ND monks have been hired, secular jobs..need your help.

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Stavrophore Monk John
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ND monks have been hired, secular jobs..need your help.

Post by Stavrophore Monk John »

Dear in Christ: Glory to God. We have been very busy, applying for jobs and even though Fr. Matthew has survived his clots, and bad health, we have great news: Both of us have been hired, we must travel 4O miles back and forth every day , but at present, our last winter heat bill has been paid by benefactor from this list who wishes to remain anonymous. we have not had any help from this list other than that recently, so please: we do not hav funds to pay for food, so we can take sack lunch daily and to pay for gasoline for our trip daily to go to work. Fr. Matthew was offered a good government job, praise God, but we think we will get paid in about 2 weeks, we have no food, nor can pay electric almost $3OO.OO we are behind and on the 1Oth of this month, we will be turned off we have been told..so please pray and for the love of God and the Holy Theotokos, and our Holy Orthodox Faith, please, can someone even loan us this amount? We must have food for Fr. Matthew, until 2 weeks from now when we get paid..he is diabetic and without that food, he can go into diabetic shock..we just need to borrow this money, if need be...WE FINALLY HAVE JOBS, SECULAR, AND THIS IS SURELY THE MIRACLE WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR....but we can't keep them unless you will help us. If you want to western union us funds: use my secular name please : Raymond Tryon. I can pick up the funds in Minot, ND I would need to have an email from you...rjosephtryon@yahoo.com telling me amount, your name, your address and the tracking number I believe. We have not gone on the boards because we did not want to beg anymore, but we HAVE TO THIS LAST TIME, UNTIL WE GET PAID FROM OUR NEW JOBS...Please, understand, and help us, we beg you. We are asking to borrow this money if need be. We need to pay electric, food and gasoline to travel to our new jobs. Please help us, we have been out every day hunting for these jobs for months now, if you don't help us, we can't keep our jobs, for we need food, gasoline, medicine pay our current electric bill (been behind several months..they shut us off on the 1Oth.) We thank each and everyone for your prayers. Please email me right away so we know you will help us . May the Lord Isus Christ and His all Pure Mother grace each and everyone of you. Thank You, God Bless You. We have jobs now, help us to keep them by helping us this last time with these funds we need for gas, elect, food for fr. matthews diabetes...food and medicine...We will be self sufficient in 2 weeks with your help, we will both get our first pay check. Glory to God. God Bless You. "In as much as ye have done it to one of these, the least of the Brethren, you have done it to me." Words of Our Christ God. Thank You Brethren and Sisters. Monks@srt.com and rjosephtryon@yahoo.com Stavrophore Monk Fr. John and Fr. Matthew of ND

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Stavrophore Monk John
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P.S. I forgot to mention.

Post by Stavrophore Monk John »

Dear in Christ. "Lord Isus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, Amin." We forgot to tell you: You can send it via pay pal using your credit card to help us...we only have 9days to pay the $3OO.OO electric bill. To use you credit card: www.oldbelieverskete.com The donate button will take you so we can have the funds immediately in our account. We ask you, beg you to come to our aid, until we get our paychecks, which will be soon. Within 2 weeks. Let us know if this is an outright gift or a loan...if a loan, be assured, you will be paid back. Thank You. Stavrophore Monk Fr. John or you can send a check to:
Holy Nativity Skete-Rural Route #1-Box 35A-Voltaire, ND 58792
Holy Mother of God, save us. God Bless You.

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Post by Stavrophore Monk John »

Dear in Christ. We now owe only $15O.OO on electric...thank you for sending help and to Priest in Canada for help. We presently need funds for food and gas money, as we said, in about one week, or actually best in two weeks from now, we get our first full paid checks at our employment. We truly need your help, and we assure you, we have not received any donations except one did pay the outstanding fuel bill we owed, this is now paid in full....Electric still will be turned off by the 10th, please go to: www.oldbelieverskete.com and you can use your credit card if you would be so kind to help us. We are almost self sufficient now, but without your help, we can't get to work, as we need gas and food money and to pay the electric which is not $300.OO , we just made half payment and owe now $15O.OO May God Bless You, and please don't assume others will help us, for when we had the e store up, hardly anyone ordered anything, and we probably needed more product line, if you cannot help, please email us: rjosephtryon@yahoo.com or Monks@srt.com and let us know you are in prayer for us...we will accept western union, Minot, ND also . Use my secular name: Raymond Tryon, but we must have your name and town and amount you are sending and the tracking number also. The pharmacy is allowing us to charge for Fr. Matthews monthly syringes, diabetes medicines, and his insulin, but we have all that paid up also, and we just need funds for two weeks of food, and gas money and to pay the electric bill. Please: you may also write us a check, but the pay pal with your credit card would get the funds to us quicker. May the Lord and His all Pure Mother grace each and everyone of you. In the pure, holy, undefiled love of of our Christ God and Holy Orthodoxy. Your servants, and know we daily pray for all of you. "Lord Isus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner, Amin." Stavrophore Monks: Fr. John and Fr. Matthew.

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What is the Address for sending a donation via snail mail. To whom should the check be made out?

All Saints of America Orthodox Mission, Located in Dequeen Arkansas. The Mission strives to provide a welcoming community, in a quiet country setting, where individual members can work out their salvation and serve as a witness to the Orthodox Faith.

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Post by Грешник »

Dear in Christ James,

The mailing address is:

Holy Nativity Skete-Rural Route #1-Box 35A-Voltaire, ND 58792

The person it should be made out to is Father John's secular name since they are having issues with their bank recognizing them as a monastery without the "tax exempt status" and that would be Raymond Tyron.

I know the monks are greatful if you are able to help them.

Thank you,

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Jr Member
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thanks! I'll see what I can come up with....

All Saints of America Orthodox Mission, Located in Dequeen Arkansas. The Mission strives to provide a welcoming community, in a quiet country setting, where individual members can work out their salvation and serve as a witness to the Orthodox Faith.

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