Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Wed 27 March 2024 10:31 pm

I bet she erased a lot of this material from earlier once her name hit the "Anti-Orthodox Liberal-Left Top 40" list.

It has been my experience that subversives do the opposite. They claim credentials for [TARGET GROUP] based on any tenuous association, such as having technically been baptised as babies while never actually attending church, and on this basis insist that their ludicrous claims are valid opinions in [TARGET GROUP] requiring "dialogue." Think of all the "Orthodox" sodomy promotion groups composed of non-Christian sodomites who call themselves "Orthodox" purely for the media. Think also of how ecumenist heretics write up long essays quoting fathers throughout history on both sides of the issue and "proving" that there is so much room for interpretation and economy, where literally none of the quotes on one side* come from saints. I can see why she would hide it if her husband were deposed, or perhaps even if they were divorced. Something like that. If he were a deacon of the OCA I would expect her to shout it from the rooftops.

Hence why I think there is more to this story than we know. Or perhaps I just don't comprehend the left-liberal mind. Either way, the silence of her bishop if she has one--or of the WO bishops local to her area if she does not--is  most disturbing.

* Figuring out which side is left as an exercise to the interested reader.

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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by Barbara »

Brilliant, eish !
You are putting the pieces of the puzzle together so well !
I didn't know that the groups rely on essentially non-Christian, non-Orthodox "activists" - don't you hate that word ?- to make a hue and cry about some non-topic which has nothing whatsoever to do with them. Great to get this insight.

Further, you have perceptively figured out what may be really the truth behind the scenes !
It was only mentioned in passing somewhere about the husband as a deacon or possibly only a subdeacon.
Perhaps his ecclesiastical career WAS abruptly ended. I never thought of that.
The impression one gets from her writing in the book is that her husband, [forgotten the 1st name if it was ever specified] Swartz, [IF still married, yes] is a spineless creature, entirely subservient to Sarah Riccardi, having little personality of his own.

Maybe we could check the OCA's list of clergy for the Boston area.
Unless the OCA bishop there is the same as Archbishop Alexander, the outspoken liberal OCA bishop of Dallas and the South, surely he must be discomfited if not outraged by her aggressive far-left stances [on the Orthodox spectrum] - good point, eish !!
  Would anybody be offended if I wrote that there MIGHT BE some upheaval in Sarah's family life which caused her to put on quite some weight in a short time ? Her appearance changed drastically. She used to LOOK like Ms. Innocent.
No longer.

You are right : surely she would have trotted out that information to add legitimacy to her facade as "expert analyst on Russian Orthodoxy". There was NEVER any public mention of how she found Orthodoxy, what parish she began attending, etc.


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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by eish »

Barbara wrote: Thu 28 March 2024 11:10 pm

I didn't know that the groups rely on essentially non-Christian, non-Orthodox "activists" - don't you hate that word ?- to make a hue and cry about some non-topic which has nothing whatsoever to do with them. Great to get this insight.


I do not mean to imply that the pathetic credentials of activists are not real, only that they do not make them Orthodox nor Christian in a broad sense. What I mean is that if a sodomite shows up for a hell-parade to taunt the faithful with a six-coloured rainbow "icon," then the fact of him being baptised as a baby (very likely in traditionally Orthodox countries) does not give him the right to call himself an Orthodox Christian who deserves a seat at the table for "discussion."

This is what they do everywhere in every organisation which they subvert. Take as a different example the Jews who "convert" to protestant sects, go for the leadership positions, and make it all about zionism. Those are not Christians, not even protestants, is what I am saying. Same for rainbow activists, child sacrifice activists, race activists, etc.

Edit: Now I really do like what you are implyiing about the OCA bishop needing investigation. I did not check whether she gave her location precisely enough to identify a bishop (but I sort-of assumed it given that academics have locations). You know the relevant bishop. Therefore he would need to have his feet held to the fire for tolerating such in his diocese. The fact that neither his synod nor his parishioners do so, even if only to request a statement that she is not a member, is troubling.

