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Post by Barbara »

I will return to shorten this

"Born just 68 years ago, Israel has developed a reputation as one of the world's most innovative tech hubs. Silicon Valley multinationals in particular have cottoned on, setting up offices in the region and acquiring numerous Israeli startups.
Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Intel are among more than 300 multinationals that have opened up research-and-development facilities in the country, which is home to just 9 million people.
But what is it that makes Israel such a hotbed of innovation? Executives from each of the aforementioned US tech giants gave an audience of about 300 tech workers an insight during the DLD Innovation conference in Tel Aviv last week.

Google's garage in the Middle East

Google developer partner advocate Don Dodge said: "My job at Google is to travel all over the world and talk to developers and startups and investors. I've been to every corner of the earth. China, Japan, Australia, all of Europe, the Nordics, everywhere. There is no other country on earth that thinks the same way that we [Google] do like Israel does.
"Israel truly is the 'Startup Nation.'...
Google, headquartered in Mountain View, California, first opened an office in Israel back in 2006, when the search giant was still something of a startup at just five years old.

Google now employs more than 600 engineers in the country, and they work on several of Google's core products, including Search, Maps, and Live Results. About half of Google's engineers in Israel are graduates of Tel Aviv University, Dodge said. "There's an amazing source of talent here," he said.

Dodge said cheaper engineers in places like Russia, India, and China were often not as good: "It's about innovation, creativity, taking tremendous risks, understanding how to get to market. That's what Israel does. It's not about the cost."
Google also has a dedicated startup space in Tel Aviv known as "Campus," which provides entrepreneurs with a place to start and grow their businesses.
When an Israeli startup gets Google's attention, Google will move in and try to acquire it, drawing on the talent and expertise in that startup for future products and services. For example, it acquired the Israeli security startup SlickLogin, reportedly with the view to integrate its technology into its two-step verification process.
"We've made a lot of investments in companies in Israel and we've acquired five of them," Dodge said. "Waze was the biggest at over $1 billion, and it was a great investment."
Facebook focuses on the flip-flops
Adi Soffer Teeni, the CEO of Facebook Israel, said the Palo Alto, California-based company first landed in Israel three years ago and now has a "small" R&D team in the country, in addition to a team that works directly with entrepreneurs in the local tech ecosystem.

She said Facebook's engineering team in Israel recently played a key role on one of Facebook's most recent products, without naming exactly what that product was.
When the moderator asked what made Israel such a unique place to do R&D, Teeni responded: "There's amazing talent here. Multinationals come here with great R&D centres and recruit people with a very innovative way of thinking."
Teeni also stressed that the mentality and culture at Facebook's R&D centre in Israel was comparable to Facebook's R&D facilities in Silicon Valley, where engineers "move fast and break things" while wearing "shorts and flip-flops."
"Something is happening here in Israel," she said. "There's a magic and it's not easy to explain what it is, but Israel's a playground where it feels like home for the multinational."
Teeni also issued a warning to those working in Israel's well-established tech industry, saying other so-called startup nations were cropping up across Europe, perhaps referring to tech hubs such as London, Berlin, Stockholm, and Paris. She urged Israeli startups and engineers to get serious and focus on maturing their companies to stay ahead of the pack...
Zack Weisfeld, the general manager of Microsoft Global Accelerators, said Microsoft had grown its R&D team in Israel to about 1,000 people since it opened up its first office in the country 25 years ago. "It's the first R&D centre we opened anywhere in the world outside of Redmond," he said.
Weisfeld told Business Insider during an interview that a lot of "deep tech" was happening in Israel, adding that Microsoft was keen to work with the startups — and possibly acquire some — that are leading the way in fields such as artificial intelligence.
"Most of the founders we see [in Israel] come deeply from the tech world and don't come from the business world trying to solve a problem and then finding a technical cofounder," he said. "They really have a lot of IP (intellectual property) in the space and now they're putting it to play in all categories: agriculture, robots, health."
Weisfeld added: "There is something about the culture, and something about the market understanding and business understanding that might be a little more rough [among Israeli startups] at the beginning, but at the end of the day, and if you get them to the right place, they're unstoppable."

