Iconic Church&countless homes affected byKazakh,Russ floods

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Iconic Church&countless homes affected byKazakh,Russ floods

Post by Barbara »

Church of the Intercession on the River Nerl in spring flood. Aerial 360 video in 16K   - 3 minute video which isn't transferring here !

About the Church of the Intercession on the River Nerl:

Situated at the intersection of Russia’s Klyazma and Nerl Rivers is the Church of the Intercession, a medieval structure “[…] often used to represent the very image of Russia[n] churches.”  ...the Church of the Intercession is nevertheless one of Russia’s most spectacular sacred spaces.The Church of the Intercession was “[…] the first Russian dedicated to the new holiday of the Protection of the Virgin.” 

Not much is known of its history, however. 

Some historians believe that the church was built in 1158, around the time Bogolyubovo (where the church is located) was founded.  Others believe it was built a bit later in 1165 in memory of Izyaslav Andreevich, son of Grand Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky of Vladimir.  Andreevich had been slain in battle by the Bulgars and, according to legend,
“[…]the townspeople bid farewell to the fleet departing to the war against the Volga Bulgars” at the spot where the church was eventually built. The “Church of the Intercession is enchanting in its simplicity, clean lines, and the harmony of proportions.”

While not much is left of the once-rich interior, the exterior of the church still sparkles and inspires.  On the facades of the building are beautiful white stone carvings of King David surrounded by animals (both real and imaginary).

Throughout the centuries, the church has remained relatively untouched.  The shape of the dome has been changed slightly
“and porch-galleries were added in the 12th-century, rebuilt in 18th-century and then demolished.”

It is interesting to note that, in the spring, the rivers alongside the church would flood the area, making the church appear as if it were floating on water.

In 1992 the Church of the Intercession was, as part of the White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
“Today the church is shared between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. When services are not being held there, it is open as a museum exhibit.”

Authorities in Russia are warning people to evacuate affected areas as Russia’s Kurgan and Tyumen regions and swaths of northern Kazakhstan are flooded. Tens of thousands have already abandoned their homes.

Flooding is expected to peak on Monday in Kurgan, a region of 800,000 people at the confluence of the Ural Mountains and Siberia, as the Tobol River swelled with meltwater and burst its banks, rising to 6.31 metres (20.7 feet) in the main city.

Russia and neighbouring Kazakhstan
have been grappling with some of the worst flooding in living memory after very large snowfalls melted swiftly amid heavy rain over land which was already waterlogged before winter.

Kurgan Governor Vadim Shumkov said there was almost a “sea” of water approaching the area and fresh rainfall was making the situation worse.“The city of Kurgan itself will be next,” Shumkov said.“The flow of the Tobol is accelerating. The water level in it is constantly rising,” he added, urging his countrymen to “leave the flooded areas immediately”.

However, he said some were refusing to evacuate.More than 7,100 people were evacuated on Sunday from several hundred residential buildings that had been flooded, state news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing Russia’s Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, as the waters threatened 62 settlements and 4,300 homes.Image
Cars move through a flooded part of a road in a city in northern Kazakhstan close to the border with Russia

The Kurgan and Tyumen regions are threatened the most by the floods, and measures are being taken to address those risks, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.“Waves of large water are coming towards the Kurgan region, the Tyumen region,” he told reporters. “A lot of work has been done there, but we know that the water is treacherous, and therefore there is still a danger of flooding vast areas there.”

Water levels in the rivers of the Tyumen region could reach all-time highs, RIA reported, quoting regional Governor Aleksandr Moor as saying.

Flooding elsewhere In Kazakhstan, where more than 108,000 have been evacuated since floods began last month, waters submerged more than 1,000 additional homes in the city of Petropavlovsk on Sunday, forcing the evacuation of more than 4,500 people.

Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said earlier this month that this was the country’s
worst natural disaster for the last 80 years.

The Tobol, a tributary of the Irtysh, rose 23cm (9 inches) in the four hours to 6am (01:00 GMT) on Monday, regional authorities said.

Source :
Mass evacuations as floods in Russia’s Kurgan region set to peak

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Re: Iconic Church&countless homes affected byKazakh,Russ floods

Post by Barbara »

"An icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in the home of a local parishioner has been streaming myrrh amidst the widescale flooding affecting Russia’s Ural and southwestern Siberian regions, reports the Orenburg Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The diocese writes:

A parishioner of the St. Nicholas Cathedral, the servant of God Nadezhda, tells about an icon that her family has carefully preserved for many years. When the Bolsheviks were destroying temples in the Oktyabr District, this icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was saved from desecration. Nadezhda’s mother prayed before the icon for a long time. It seemed to her daughters that she was conversing with it as though it were alive.

When her mother passed away, Nadezhda took the icon for herself and now she stands before it in prayer.
The servant of God Nadezhda testifies that at the beginning of the Special Military Operation, the icon changed its appearance and began to exude myrrh.

The same thing happened with the onset of flooding in Orenburg.

A representative of the diocese explained to RIA-Novosti that “icons stream myrrh in times of grief or a dangerous situation, calling for a change in our attitude towards life, to what’s happening. An icon can also stream myrrh to show sinners that they are committing a spiritual offense.”

Dioceses in Russia and Kazakhstan have been offering comprehensive assistance to those suffering from the flooding that began in early April."


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Re: Iconic Church&countless homes affected byKazakh,Russ floods

Post by SavaBeljovic »

Lord have mercy!

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."

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Re: Iconic Church&countless homes affected byKazakh,Russ floods

Post by Rumpelstiltskin »

It seems like it is a regular phenomena, it is interesting though. very beautiful! 


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