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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by Barbara »

No, I know zero about these various types of activists, actually. [I'm SURE i'd rather NOT know what the 2nd type is.]
I'm glad you are informing us what the scene is REALLY like.
I had NO IDEA that this Jewish infiltration of Protestant sects is taking place, either ! That is unbelievable - but yet, it explains SO MUCH. Like you said, why they are advocating Zionism, some of them. But MUCH ELSE, too, is being tampered with, I am sure. So it's a deliberate undercover operation, right ? The infiltrators are not Protestant, just themselves on their "agent of influence" missions ?


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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by Barbara »

I looked into Sarah Amy Riccardi and her husband a bit today. I had been meaning to, but yesterday's discussion motivated me to pursue whatever I could find.

I remembered when I came across the name that it is Jeremy. He's 41, she is 39. But it looks like - though these websites are probably not right half the time - he lives in Spring, Texas, where she resides in Boston.

Possibly where I remembered the deacon/subdeacon title from was this article from the Rocor-MP Eastern Diocese site.
However ! Look out for her deception oozing out of every line as far as diverting attention away from her real intent and the reason for her acute interest in the Holy Cross Monastery and adjoining parish.

Notice what comparatively innocuous-sounding "stories here" that Sarah Riccardi put forward as the reason for her interest. And, how she focuses on positive benefits of the Monastery to the West Virginia community when speaking to the audience.

But which of these actually appeared in her book ? I don't remember her showering praise on Holy Cross monks for finding jobs for locals ! Instead, it was endless boring discussion of the 'demographics' of who composed the brotherhood.
At the end, she nearly gloated at listing the complaints of a small number of former monks who had left the monastery.

On Saturday, October 21, a documentary on Damascene Gallery, the icon business of Priest Jonah Campbell, rector of Christ the Savior Church in Wayne, WV, had its U.S. premier at the American Museum of Natural History’s 2017 Margaret Mead Film Festival. The 16-minute documentary, entitled "Pixelating Holiness," is the work of Sarah Riccardi-Swartz, a Ph.D. candidate in Sociocultural Anthropology at New York University...

Ms. Riccardi-Swartz’s work focuses on the "relationship(s) among ethno-religious identity and materiality in Eastern Orthodoxy in the United States." According to her, the goal of "Pixelating Holiness" is to "activate viewers to think critically about the ever-evolving relationship between media and religion" by focusing on Fr. Jonah’s efforts to create high-quality digital reproductions of traditionally-painted icons and murals, while highlighting what it might mean for the growing Orthodox Christian community of Appalachia. The film features an interview with Fr. Jonah overlaid with scenes of icon production at the shop, and a presentation of the veneration of icons both within the church and at home, focusing on Christ the Savior Church and Fr. Jonah’s homestead respectively. The documentary is set to the æthereal hymnody sung by the brethren of the neighboring Holy Cross Monastery.

A Question & Answer session followed the premier, during which Ms. Riccardi-Swartz recalled how the documentary came to be: "I was interested in this community for my long-term research, because I think it’s just a fascinating area: the monastery that I’m also working on, which is associated with the parish that Fr. Jonah is in charge of, is the largest English-speaking Russian Orthodox monastery in the world. So, these are all male converts to Russian Orthodoxy who are English-speaking, under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church [Outside of Russia], which is a huge deal… So I sat down two years ago with Fr. Jonah, I had coffee at his house, and I knew instantly that that was the place where I needed to spend my time. There’s a story here: it’s about transnationalism, it’s about politics, it’s about regionalism, it’s more than just the material culture of his shop. There’s something here that’s bubbling to the surface that we see happening…"

Among the audience were the niece and assistant of Baroness Adé Béthune, a liturgical artist associated with Catholic “Servant of God” Dorothy Day and The Catholic Worker; and Professor Nadieszda Kizenko, Chair of the Department of History of the State University of New York at Albany. Of the documentary, Professor Kizenko noted that Ms. Riccardi-Swartz touched on topics discussed in Walter Benjamin’s 1935 essay "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" and N.P. Kondakov’s 1901 pamphlet The Current State of Russian Vernacular Iconography:"What becomes of the theology of the icon when the icon is mass-produced? Can a mass-produced icon be ‘authentic’? Both Riccardi-Swartz and Fr. Jonah Campbell, the Appalachian priest who makes high-quality reproductions, face the question head-on. Certainly, an icon does not have to fit the standards of rigorists to inspire real prayer: St. Seraphim’s reverence for the Western-style ‘Tenderness’ Mother of God icon is perhaps the best-known example…"

Pixelating Holiness is the product of a joint program of NYU’s departments of Anthropology and Cinema Studies: Program in Culture and Media, headed by Dr. Pegi Vail, PhD, Associate Director at NYU’s Center for Media, Culture and History (known also for her role as one of the founders of the renowned first-person storytelling society The Moth). Riccardi-Swartz directed and edited the film, and her husband, Subdeacon Jeremy Swartz, served as her cameraperson...

