an icon as an avatar?

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Alexander Kuzmin
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an icon as an avatar?

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

I have a question. Why most of the people on this forum wear icons as their avatars (user-pictures)? At first I was also planning to take an icon as everybody. But I was stopped by a thought that it is too much to speak with a face of a saint.

Then I saw a picture of Father Siluan with his real face, it was a joy, and I also took my real picture. It is better to talk to somebody when you see his real face and not to hide my own face when I am speaking. Probably it is more difficult sometimes (and even my picture causes some "extra questions") but are not we Christians to be able to answer for ourselves?

And if you need an icon to bless the conversation, there is Saint Euphrosynos in the upper-left corner of the screen and, besides, probably everyone here have icons near their computers.

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: an icon as an avatar?

Post by Maria »

The icon I have as an avatar is that of the Most Holy Theotokos, who is my patron and Protectress. She reminds me to post soberly and to remain watchful.

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Re: an icon as an avatar?

Post by arcmode »

I don't think of it as representing me, it's just a picture I like, a Georgian Archangel Gabriel. 'Avatar' did originally mean a graphical representation of the user, but the term was first used in the 80's for video games and later for internet forums and while the word stuck, it's purpose is no longer so narrow and is now used more to personalize posts than to represent the poster.

are not we Christians to be able to answer for ourselves?

I'm not sure what you mean by this.


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Alexander Kuzmin
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Re: an icon as an avatar?

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

What a nice picture! Thank you!

But for me is is better to speak when you see the real face of a person.

are not we Christians to be able to answer for ourselves?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.

This is my bad English. I will try to explain from another corner. Peter in his First Epistle says, that we should "give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you". But when an answerer does not show his face, it gives a certain level of anonymization.

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: an icon as an avatar?

Post by Maria »

Alexander Kuzmin wrote:

What a nice picture! Thank you!

But for me is is better to speak when you see the real face of a person.

are not we Christians to be able to answer for ourselves?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.

This is my bad English. I will try to explain from another corner. Peter in his First Epistle says, that we should "give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you". But when an answerer does not show his face, it gives a certain level of anonymization.

And that feeling of anonymity can be a problem even when one uses his or her real name accompanied by a real photo. In fact, on Facebook, people have been arrested for posting threats, etc. When people do post anonymously using a username unknown to others, they may think that they can post anything risk free, but God sees all. In the meantime, as the Church awaits Christ's Second Coming, moderators are needed to ensure that people post responsibly because children can see what is posted.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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