishioners were prompted by MP agents in their midst.
I can't imagine even Russian expatriates living in Limassol caring about a long-departed MP prelate. There is no mention of a visit by the suspicious prelate to Cyprus during his many travels doing the bidding of the USSR's dark rulers.
Why, if this request were authentic, would it not have been to rechristian their parish street for St John Maximovitch -- a real Saint ?

The parish priest is reported to have said

"Vladyka Nikodim was the Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations for many years, therefore it is highly symbolic that the street in his name should appear by one of our foreign parishes,” Fr. George noted.
“It’s difficult to overestimate the scale of his personality, of his many years of painstaking labors for the good of the Church, and in the name of Christian unity. His reverent attitude to Divine service is an example for us. Many of the principles which he laid down in regard to the service of God, we strive to implement in our parish,” Fr. George added"

Notice all the vague talk, always a red flag.

-- What reverent attitude to the Liturgy - ? Why did that of a top KGB agent surpass that of a stupendous Miracle Worker like St John of Shanghai and San Francisco, whose absorption in Church services was legendary ?

-- What principles did Met Nikodim lay down - ? Name ONE, Fr George !

-- How exactly does the St Nicholas Russian parish of Greek Cyprus copy these purported principles - ?

All empty talk, covering up - what ? The Priest having been forced to petition for the changing of a name of the Church's street to honor the much-decorated star KGB agent in cassock ? One can just see the multiplicity of shiny hammer and sickle emblems adorning his special service military uniform under the episcopal vestments when Nikodim was buried. Does this sound like 'the service of God', as Fr George insists ? Or the service of the Soviet Communists in their quest for world domination and subversion of the Western world ?

Of one thing which we can be sure : the Ayios Nikalaos Russian parish in Greek Cyprus is in the pocket the MP. No doubt, the walls are festooned with 'icons' of the usual clan promoted by the MP including Abp Luke of Simferopol, False Matrona of Moscow, and -- once canonized -- Met Sergius [Stragorodsky] and his later companion in spirit, Met Nikodim.

I have heard - maybe here on Euphrosynos Café - reports of icons of Met Nikodim in circulation. I found one today on the internet. The shocking thing won't copy over to be visible here : clearly that site is avoiding the inevitable ridicule.

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

If the already completed Church of St Andrew and All Russian Saints near Nicosia is any example, one might expect to see even worse than Matrona on the walls of the new St Nicholas Church.

Take a look at this tasteless painting from somewhere in the St Andrew Cathedral [ location not disclosed but seems to be an important place near a door]:


Belarussian tycoon Vyacheslav Adamovich Zarenkov hands model of this Church which he funded over to the local Cypriot Bishop of the area.
Looking on is the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades along with another Cypriot official. But what in the world is that miniskirted, sleeveless bloused woman on the far left doing in an 'icon' style painting ?
And her provocative stance with a come-hither wink ? Atrocious taste of the painter.
The other wife - presumably Andri, the wife of the current president ? - is not all that modestly attired either, with a tight, form-fitting dress. It's astonishing that this depiction could be placed in a major Cathedral, the 1st Russian Orthodox one to be built on Greek Cyprus.
[ At least the Russian benefactor's wife, Galina Zarenkova, is attired decently. ]

St Andrew the First-Called and All Russian Saints Cathedral, consecrated March 27, 2017, the day before its oligarch-patron's birthday. The new Church holds 400 people [ are there that many Russian expatriate Church-goers on the island - ? ].
The gold and gold-titanium-covered domes were produced in St Petersburg and flown in. The central dome alone weighs 8 tons.
Glad THAT aircraft did not skid off the runway!

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

Back to Met Nikodim [ that name strikes a terrible note by itself ! ] -
I was searching for photos to illustrate the 1st post on this thread. Strangely, I found very few.
Most were from John Sanidopoulos and therefore untransferable.

I had a choice of one where the Met of L. and Novgorod is standing with an archbishop of canterbury. Or, a relative closeup seemingly dug up from archives and presented by the OrthoChristian site. It is quite unflattering, even though the team there must have aimed to portray the powerful MP 'player' - to use a modern pop term - as favorably as possible given his sorry reputation. Without klobouk or mitre, Nikodim looks alarming. Which we can deduce is a tipoff that the famous MP spokesman in the World Council of Churches was not a real clergyman. After all, he was consecrated at the age of 31, and thus became the world's youngest bishop of that time. Suspicious indeed in that era.

Could most of Nikodim's photos been removed from the internet by some Russian agency ? If so, why ? Was he so high ranking an operative that his features must not be known, even now, the proverbial Biblical 40 years after his repose - !?

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

Quick sidebar here :

Current Greek Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades may or may not hold this office after tomorrow's election.