Ms. Riccardi-Swartz is currently in the midst of a twelve-month fieldwork study of the Orthodox community in Wayne, WV, to complete her doctorate at NYU. Of the experience and the community which she is observing, she states:"Fr. Jonah… talks about how the Orthodox community [in West Virginia], both the monastery and the parish, have really impacted the economics of the area. Now that I’m there for field work, I’m with the parish every week doing the food pantry, doing outreach, I’m with the monks seeing how they outreach to the community around them, how they find jobs for people… So, they’re really impacting an area that is severely economically depressed, and they’re pushing for initiatives to get clean energy in the area, to get faster internet access so that people can have resources that they need… If I had more time, and I had the resources this year to make a long documentary, that’s what I’d be making it about.


Personally, I dislike the title. If Sarah Riccardi were a sincere Orthodox believer, she would not have named her film effort in such a trendy sounding way, but focused on the spiritual.
The glitzy title gives the idea that holiness is just something to be run through some kind of printer and packaged up to further the commercial endeavor.

After all, Sarah went to Appalachia not to enhance her own spiritual understanding of a little-known area in the OCA, monasticism. Nor even to produce a longer documentary film showing what life is like at Holy Cross Monastery similar to some made for the general public about Mt Athos.
But - like a double agent - Sarah Riccardi went to fish out all material she could exploit as ringing alarm bells for American, British, Western left-liberals.


Last edited by Barbara on Fri 29 March 2024 11:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by Barbara »

To continue what Eish was saying about the OCA bishop in Sarah's geographical area, lo and behold, it looks like the OCA Boston Diocese was vacant. I am not sure for how long, but this is important in considering the reaction of her purported ecclesiastical authorities.

The fall of 2023, Archimandrite
Nikodhim (Preston) was consecrated Bishop of Boston and the Albanian Archdiocese. Being new, he probably hesitates to get involved in this incendiary problem.

If anyone knows anyone in that Diocese, maybe they could write angry letters complaining about Sarah Riccardi so that Bishop Nikodhim won't let this drop.


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Re: Sarah Riccardi-Swartz:Menace Supreme

Post by Barbara »

More information from the OCA website. The new Bishop Nikodhim of Boston does NOT sound like he has much experience. He was only made an archimandrite 3 years before his elevation to the episcopy, and it seems he has been the sole cleric in a single parish only :

"Archimandrite Nikodhim was born and raised Nathan Preston in northern Idaho. For his B.A., he majored in Music and Classical Languages. He then completed an M.A. in Comparative Religion at the University of Chicago, continuing on to St Vladimir’s Seminary to begin his priestly studies and formation in the M.Div. program, and graduated in 2007. He then served as pastoral assistant and cantor at St. Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church in Jamaica Estates, NY, while working in direct care as a social worker in Newark, NJ.

Fr Nikodhim was ordained to the diaconate in 2009, and ordained to the priesthood at St. Nicholas by Archbishop Nikon (Liolin) of blessed memory in 2010.

Fr Nikodhim has continued to serve as rector and sole cleric at St Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Church since his ordination, while also taking on a number of other roles and responsibilities, including an appointment as Administrator of the Department of Pastoral Life, OCA, and as a board member of the Thriving in Ministry Program, an initiative launched by the Lilly Foundation, which aims to establish and facilitate small groups for bishops, priests and priests' wives.

In 2017, His Eminence, the Most Reverend Nikon, Archbishop of Boston and the Diocese of New England and the Albanian Archdiocese, tonsured him with the new name Nikodhim in honor of the Holy Martyr Nikodhim of Vithkuq and Berat.[who?]

Fr Nikhodim was elevated to the honorary rank of Igumen (Abbot) in 2020 by Metropolitan Tikhon, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America."


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