"Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

Orthodox in Michigan, what sort of subversive groups did you have in mind here ?-

And yes, you are actually right: he does have a trademark expression. I might call it a smirk, but there is something unusual about his habitual look when exposing things.

Or maybe it is between a sneer and a smirk ... still, it's good to work on defining this.

Brother Nathanael could have had a stroke or he could have suffered from a viral infection that affects the facial nerves.


We should be careful about judging people for their "smirks" or "sneers" as it may be health related, especially if it is seen very frequently.

On the other hand, and getting back to politics, certain Obama and Clinton-era political FBI agents who have been implicated in wrong doing, such as Peter Strzok, not only have an occasional sneer or look of prideful disdain, but also have an occasional demonic look with the lower whites of their eyes showing absolute hatred and murderous rage. He is one person I would avoid at all costs. I am glad that he was fired and I hope that his security clearance is removed. It is about time that all of those ex-officials who previously worked for Bush, Clinton, and Obama have their lucrative security clearances removed.

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Barbara »

I didn't mean it in a negative way, actually. I am mostly a fan of Brother Nathanael and the things that aren't quite so good, I tolerate because he is exposing so many dangers. That takes REAL courage, not the fake kind extolled by the pop culture of today which praises people for "daring to" admit some awful sin in front of the world.

I am saying that lightly, not at all critically. I certainly HOPE he did NOT have a stroke nor any virus which would continue to debilitate his system. We need him strong and fit to keep up the fight. Hardly anyone else is doing this, and certainly not in the Orthodox world. It's too bad more Orthodox don't speak out in his favor, in fact.

So it's only an objective observation, nothing more. I hope he stays healthy and does not suffer adrenal fatigue from so much traveling. I remember reading where he complained about deep exhaustion after some 'evangelization trips'. That is an indicator of adrenal fatigue. If he takes the proper herbs, he can overcome that.

About that official, that sounds really scary to me. Shiver, shiver ! Certainly the devil is in Peter, perhaps fully occupies his body. Eww !! As often with such people who permit this occupation by the dark, the demons hide themselves when the cameras are rolling. But the devil pops out at unexpected moments in order to terrorize more effectively those around the subject person.

Last edited by Maria on Sun 26 August 2018 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: edited per Barbara's request
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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Barbara »

That was a typo above when I wrote "A.as". I was at the library and not concentrating fully.

What was lucrative about the security clearances, Orthodox in Michigan ? Did these people earn extra money because of holding a certain level of clearance ?

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Maria »

Barbara wrote:

That was a typo above when I wrote "A.as". I was at the library and not concentrating fully.

What was lucrative about the security clearances, Orthodox in Michigan ? Did these people earn extra money because of holding a certain level of clearance ?

This board is getting slow.

I will edit your post for you, Barbara.

Yes, and about those security clearances. Technically, these people who are fired or retired should get their security clearances and their security updates revoked. When they get hired by Boeing or another Military-Industrial-Chemical complex operation, those security clearances are invaluable to the companies, so they get extra pay incentives. It is very lucrative, and in a sense, we the tax-payers are paying for their increased salaries.

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Barbara »

That's VERY interesting indeed. Of course, so many of these people go on to the unsavory 'contractors' who supply the materiel and personnel for irregular warfare in VERY WRONG CAUSES. So that's even more of a big deal for the new hires to boast Top Secret or other security clearances. Boeing would be a tame employer in comparison with all the many offshoots of Blackwater/Xe which sprung up as a result of the bad wars generated by the same old suspects who manipuluate everything in this society and economy.

Thanks for explaining that and correcting the typo !

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by Barbara »

Brother Nathanael is filmed venerating the entire relics of St John Maximovitch for the Saint's 25th anniversary of canonization.
He prostrates, but does not touch his head to the ground, then walks up on his knees to the reliquary, venerates St John 3 times, backs off into another 2 or so prostrations, again of what look to be incomplete. The laity all touch their heads to the ground ; one monastic after Brother Nathanael follows the same style as the latter. So if anyone know whether this is protocol for monastics to not put their klobouks on the ground, please inform me !

A picture of the famously outspoken novice was taken with someone named David Lee. Here we can see that Brother Nathanael STILL does not have the [thin red] cross on his headcovering adjusted well.

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Re: "Brother" Nathanael Kapner and ROCOR-MP. Is he being controlled?

Post by eish »

I should mention, since it comes up quite regularly, that Fr. Nathanael was tonsured a monk long ago and, yes, he is in ROCOR-MP and his bishop does know what he is doing. There is a letter from the bishop right up there on his website. For some reason stories keep going around that he isn't a real monk or that he was kicked out. As for "Brother," it's an old title that stuck with his online show.

Now what is interesting is that he used to be with a Greek Old Calendar group. He mentions this in a recent discussion with Dr. EM Jones. Does anyone know what happened? Did Fr. Nathanael simply end up under the MP by going to pre-union ROCOR (presumably from the HSIR) and following his bishops, or did he intentionally decide that True Orthodoxy was not for him?

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