Repose of Met Chrysostomos of Etna

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Repose of Met Chrysostomos of Etna

Post by Barbara »

"February 19, 2019:

The Repose of the Most Reverend Chrysostomos,
Metropolitan Emeritus of Etna

On Satur­day, Fe­bru­ary 3, 2019 (O.S.), the Most Rev­erend Chrysos­to­mos, Metropoli­tan Emer­i­tus of Et­na, re­posed in the Lord, from com­pli­ca­tions of a long bout with heart dis­ease.

His fu­ner­al ser­vice and buri­al took place on Tues­day morn­ing, Fe­bru­ary 6 (O.S.), at the Saint Gre­go­ry Pala­mas Monastery in Et­na, Cal­i­for­nia, ac­cord­ing to the Monas­tic Typikon, which was in ac­cor­dance with his wish­es. The Most Rev­erend Aux­en­tios, Bish­op of Et­na and Port­land, presid­ed over the ser­vice, and the Ab­bot of the Monastery, Hegu­men Akakios, and the cler­gy of his Brother­hood took part, along with a small num­ber of the de­part­ed Hier­ar­ch’s spir­i­tu­al chil­dren.

The Most Rev­erend Chrysos­to­mos, Metropoli­tan Emer­i­tus of Et­na (in the world, A.E.J. González de Itur­ria­ga Alex­opou­los), was born in Cal­i­for­nia in the year 1943.

He was an aca­dem­ic, with de­grees in his­to­ry, Ortho­dox stud­ies, and psy­chol­o­gy from the Univer­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, the Cen­ter for Tra­di­tion­al­ist Ortho­dox Stud­ies, and Prince­ton Univer­si­ty. He taught at var­i­ous uni­ver­si­ties in­clud­ing Prince­ton, the Univer­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at River­side, and Ash­land Univer­si­ty. He held a spe­cial ap­point­ment at the The­o­log­i­cal In­sti­tute of Upp­sala Univer­si­ty in Swe­den and served as a Visit­ing Schol­ar at the Har­vard Divin­i­ty School, Ox­ford Univer­si­ty, and the Univer­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton. He al­so was a Ful­bright Schol­ar dur­ing the aca­dem­ic year 2000–2001, teach­ing at three in­sti­tu­tions in Ro­ma­nia.

To­geth­er with Bish­op Aux­en­tios, he was the co-founder of the Saint Gre­go­ry Pala­mas Monastery in Et­na, Cal­i­for­nia, and he au­thored many books and ar­ti­cles in var­i­ous schol­ar­ly jour­nals and mag­a­zines. He served as Se­nior Re­search Schol­ar at the Cen­ter for Tra­di­tion­al Ortho­dox Stud­ies in Et­na and as a Pro­fes­sor at the Saint Pho­tios Ortho­dox The­o­log­i­cal Sem­i­nary in the same city.

He was or­dained a Dea­con and then a Pri­est in 1976 by the Most Rev­erend Akakios, Metropoli­tan of Mon­tréal of the Church of the G.O.C. He was con­se­crat­ed a Bish­op on Jan­uary 8, 1986 (O.S.), with the ti­tle of “Bish­op of Oreoi,” by the Most Rev­erend Cypri­an, Metropoli­tan of Oro­pos and Phyle (+2013). He was en­throned as Bish­op of Et­na in May of 1989, and in Oc­to­ber of 1995 was award­ed the ti­tle of “Arch­bish­op.”

On March 5, 2014 (O.S.), he was elect­ed by the Holy Syn­od of the Church of the Gen­uine Ortho­dox Chris­tians of Greece as Metropoli­tan of the Metropo­lis of Et­na, Cal­i­for­nia. On Septem­ber 5, 2014 (O.S.), his pe­ti­tion to be num­bered among the re­tired Hier­ar­chs of the Holy Syn­od, for se­ri­ous health rea­sons, was ac­cept­ed, tak­ing ef­fect on De­cem­ber 19, 2014 (O.S.)."
GOC main site carried the same article : ... us-of-etna

I wonder how the last name Alexopoulos came to Met Chrysostomos ? We know he was of Catalan descent which accounts for the rest of his names. Anyone have any clue from where his Greek last name derived ?

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