Crossing oneself

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Re: Crossing oneself

Post by joasia »

Handmaiden50 wrote:

I'm just curious ~ I was recently at a class at church and, when we ended, Father prayed a blessing over us. As Father was still in the midst of praying I noticed someone cross themselves 3 times. (This is a Greek parish) I waited until Father was finished praying before crossing myself once. Does the matter of crossing oneself vary from individual to individual (when to, the number of times, etc.) and is according to one's personal piety?

In your circumstance, it was outside of church services. My view on that is that when a priest starts his prayer, he always starts the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Whenever this is said, we should cross ourselves. We always cross ourselves for the Holy Trinity. In general, for laymen, like personal prayers or group prayers, it's good to cross ourselves at the beginning and at the end. You can cross yourself at the end of the priest's prayer too. I just think it makes it completed. I also want to add that I cross myself before I eat and when I'm finished. Although, I have to confess that I tend to forget to do it at the end. Mental note to self...don't forget to cross myself afterwards.

As well, I do the sign of the cross over my plate of food and whatever I'm drinking. But, if the priest blesses the meal then I don't have to cross my food and drink. When we have a meal at my parish, my priest always ends with: Angelas za trapeza. Which basically means: Angels to the table. He invites the angels to be present with us.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: Crossing oneself

Post by Handmaiden50 »

Thanks for your reply, Joasia. There is a prayer that I've memorized for before mealtime. I used to say a hurried prayer such as "Thank you Lord for this food", but to stop and take the time to cross oneself and then recite a prayer I memorized from an Orthodox prayerbook and cross oneself again really helps me to give a more humble and authentic thanks to the Lord (from my heart) for His blessings.

I'm learning a lot from you all on this board . . . thank you!

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Re: Crossing oneself

Post by joasia »

Dear Handmaiden,

That's what it's all about. Remembering God's blessings on us. And to add to that, if I can continue the theme of "Crossing oneself"...I cross myself before I leave my home and when I come back. I say: Lord bless. And I cross myself before I start work at the office with Lord bless. But, most of the time I forget to cross myself when I finish work ( I really should start remembering to do that) . There are more detailed prayers for these situations which you can certainly memorize, but my personal feeling, for myself, is that Lord bless says it all. And I have a hard time memorizing, but if you're good at it then by all means go for it. We can also cross ourselves before starting any task. There are prayers for that too. But, I revert to the easy version of Lord bless.

With love in Christ,

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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