Some of the others

The likes of Amazon and Apple are also developing new technologies in Israel R&D centres, albeit a bit more quietly...." ... rd-2016-10

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Re: Alarming

Post by Barbara »

Sorry, I missed the ticking clock on editing posts here.
I cut out a little of the fluff, but there's a lot more that could be excised.

Also was going to modify the thread's title. A frightening picture, certainly.
This article was from 2016 - what about the situation today ? Probably these companies are far MORE entrenched than at that time.

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SiliconValley billionaires out to destroy educational system

Post by Barbara »

Marc Benioff and wife Lynne purchased that important publication for influencing the world, Time Magazine last September. Watch out everyone !By Susan Lee – Teacher

The famous self-promoting billionaires of Silicon Valley (Marc Benioff, Reed Hastings, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg (read The Ultimate Fake Person), Larry Page, John Doerr, etc.) have set out to tell children what to think and which political party to join.


The billionaires say they are “philanthropists.” Experts say they are “delusional versions of technology Hitler’s…”

Some experienced teachers said it was preposterous to think that algorithms could be better than skilled teachers at adapting to students’ abilities. “What you are seeing right now is a heavy push to disrupt and diminish the role of teachers as experts,” said Arienne Adamcikova, a high school teacher in San Mateo, Calif.

A report from Harvard University’s Center for Education Policy Research concluded that if those students had more effective teachers even without the technology, “then we might be falsely attributing” student achievement gains “to the software, rather than to the teacher.”

The billionaire’s “school’s” got the comment: “It looks more like a Google or a Facebook than a school,” said Diane Tavenner, chief executive of Summit Public Schools, a nonprofit charter-school network that runs the school. Google and Facebook are widely acknowledged to be Silicon Valley brain-washing and propaganda operations to steer the public towards the kind of profiteering that the DNC hordes.

Mr. Zuckerberg recently told a major academic audience. “Giving a billion students a personalized education is a great thing to do.” What he really means is the McDonald’s playgrounds-at-burger-joints concept of “Get ’em while they are young and you can addict them for life”.

These billionaires live in glass bubbles in which they all read the same media, share the same call girls and rent boys, go to the same parties and travel on private jets. They self-delude together into believing that robots and rocket ships are the key to the future.

Every single one of them has pitched the same child brain capture plan to the CIA and NSA and received millions of dollars in contracts from those firms. The robots they want to create tomorrow are your children today.

They are using their Algorithm’s to seek to turn your children into brain-dead automatons ....They should be banned from having any involvement in the education system.

Even if a couple of these guys are not delusional sociopath billionaires, they are, at least programmers. Programmers generally live in basements, grow neck-beards, are incapable of understanding society and can only see the world as zero’s and one’s. These kinds of people are the least qualified to craft young children into adults.

Imagine a future of fat, neck-beard herds, thundering across the plains of middle America like cattle, glaze-eyed wandering the land looking for a keyboard!

Mark Zuckerberg claims that he had no idea that the CIA and NSA get copies of everything a person does on Facebook. He claims that he had no idea that Facebook spies on everything you do. He clams that he is not Pro-Muslim and that Facebook does not rig elections for the candidates that he gives billions of dollars to.

OK, let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, for discussion sake.

Even if he did not know all of that was going on, he has proven every day that his world is viewed through a warped lens of twisted Silicon Valley sex, political bribery and a hatred of half of the population of the United States. Thus, you have to ask, should he be allowed any where near our kids with his software?

The most dangerous thing society can do is turn its education system over to the software and the perverse agenda’s of Marc Benioff, Reed Hastings, Eric Schmidt, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page, John Doerr and the deviants of Silicon Valley! ... ociety.pdf


Time to get the kids into private schools like St John's Academy in San Francisco and other similar Church schools !
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