Experiences At Monasteries And Convents

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Experiences At Monasteries And Convents

Post by IXOYE »

I'd like to hear what people have experienced during their time staying at a monastery or convent. Were many things seperate for the laymen and monastics like trapeza? Were the monastics open and friendly or very reserved? Sometimes a monastery or convent has a list of rules, etc. What from your experiences are not on the list of rules that people might think of for their visit? I'm sure their are many veteran monastic pilgrims reading this forum.

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Re: Experiences At Monasteries And Convents

Post by Varsanufios »

IXOYE wrote:

I'd like to hear what people have experienced during their time staying at a monastery or convent. Were many things seperate for the laymen and monastics like trapeza? Were the monastics open and friendly or very reserved? Sometimes a monastery or convent has a list of rules, etc. What from your experiences are not on the list of rules that people might think of for their visit? I'm sure their are many veteran monastic pilgrims reading this forum.

Well if you are in Esfigmenou rules are rigorous.Maybe y am wrong but as y know from other people.
But in Serbia in TOC monastery,laimans who are many days there must obey the rules and tipicon.Nierly you must live simular as they are.If you regard it,yes they are frendly and open.

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Re: Experiences At Monasteries And Convents

Post by Martha »

I have visited a HOCNA convent for overnight stays and have visited a GOC monastery and a HOCNA monastery....all in the US. I have found all the monastics that were permitted to speak with me to be very open, hospitable and loving. Usually a visitor should try to attend all services at the convent/monastery. There were separate areas for the trapeza for the monastics and for the pilgrims. Generally,it is expected that you attempt to follow the daily schedule of the convent, do not wander about without permission, dress according to the rules of the convent,(long sleeves, dresses and head coverings for women). I have been very blessed and spiritually nourished by my visits and would encourage others to visit whenever possible. It is good for my soul to come apart from the world by visiting the convents.

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