Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

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Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Maria »

Since I do not want to discuss these very polemic issues in public at NFTU, I have chosen to start this thread here in the Private Forums of E. Cafe.

Today, September 25, 2012, I read this quote by NFTU MOD (username for Deacon Joseph Suaiden)

NFTU MOD • 6 days ago • parent −

John: The only problem I have with your argument is that the HOCNA people-- in regards to the ROCOR-- were, on the matter of ecumenism, actually right. One could argue that had they stayed the union wouldn't have happened. However, in too many cases ROCOR managed to get rid of the very people who were trying to keep it alive.

Which is why it's only part of the MP now, and we have HOCNA, ROAC, ROCIE, RTOC, and the ROCOR-A, and their respective divisions. That's a reconcilation we should consider.

If Fr P is guilty-- and I have no formal confirmation on these things-- yes, these things need to be acted upon immediately. But from my perspective, HOCNA has way more theological problems than just Imyaslavie or "Awake Sleeper". You have the Romanidean-Kailomirite positions that lead to removing icons of God the Father, denying the traditional teachings on the atonement and toll-houses, and striking pre-schism Western saints out of the calendar centuries after the fact. From my perspective, it leads to a slippery slope.

I remember years ago a father at HTM told me (it may have been one of the Bishops, I forget) that "schism always leads to heresy". So it doesn't surprise me that-- and my personal position is that the real "schism", or cleavage, in HOCNA, regardless of what happened with other bishops of the Auxentios Synod, began in 2001-- that this has become a schism over actual doctrine.

In this, Fr P's sins are now a secondary issue, and using it as a rallying cry is wrong as far as I can see it.

Although I agree with Deacon Joseph that focusing on anyone's sins is wrong since we should not be looking at the speck in our brother's eye, but at the log in our own, I believe that this sort of polemics as found in Paragraph 3 above harms the True Orthodox:

You have the Romanidean-Kailomirite positions that lead to removing icons of God the Father, denying the traditional teachings on the atonement and toll-houses, and striking pre-schism Western saints out of the calendar centuries after the fact. From my perspective, it leads to a slippery slope.

Since when were Toll-Houses defined at an Ecumenical Council as a dogma?
Did Christ teach these "traditional teachings?"

From what I have studied about this subject on Toll Houses, it is largely a Russian teaching that has been concocted from dreams and visions, which we are not to trust.

I am not debating the need for repentance and humility, and the need to run the race to achieve the Crown of Victory.
We simply do not know about the Mystery of the After-Life, but to state that Toll House teachings are a matter of faith, and are "traditional teachings" that must be believed, is not based on facts, as few saints or Holy Fathers have made references to Toll Houses.

Yes, we will be judged after we die. Thus, we should be sober and watchful at all times, but Toll House teachings are not universally held, and if anything, these teachings can cause a rise in passions, and could even endanger our very salvation if we pridefully continue to preach it. Furthermore, I have known quite a few Catholics and Protestants, who when exposed to Toll House teachings, left Orthodoxy and considered it to be a weird cult. Do we really want to be responsible for their souls before God? Think about it.

It is time to acknowledge that Toll Houses can be believed as a theologumenon, but should not be forced upon everyone as a dogma.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

If you read the Canon to the Guardian Angel (conveniently found in the blue HTM prayerbook), it asks that the angel would help us to not pass through the exactors of this worlds dire rulers. The concept of a dispute between angels and demons over our souls at death, as part of the particular judgement, is as old as the Church itself. The idea that it would be organized into toll-houses, of varying number, and kind, etc, as a result of the weakest earthly images of other worldly realities should not be something to dispute.

Similarly, I've seen people become quite upset over reading the Pentateuch, Book of Joshua, and the Books of Kings, since they contain God's explicit command to completely kill all of the Canaanite peoples who would not leave the land (men, women, children, even animals), and in one case, God orders the complete and utter eradication of the Amalekites. Which seems 'harder' to believe? A dispute between Angels and Demons over our souls at death? Or God commanding the deaths of tens or hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children by the sword? Furthermore, I seem to recall not a few people that ridicule that a man was told by God to kill his only son? Or that a man was told to build a boat and save the animal life of the world after a world wide flood? Or that we all are descended form one man and one woman. The Faith has a lot of supposedly 'absurd' things; things that are absurd to the mind of many, but, are in reality no more absurd than things we already believe.

-Hieromonk Enoch

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Priest Siluan »

I think Hm. Enoch is being very right in this point.

