Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

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Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Barbara »

I have been seeking to find out more about the life and character of Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev.
Knowing only that his last name was Amphiteatrov, l looked him up. But there is little in English on the internet,
except that he furthered education at the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, and improved conditions for monastics in his

If anyone has access to either Russian or Ukriainian language, and knows where to look could they find out
whatever possible for me ?

We discussed him once here briefly when Maria asked about the difference between Metropolitan Philaret of Moscow
and him. But while there is much written by, and about the former, there is seemingly little in English about the latter.

Also, Rocor glorified 4 Saints like St Theophan the Recluse and St Feofil of the Kiev Caves Lavra; I am trying to
remember the other 2 in that group.

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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Barbara »

No one has answered. I am thinking that Met Philaret of Moscow was one of the other 2 glorified by a Rocor

Meanwhile, I am fishing out information on the background of Met Philaret of Kiev as I hunt through the Lives
of Elders.
I will post more as I assemble a better picture.

This Metropolitan Philaret was more important than he seems to be given credit for, as he
was the inspiration behind the Skete of St John the Forerunner at Optina.
It was he who called Fr Moses and Fr Anthony to come there and start it.
They had to clear huge 100-year old trees to carve out a place for the skete, manually !
Can one imagine that hard work ?

I will pst more because I think we can all benefit from learning more about these figures.
There is almost nothing in English on the internet as I said above, so maybe people wondering can
find this thread and gain some insight.

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Alexander Kuzmin
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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Dear Barbara, Christ is Risen!

I did not see you question before. I have found a lot of information about Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev and I can answer your questions.
He was glorified by Moscow Patriarchate by I have not found that he was glorified by ROCOR.
He was a traditionalist and a very good person.


I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Barbara »

Alexander !

I somehow missed YOUR reply ! Good, I was really aiming that question at you, because
it has to be someone over there who can look through the materials on - I guess - the Russian
internet? I have never accessed it, but there must be a wealth of information not available
here in the West.

Please let me know what you have dug up, or will dig up !

That's an impressive picture ! The only illustration I have ever seen of him is the sketch which
is none too prepossessing in one of the lives of a Saint with whom this Metropolitan dealt.

I know Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev was originally an inspector at a seminary in today's
Ukraine. He rose through the ranks as Abbot in a monastery - I will get the name, it was not
memorable name but must have been important at the time - and then Archimandrite. But almost nothing is written in English about his elevation to the episcopate, when and where. Then to the Metropolitanate, likewise.

This prelate was extremely sympathetic to monastics and tried to encourage the growth of
substantial, spiritually elevated monasteries throughout today's Ukraine and Russia.
He visited Optina on a few occasions in the early 1840s, and was much pleased with the life there,
especially at the Skete of St John the Forerunner, naturally.
I know he worked hard to raise the level of education of monastics in his realm.

Very kind-hearted is the impression I get from the fragments of anecdotes picked up from
reading the Lives of other holy people at the time.

Yet I am glad Rocor did not glorify him, because I am upset that this otherwise great-seeming prelate did not acknowledge St Theofil of the Kiev Caves.
Met Philaret failed to give the amazing holy man in his midst credence for a long time.Fortunately
he did not persecute or harass 'The Blessed One' as Feofil was known, as others attempted to do.
Until receiving startling and even disastrous proof of Feofil's clairvoyance, Met. Philaret of Kiev vastly preferred his spiritual father, a Hieroschemamonk Parfeny. I think when trying to find material on
Met Philaret of Kiev, I saw that this Parfeny was glorified by the MP, but there to me is not much justification for that. [That's just an off-the-cuff opinion, not based on much historical detail, as it is not
available here.]

I did remember a few days ago the 4th of the quartet glorified by Rocor :
Bishop Ignaty Brianchaninov.
[Of course. How did I fail to remember him ?]

If you have any time to look into this now that Pascha is over, I would be so glad.
I am seeking to form a balanced opinion about Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev.
This has been nagging at me for awhile.

Would you have any idea from where his family name derives ? Or what it means ?
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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Yes, Barbara, I will reply to you later. It will take some time.

I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Barbara »


Truly He Is Risen !

Sure ! I know it will not be an easy task and that you are quite busy.
At your convenience ; there is no rush whatsoever.

By the way, I realized that this Metropolitan Philaret was actually antagonistic, if not hostile perhaps,
to Blessed Feofil mentioned above.
However, he did not punish the Starets right away. The prelate fumed, but did little until finally he
took away the beloved pet bullock from the Starets and sent it to the Lavra herd.
From that day, many cattle died inexplicably. When Met Philaret was informed of this catastrophe,
he did knnow right away the real reason. He let the bullock return to its owner and promptly the livestock
stopped dying.
Instructive and immortal story for all to reflect upon while waiting for the results of Alexander's efforts,
whenever that may be, later in the summer is fine !
Thanks a lot.

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Alexander Kuzmin
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Re: Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev [Kyiv], head of Lavra

Post by Alexander Kuzmin »

Dear Barbara,

I am sorry that I did not write more about Metropolitan Philaret of Kiev for you. Here is the Russian text about him and it is big.

Please try to translate it using these two programs:

Believe me that to study a foreign language is not a very difficult staff. Just try to Read Russian every day using a dictionary, and very soon it will become easy for you. Also participating some discussions (at least reading it) is very useful. Here are come places to read at least the titles for the beginning (I do not remember if I gave these links before or I was only going to give them):

RTOC news (look at the column to the right):
ROCOR(A) website - and , they publish interesting items.
You will find more cites if you start to read.

I have to tell you that I am leaving the Saint Euphrosynos Cafe. But it was a real pleasure to talk to you and thank you for your kind heart. I will remember you and I believe that we will meet somehow again.


I study English, forgive my mistakes.

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