Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

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Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by Anastasios »


We are thinking of establishing a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debating on controversial topics. This would provide the dual benefit of not exposing such debates to those who don't want to see them (one would have to request admission) and not airing our disputes in front of those who seek to find any fault to criticize us.

If anyone has any comment, either pro- or con-, please share your thoughts.

Fr Anastasios

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Re: Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by Pravoslavnik »

Father Anastasios,

Code: Select all

   My own suggestion is to maintain an open dialogue for the St. Euphrosynos Cafe members.  If particular people are not interested in the topic, they do not need to read or comment upon it.  I tend to think of organizational "secrets," in general, as a characteristic of dysfunctional groups.  A serious example of this is the institutional secrecy that has long surrounded the sexual abuse of children by clergy of the Roman Catholic Church.  As the old saying goes, such secrets are "like mushrooms; they only grow in the dark."
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Re: Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by Anastasios »

Thanks for your comment, although that's not exactly what I was suggesting (organizational secrecy), given that anyone could join the group who is already a member of the site. We already have private forums for clergy, women, and youth here, so it would be just one more of those types of forums. But I agree we should avoid making it look like anything is hidden or secret for some bad reason.

If, for instance, a Matthewite and a Florinite started debating in public here now, we'd be inclined to simply shut the thread down if it got too heated, since such debates can detract from our missionary endeavors. If there were a private discussion area, then the discussion could become heated without being closed. This site developed the reputation of being a place full of hate-filled judgmentalism and argumentation with no fellowship or unity amongst members, and I won't let it go back to that. Yet I want to allow people to continue to discuss these controversial topics on some level.

So again thanks for your feedback and we'll keep thinking about it for awhile before taking any decision.

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Re: Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by jgress »

I think a private forum is a good idea. The forum can be clearly labeled, so it won't be really secret, but one would need special permission to read the actual content of the disputes.

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Re: Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by joasia »

Christ is Risen!

The idea of specified topics that anybody can join seems like an open forum, just the same. But, I understand what you are trying to do. The other private forums are restricted as they are specific to gender, language or position in the Church. So there needs to be a moderator that accepts or rejects membership based on who they are. In the case of inter faith True Orthodox...we all think we are in that circle which is outside Ecumenism, based on our personal convictions. But, our difficulties are believing that the other's hierarchs are valid. This will still induce arguements and judgements.

What really needs to be curbed is the personal comments, which I willing admit that I have allowed myself to fall into, on many occassions. It's the spiritual battle of pride. Now that we are in the time of Pascha and approaching Pentecost...we should seriously consider making this a starting point of a new chapter of the conduct in this Forum. To me, this is the new year. What we gained from Great Lent should be continued on. It's a new beginning. We should outshine the other forums that also react in the same manner, of personal slings. The big question do we get the present members and potential newbies to adhere to an Orthodox, healthy, spiritual response?

I for one, know that when I responded in an aggressive manner, I was already guilty of breaking God's Commandment to love my neighbor as myself. I realized what I said was wrong. I believe that the other posters are also aware and conscious of this battle within themselves, otherwise how could we say that we are in the True Faith. What regular poster can say that they didn't confess being frustrated and getting angry at someone? We are all adults and understand what Jesus Christ, the Apostles and holy fathers taught about this reaction.

So basically, we posters need to come to an agreement to respond politely. Let's be frank...we all know when a poster is sticking it to someone. It's an easy temptation. We all fall and Christ tells us that we should always forgive, so perhaps the best method is for a moderator to advise a poster about going too far and ask them to post a retraction or modify their response with a follow up post. If the poster considers himself to be a follower of Christ, then how could he deny this request??
Christ also tells us that we should repent. The effort is on both parties, moderators and posters.

What it comes down to is mutual respect.

In Christ, Joanna

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Establish a private forum for inter-True Orthodox debate?

Post by Catherine5 »

That's a good idea Joasia.

I feel members could be more kindly to each other by remembering others participants' namesdays with a greeting. I have tried to mention these when they seem obvious.
But wouldn't it be nice if any of our moderators and posters would mention which is their Saint, as it's not always obvious. That way anyone can congratulate the person whose namesday is coming up. Just a nice addition, creating a convivial atmosphere. That in turn is "catching": new posters and readers will feel a warmth from this board.

What about at the next reorganization maybe many months from now, we add some of those topics I brought up in the Fr Searaphim Rose thread under Miscellaneous --- IF others are interested. If not, that's fine, they are only suggestions which I feel may generate more outside interest in our board.
For example some conservative people are not keen on all aspects of the True Orthodox, but share many points in common. Why exclude those people who may want to learn from or better yet, participate in forums devoted to Greek and Russian History, or a little out there but of growing appeal, The New World Order?
A lot of people looked at that thread on The Obama Deception; these are perenially popular topics which generate widespread interest.

Then the readers may think more deeply about what's wrong with for example, their World Orthodoxy and consider moving over here.

If nothing else, lively discussions may result, and less contentious ones, I might add, going back to the original subject of THIS thread!

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