BTW, also "Toll Houses" teaching of Fr. Seraphim Rose is not a invention from him, but a very old Orthodox teaching, called in Russian as "Mytarstva" ("trials" or so), Fr. Mikhail Pomazansky wrote about this question in his excellent "Dogmatic Theology", which was translated into English by Fr. Seraphim.

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

Can't get more 'non-Russian' than St. Boniface!

St. Boniface (8th Century Anglo-Saxon) records the following account of a monk who died and came back to tell of his experiences:

"Angels of such pure splendor bore him up as he came forth from the body that he could not bear to gaze upon them… "They carried me up," he said, "high into the air…" He reported further that in the space of time while he was out of the body, a greater multitude of souls left their bodies and gathered to the place where he was than he thought to form the whole race of mankind on earth. He said also that there was a crowd of evil spirits and a glorious choir of higher angels. And he said that the wretched spirits and the holy angels had a violent dispute concerning the souls that had come forth from their bodies, the demons bringing charges against them and aggravating the burden of their sins, the angels lightening the burden and making excuses for them. He heard all his own sins, which he had committed from his youth on and had failed to confess or had forgotten or had not recognized as sins, crying out against him, each in its own voice, and accusing his grievously… Everything he had done in all the days of his life and had neglected to confess and many which he had not known to be sinful, all these were now shouted at him in terrifying words. In the same way the evil spirits, chiming in with the vices, accusing and bearing witness, naming the very times and places, brought proofs of his evil deeds… and so, with his sins all piled up and reckoned out, those ancient enemies declared him guilty and unquestionably subject to their jurisdiction. "On the other hand," he said, "the poor little virtues which I had displayed unworthily and imperfectly spoke out in my defense… And those angelic spirits in their boundless love defended and supported me, while the virtues, greatly magnified as they were, seemed to me far greater and more excellent than could have ever been practiced in my own strength."" (The Letters of Saint Boniface, tr. Ephraim Emerton, Octagon Books (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux) New York, 1973, pp 25-27. Qtd in The Soul After Death, by Fr. Seraphim (Rose).

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Maria »

FrAugustine wrote:

Can't get more 'non-Russian' than St. Boniface!

St. Boniface (8th Century Anglo-Saxon) records the following account of a monk who died and came back to tell of his experiences:

"Angels of such pure splendor bore him up as he came forth from the body that he could not bear to gaze upon them… "They carried me up," he said, "high into the air…" He reported further that in the space of time while he was out of the body, a greater multitude of souls left their bodies and gathered to the place where he was than he thought to form the whole race of mankind on earth. He said also that there was a crowd of evil spirits and a glorious choir of higher angels. And he said that the wretched spirits and the holy angels had a violent dispute concerning the souls that had come forth from their bodies, the demons bringing charges against them and aggravating the burden of their sins, the angels lightening the burden and making excuses for them. He heard all his own sins, which he had committed from his youth on and had failed to confess or had forgotten or had not recognized as sins, crying out against him, each in its own voice, and accusing his grievously… Everything he had done in all the days of his life and had neglected to confess and many which he had not known to be sinful, all these were now shouted at him in terrifying words. In the same way the evil spirits, chiming in with the vices, accusing and bearing witness, naming the very times and places, brought proofs of his evil deeds… and so, with his sins all piled up and reckoned out, those ancient enemies declared him guilty and unquestionably subject to their jurisdiction. "On the other hand," he said, "the poor little virtues which I had displayed unworthily and imperfectly spoke out in my defense… And those angelic spirits in their boundless love defended and supported me, while the virtues, greatly magnified as they were, seemed to me far greater and more excellent than could have ever been practiced in my own strength."" (The Letters of Saint Boniface, tr. Ephraim Emerton, Octagon Books (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux) New York, 1973, pp 25-27. Qtd in The Soul After Death, by Fr. Seraphim (Rose).

Again, this is a private revelation, which we are not bound to believe.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Hieromonk Enoch »

Yes, a 'private' revelation that found in the writings of all the saints that talk about it, and is in the liturgical texts of the Church.

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Re: Toll Houses + Unhealthy polemics at NFTU is not good.

Post by Maria »

FrAugustine wrote:

Yes, a 'private' revelation that found in the writings of all the saints that talk about it, and is in the liturgical texts of the Church.

Which Ecumenical Council said that it was necessary for our salvation to believe the teachings on Toll Houses?

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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