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Sacrilege - Novus Ordo Mass has gone to the dogs

Posted: Fri 25 January 2019 1:31 pm
by Maria


The altar dogs of Texas

A new extravagant way of desecrating the Mass has been introduced into progressivist churches: the altar dog. An experiment is now being made in Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in the city of Mission, Texas. It has also been introduced Our Lady of the Holy Cross Church in Baden, Missouri.

In Mission, the one responsible for this new outrage is Fr. Ray Snipers. From his 13 dogs, he selects four or five to accompany him during his Masses, confessions and other priestly duties. He dresses them in a kind of vestment to emphasize that he actually sees them as acolytes. In Baden, it is Fr. Donald Buhr who is accompanied by his one dog as he says the Mass and hears confessions.

Above left, you see Fr. Snipers giving Communion and, at right, delivering his homily at the New Year's Mass with a dog at his side. Below, first row, he incenses the altar while several dogs lay at its feet. Last row, as he leaves the altar after Sunday Mass, instead of being escorted by altar boys, which is the tradition in the Church, Fr. Sniper is surrounded by several dogs. ...


To read the entire article, please visit: ... 3-Dogs.htm

Re: Sacrilege - Novus Ordo Mass has gone to the dogs

Posted: Fri 25 January 2019 2:22 pm
by Orthodox in Michigan

Do not scrool down and click some of the other pics on the bottom link showing the cabaret in poland mass.

Re: Sacrilege - Novus Ordo Mass has gone to the dogs

Posted: Sat 26 January 2019 12:44 am
by Barbara

Thanks for the warning, Orthodox in Michigan : I suddenly thought of that TIA website this evening out of the blue, but felt not to look there.
A good decision, I see !
That's astounding what Maria posted. Even the vestments of the multi-dogged priest look phony with that - tie dyed ? Southwest Native American scapular ? Then look at that 'altar cloth'. So tacky and ugly !

But the nightmare of dressing the canines in quasi-vestments, plus the recessional with dogs on leashes take the breath away.

Perhaps it's a gimmick to get attention in the media and to attract parishioners ? I didn't click on the article yet. My sleep would suffer.

I hope these priests are being disciplined for wildly inappropriate conduct celebrating Mass - not least, showing off like teenage boys. Look at that grin, which is not the facial expression of any Catholic priest down through the ages. At least not according to tradition, where a visage of solemn concentration is most common.

Then, the NAME : Fr Snipers - ?? Hardly encouraging sounding.

How many St Ray's fill the Feast Day calendars ? I don't think ANY, at least not the way that this American men's 1st name is used here. Just another concession to the pop mentality of regarding clergy as 'just like everyone else'. American Catholic clergymen MUST BE folksy like these 2 examples in the article are to an extreme. If not, priests risk - Heaven forbid ! - seeing their popularity ebb away.

Re: Sacrilege - Novus Ordo Mass has gone to the dogs

Posted: Wed 24 April 2019 11:40 pm
by Madison Grant

That an Alter Christus does such a thing is bad enough, but just look at those crowds, they really are happy about it.

Nothing that bothers the TradCats seems to bother the mainstream Roman Catholics.

Re: Sacrilege - Novus Ordo Mass has gone to the dogs

Posted: Thu 27 June 2019 10:49 pm
by Orthodox in Michigan

This is a eye opening video at the surprising changes happening to the mass.