The 71-year old leader of the Democratic Rally Party, described as right wing, faces 8 candidates, strongest of whom is slated to be a 50 year old former government official previously the candidate of the Communist Party AKEL [ Progressive Party of Working People - doesn't this sound like the USSR ? Surely the Cypriot party was founded by Soviet operatives ]. Now this candidate calls himself independent but is still supported by the same AKEL :

Stavros Malas, who the incumbent president defeated in a 2nd round run off in the prior election of 2013.
Notice the odd HALO shape, or half-halo shape this suspicious person has employed in his ad campaign. Is it to counterract the increasing profile of the Orthodox Church, now furthered by the MP's new Russian Cathedral of St Andrew and the St Nicholas Church being built ?
Not able to read Greek, I assume it's the candidate's name which is displayed in large letters tucked inside the halo, increasing the egocentric quality of Malas' presentation of himself to voters. Aren't Communists or quasi-Communists always believers in human abilities rather than praying for God's intervention in life - ?

Let's pray that Stavros Malas with the fake halo LOSES !

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

As predicted, the runoff between the 2 candidates mentioned above takes place tomorrow, Feb 4, the Sunday of the New Martyrs.

Map showing the principal cities of Greek [southern ] and Turkish Cyprus with a green line of demarcation.

Soon, however, the former British Cyprus [ up to 1960 ], divided in 1974 into Greek and Turkish Cyprus, may be dubbed Russian Cyprus. 40,000 Russians now live in the southern part of the island, with 3/4 of these in Limassol. Hence the construction of the new St Nicholas Cathedral there. Russians figure as the 2nd highest number of visitors to Greek Cyprus.
Whereas Russians and members of the former Soviet annexed territories have fled Europe in the face of animosity - 150,000 left European countries in 2016 alone in a little-known exodus - in Orthodox Cyprus, they and their money are welcomed.

But will they take over the southern section of this unstable island, one wonders ? Will there be a Russian candidate in the 2023 presidential election ? Will there be an 'icon' of "st" Nikodim [Rotov] painted into the St Nicholas Cathedral by then ?
Time will tell the answer to all of these !

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Maria »


As we prepare for Great Lent, may you be blessed.

This political topic must be placed into the private Political forum.

Thus, I have moved it there.

In Christ,

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: MP MetNikodim has street named for in Greek Cyprus

Post by Barbara »

I was looking all over trying to find it.

"In the seaside city of Limassol -- the main magnet for those coming to Greek Cyprus from the former Soviet Union -- posters promote concerts by Russian stars while adverts in Cyrillic offer elite flats. Money from the former Soviet region has helped spark a mini-building boom, and the number of new arrivals just keeps on rising." -- article cited below.
This explains why the new Cathedral should have been situated in Limassol, where estimated 16,000 Russians and members of former Soviet satellite nations live.

Here is better background on why and how the Russians came to 'infiltrate' the southern part of the island.
While of course many expatriates are everyday people looking for a retirement ground in a warm climate, I have for many years read that huge amounts of Russian money laundering is done thru Greek Cyprus. In fact the name Cyprus became almost synonymous with shady dealings by businessmen from the USSR wanting to find shelters to hide their large amounts of money.

This rare objective article sheds further light on this touchy subject. One can not find even a hint of this frank discussion in the Greek or Cypriot press as the latter country's interests are so obviously tied in with receipt of largesse from Moscow.

The article from the Turkish press discusses a new Russian political party, described as centrist, which is getting off the ground for next year's European Parliament election. Points were raised by the reporter as to whether Russians want to influence the Cypriot political scene. The interviewee, Ego o Politis [ I the citizen ] party President Alexei Voloboev, insists that his interests are to build up Cyprus as a modern nation. He and the party's Vice President, Ivan Mikhnevich, a former IT businessman from Belarus, insist they do not care about advancing the interests of the RF. A decade-long Cypriot citizen, Voloboev, a former oil trader from Moscow of about 45 years of age, claims he is focused on improving his new state.

"In 2011, as the Cypriot economy floundered, the Kremlin handed Nicosia a crucial 2.5-billion-euro lifeline that Cyprus is still paying back.

The Russian-speaking community has flourished on the island since businessmen from the former Soviet Union began using the country’s lax banking system to park their money in the mid-1990s. Since then it has undergone a shift as the community has settled more permanently on the island.

A brutal financial crisis in 2013 saw many lose money as the government imposed a haircut on accounts at two of the country’s largest banks. But since then the numbers have only grown as tax incentives have lured IT firms from the former Soviet Union, and a fast-track cash-for-investment scheme has drawn wealthy Russian speakers." ... ity-126277

Last edited by Barbara on Sun 11 February 2018 11:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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