Vermont legalizes marijuana

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Vermont legalizes marijuana

Post by Justice »

Vermont has become the ninth state to legalize marijuana in the United States. Though this legalization is different as it was passed by legislation a first in the country’s history.

Link: ... 560f96d3ab

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Re: Vermont legalizes marijuana

Post by Barbara »

Terrible !

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Re: Vermont legalizes marijuana

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

Terrible !

Agreed. Sadly I fear more are to follow this example.

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Re: Vermont legalizes marijuana

Post by Barbara »

That's what I was thinking too - but feared to say. I am SURE there is a decades-long conspiracy running to legalize this noxious and repulsive thing. We are only seeing this stage where the movement is gathering more and more support. The plot has been hatching for probably 40 years to ruin the people here and make them not care about anything at all so that evil people can more easily implement OTHER of their diabolical schemes, don't you think ?

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Re: Vermont legalizes marijuana

Post by Maria »

Yes, the entire issue concerning marijuana is a conspiracy of the worst sorts. Not only is the CIA involved in this ungodly conspiracy, but most likely foul agents from the FBI, who protect certain commercial growers from prosecution while imprisoning the little guys who compete with these mafia types.

Here is a plant, created by God, created to be used for good, but like most things on earth, it can also be used for evil. Likewise, people can be allergic to the aromatic oils, tea leaves, seeds, and smoke from burning hemp. I am seriously allergic to it.

The good:
(1) The stems from hemp can be made into strong ropes and nets. Most likely this hemp was used by the Twelve Apostles to make their strong fishing nets to secure their catch of fish. Rope makers used hemp to make strong ropes to secure anchors and to tie off their boats on the shore. Unfortunately, ropes were also used as torture instruments and to secure prisoners.

(2) Hemp is the source of our burlap bags used by farmers and gardeners. Burlap is very expensive in the stores because it is currently a controlled substance due to international laws that regulate the production of hemp.

(3) Hemp leaves can be made into a medicinal tea. Essential oils from medicinal hemp leaves can not only cure certain brain cancer and other cancers, but also can cure many other diseases thought to be incurable.

(4) The hemp plants that God created before man tampered with it, were great as animal fodder, especially for feeding pigs.

(5) Hemp seeds are very nutritious, rich in Omega 3s and other oils. Ground seeds can be used to make excellent protein drink, rich in amino acids. Hemp seeds are also a very nutritious source of protein for enriching animal feed.

The bad:
(1) Marijuana has undergone selective breeding to produce dangerous hallucinogenic varieties that people smoke to become "high" and intoxicated. In the process of farming, illegal marijuana farmers armed with guns have seized land in the suburbs and in the forest to breed these dangerous varieties. Our own land in Northern California has been adversely occupied by such criminals, and there is nothing we can do about it.

(2) The early hemp plants, before man engaged in selective breeding programs, were low in THC. Now companies like Monsanto are genetically engineering and breeding varieties that will produce higher amounts of this active ingredient and do more harm than good, as these varieties will be used by the pharmaceutical companies to develop alternatives for deadly opiods. If Monsanto and other companies succeed in this breeding program, then they will try to outlaw the untampered GMO-free organic varieties, which God created for our good. This is the real danger, and this is the real reason for the push to legalize marijuana.
cf: ... 113538.htm

(3) Commercial farmers of marijuana (read Mafia, CIA, etc.) are using highly toxic insecticides and pesticides in their production of marijuana. These legalized criminals are also working with Monsanto to produce GMO varieties that are supposedly more resistant to insects and weeds. However, the real reason why Monsanto is producing these GMO varieties is to take over the organic foods which God created and then outlaw these organic foods so that we will be forced to eat their ungodly GMO produce. This means that our availability of foods will be severely limited. Certainly, this restriction in our choice of foods is part of the plan of the New World Order who wants to bring on the AntiChrist.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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