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Alexis in Alaska
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Posts: 59
Joined: Mon 4 November 2002 7:24 pm


Post by Alexis in Alaska »


I had to assist at a Panakhida today for a Russian Orthodox Christian here in my town; luckily hardly anyone was Orthodox because it was a disaster; no one noticed and actually everyone was stunned by the chanting and the incense! The old priest needed my prodding with the Service...he was an Anglican convert in 87, and was ordained in 88. I don't think he has performed that many Funerals in our Tradition. We had the texts, but no music; he used the service from the Antiochian Service Book 1984 because he couldn't find the other one. I had only been to a Parastas in the Ruthenian Catholic tradition. I ended up doing Tone 1 in Carpatho-Rusyn toneform unconsciously. I need some major help in this area. I found the ROCOR panakida service online, but there were no typikonical notes. I never want to have this experience happen again. I think when the Bishop comes down he is going to ordain me a Reader and I need to get ready for that. I need some learning references and helps; if you guys who are readers can give me some help I would be grateful!

Lord, Bless!

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