Shaving for women

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Post by TomS »

ANGELA wrote:

Thankyou everyone

I have asked someone spiritual and he says yes it is a sin for woman to shave. God made as as we are. There is no need to perfect what our Creator God made. Same applies to makeup etc etc.



Geez. Drink the Kool-aid, honey.

Does this mean you will stop using soap and deoderant? Toilet paper? "Feminin products" every 28 days or so?

Did this "someone spiritual" reek of body odor. Cause if he did not, then he is an IMPOSTER!!!

The Apostate

Post by The Apostate »

Perhaps not the most subtle way to put the point across, TomS, and while I would distance myself from accusations of Angels'a advisor being an impostor, I do agree with your general point. It is this point that I made when I said that it is perfectly acceptable to take care of our toilet, so long as we do not allow ourselves to be guided by vanity.

I do agree that if it is sinful to shave on the basis that God made us as we are, then by the same reasoning it is sinful for us to use any form of toiletry: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, a hairbrush, &c., for surely use of any of these things would be interfering with what naturally happens to the body as God made it, just like shaving.

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Post by GOCTheophan »

TomS wrote:
ANGELA wrote:

Geez. Drink the Kool-aid, honey.

Does this mean you will stop using soap and deoderant? Toilet paper? "Feminin products" every 28 days or so?

Firstly Tom please show respect to Angela. Do you know her? Well than its not appropriate to refer to her as "honey".

Also I dont believe that your comment at the end was at all appropriate. Please think a little before you post.


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Post by ioannis »

I agree with Theophan.

When you've reached the point where it is a question of being perfect or not, then stop shaving.

Also, if it is a sin, then it is also a sin for men.

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Post by Pensees »

If my future wife did not shave her underarms and legs, I wouldn't feel physically attracted to her. Likewise, she'd feel the same toward me if I did not shower and change my clothing every day. If our body is a temple of God, we should take care of it well.

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Post by ANGELA »

Dear Pensees,

What ever happened to loving your spouse no matter what she looks like or what she chooses to do? Whether she shaves or not for her faith, you should love her regardless.

And of course we must shower and be clean. Just because you decide not to shave does not mean that you are going to smell!!!

God wants us to be clean. Look after the body He has given us. But slapping your face with cosmetics lipstick, eye makeup is external, it is the beauty within. Maybe you should ponder on these issues first, before speaking on behalf of your future wife! :roll:

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Post by Tessa »


I don't think it's necessarily sinful, but rather pointless.

In some cultures shaving for women is a religious ritual-especially carnally oriented religions like Islam.

My Spiritual Father is a Greek Monk, and on his advice I've stopped shaving, wearing makeup, and wearing pants. He didn't tell me to do these things, but upon asking he gave his opinion. These are all things that are of no use to the salvation of one's soul, so why do them? We wear deodorant and bathe as to not be offensive to others, but honestly if you're dressing modestly-who sees your legs besides your husband anyway?

When secular people ask me about it- I tell them I am a feminist, that I don't want to be a sex object, LOL. They get all flustered because they think that they are feminists, yet their whole goal is just to look "attractive" and let people judge them on this basis. I don't consider myself a feminist in the modern sense of the word, but it sure makes for interesting conversation.

Another argument I've heard is that all that all these things to make women like pre-pubescent girls (shaving of various parts of the body, the quest to obtain waif-like figures) is part of the general spirit of pedophilia in our modern American culture. Who knows.

Also disposable razors are REALLY bad for the environment.

In Christ,

Господе Исусе Христа, Синe Божји, Помилуј ме грешну!

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