Celtic Thebaid

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Celtic Thebaid

Post by Lenexa »

Asréracht Críst! Asréracht Hé-som co dearb!
I recently was doing a little research and was recalling the Monasticism of Medieval Orthodox Ireland. There is much to be in awe of when learning of Desert of Isles. My reason for giving this topic this name is largely because the Monasticism of the Celts was markedly different than that of the English and the desert permeated the spirituality of these people. This is not to neglect the Deserts of other western or eastern nations, simply that I know a bit more about this subject area and there is more research available in English on it.
I think this article and pictures of Skellig Michael will serve to show you all what I am writing of.
http://content.cdlib.org/xtf/view?docId ... and=eschol

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Re: Celtic Thebaid

Post by irishpilgrim »

Thank you deeply for posting the thoroughly researched and annotated book on Irish island monastery, Skellig Michael. The book addresses the 1st millennium Faith, dedication, and struggle of the first generations of monastic centered Irish Christians. The book supports my new beliefs that Irish monks, including St. Patrick learned Orthodox Christian belief and practice from roving Coptic monks from history's first monasteries, started in the Egyptian deserts by St. Antony. The attached book makes numerous references to the influences of Coptic monks on the Irish Monk's who spread Christian beliefs and theological documents of early Christianity throughout the Celts, Gaul, Europe, Anatolia, Middle East, and beyond, and saved European Civilization from the chaos of the Dark Ages.

Now, the "modern, rebelious" Irish feminists have voted to abort the genetic desendents of these monastic Irish Evangelists.

Lenexa has not posted since long before I was invited to this valuable forum. His post is invaluable to me, and much appreciated, just as all righteous Orthodox Traditions.

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Re: Celtic Thebaid

Post by Barbara »

I think it was a woman, IrishPilgrim. She was here long before I arrived too. But I remember that name from the 2007 era when I used to read here a bit. Was she from Lenexa, Kansas, perhaps ? At 1st, I thought it was her name, but I think I remember something about a city in Kansas.

Thanks MUCH for resurrecting this thread ! Please contribute as often as you feel like to either old or new threads - and everything in between. There is certainly a wealth of fabulous information on this site from earlier years that should absolutely be recycled so all can read and appreciate.

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Re: Celtic Thebaid

Post by jdigrande »

Thank you very much for this book. My Irish mother came from very near this place in Kerry and very near the place that St. Brendan the Navigator sailed to the Land Promised To the Saints in the late 6th century which led to the great Irish skete in what is now in what is called the mountains of West Virginia.

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