inquirer here also

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inquirer here also

Post by liefern »


I am persuaded of the truth of Orthodoxy, and have been praying with Orthodox books for some time now. I have a nice selection of icons as well. I've paid some visits to Orthodox parishes, all of which were mainline. My main difficulty is that it is hard for me to evaluate the branches and details of various ruptures and unions, so that the Orthodox field looks rather fuzzy to me. But in general I think the modernism, renovationism, chiliasm, ecumenism, and other problems are in the background at mainline Orthodox locations, such that it will be increasingly difficult to have the traditional Orthodox experience in those locations. Mainstream Orthodox say they are satisfied, but I think they may be rationalizing to some extent. My heart's wish is to avoid those -isms, and to be in the Julian Calendar. I remain uncertain as to what lengths I must go to avoid the mainline influences. As problems creep in, will they be kept at bay? Must I absolutely separate myself from, or not attach myself to, them because of background problems? Perhaps these are just Satanic attacks that do not undermine their legitimacy. Maybe I needn't worry so much about it, and just accept that Satan is attacking the Orthodox church, and that all will be fine. I don't know. Anyway surely the new calendar is offensive to the saints, and surely organs and pews are absurd, and naturally push the faithful toward absurdity.

Anyway if you could pray for me over the next months as I navigate the waters. I am reading and praying. Thank you. :)

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by Maria »

Welcome to E Cafe!

I hope you can attend a Vesper's service (All night vigil) in one of the parishes nearest you.
Please do share when you do as we Old-Timers appreciate the zeal of inquirers and catechumens.
Often such posts invigorate our own faith.

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by Priest Antonios »


Yes, welcome! I trust you'll find some much needed support here as you prayerfully navigate the waters ahead. You are in our prayers.

In Christ,
Dcn Antonios

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by searn77 »

liefern wrote:


I am persuaded of the truth of Orthodoxy, and have been praying with Orthodox books for some time now. I have a nice selection of icons as well. I've paid some visits to Orthodox parishes, all of which were mainline. My main difficulty is that it is hard for me to evaluate the branches and details of various ruptures and unions, so that the Orthodox field looks rather fuzzy to me. But in general I think the modernism, renovationism, chiliasm, ecumenism, and other problems are in the background at mainline Orthodox locations, such that it will be increasingly difficult to have the traditional Orthodox experience in those locations. Mainstream Orthodox say they are satisfied, but I think they may be rationalizing to some extent. My heart's wish is to avoid those -isms, and to be in the Julian Calendar. I remain uncertain as to what lengths I must go to avoid the mainline influences. As problems creep in, will they be kept at bay? Must I absolutely separate myself from, or not attach myself to, them because of background problems? Perhaps these are just Satanic attacks that do not undermine their legitimacy. Maybe I needn't worry so much about it, and just accept that Satan is attacking the Orthodox church, and that all will be fine. I don't know. Anyway surely the new calendar is offensive to the saints, and surely organs and pews are absurd, and naturally push the faithful toward absurdity.

Anyway if you could pray for me over the next months as I navigate the waters. I am reading and praying. Thank you. :)

You're in my prayers. If you need any suggestions on articles or books to read regarding the calendar controversy, or other things that separate the traditional Orthodox Church from the mainline Orthodox Church, I'm sure there are people here who could help.

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by Barbara »


You sound brave to tackle these topics which are usually glossed over by most in what you term 'mainline Orthodoxy'.
We usually say "World Orthodoxy" but that term would not immediately ring a bell with even the average World Orthodox
American parishioner ! In short, they do not regard themselves as anything but "Orthodox". They call us - with utmost disdain - "schismatics". Don't pay any attention to that negative label.

The True Orthodox, which is how we describe ourselves, are sharper and more discerning. Not satisfied with anything less than the most pure and best form of our faith.

I hope if you read more on older threads here that you will start to become aware of why one cannot remain vaguely attached to a World Orthodox jurisdiction. The deeper you delve, the more you will see that you want to definitely make a stand rather
than being irresolute as are the bulk of the World Orthodox.

My suggestion might be to skip the very intricate arguments here which will make you fall asleep. It takes YEARS to comprehend all the terms, concepts etc. So don't let that bother you. Just try to skim through searching for the points that
DO strike home right away.

Keep going, you are doing a good thing in inquiring !

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by Agios_Irineos »

By all means research, study and ask questions.

But don't forget prayer. Finding the true faith is not an intellectual exercise, but one of the soul.

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Re: inquirer here also

Post by liefern »

Okay, thank you all very much for the kind encouragement.

If you don't mind I'll delete my earlier post here, in which I was just rambling about different topics. When I have a specific question, I'll post that.

One must pray and make an informed choice.

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