The Sanctity of Our Hierarchs

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The Sanctity of Our Hierarchs

Post by Isaakos »

A story about the GOC bishop Spyridon of Trimythus:

    (1888 - 1963)

In His loving providence, God often permits many trials and temptations to come upon those that love Him. St. Isaac of Syria writes: "Affliction willingly borne brings to light the proof of love."
This "proof of love" is twofold. It is a proof of God's love for us, for "the Lord disciplines him whom He loves and chastises every son whom He receives" (Heb. 12:6). Likewise, tribulations test our love for God. "That is why the saints were proved by tribulations for Christ's love, and not by ease," says St. Isaac. This is how Job triumphed. This is how the martyrs prevailed over their tormentors. This is how the confessors of true piety and Orthodoxy won their crowns and gained eternal glory.
In this life, there can be no other way for those who love God. St. Paul is very emphatic about this: "If ye be without chastisement ...then ye are illegitimate offspring, and not sons" (Heb. 12:8).
Even in our own perverse and unbelieving generation, God has given us splendid examples of individuals who have suffered afflictions and calumny for the sake of truth and righteousness. In the Soviet Union, how many millions were sent to the death camps, cynically accused of engaging in "anti-Soviet propaganda" -- that is, preaching a sermon, or chanting a church hymn? St. Nectarios of Aegina too, is an example of a remarkable and holy hierarch, who even in his old age became the victim of the very basest sort of slander.
Bishop Spyridon of Trimythus, also, is such an example. He was born in 1883 in Cydonia of Aetoloacarnania. His name in the world was George Pasios, and his parents, Spyridon and Maria, saw to it that their gifted son was reared "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." In 1907, at the age of nineteen, George departed for the Holy Mountain. After a short time, he joined the brotherhood of the Monastery of Xenophon. With the passage of the canonical trial period of three years, he received the Great and Angelic Schema and was re-named Gideon monk.
Very quickly, the fathers of the monastery came to esteem the young Fr. Gideon, who impressed all with his modesty, obedience, humility and self-denial. In time, he was ordained to the priesthood, and then, after fourteen years in the community, upon the demise of the abbot, Fr. Gideon was chosen by the brotherhood to be the new superior. Thus, at the age of thirty-three, in the year 1921, Fr. Gideon took upon himself the yoke of spiritual fatherhood.
He did not remain abbot for long, however. In 1924, the Ecumenical Patriarchate sought to coerce the Athonite community into changing to the new calendar. Seeing that the secular authorities were bent on forcing the monasteries to commemorate the innovating Ecumenical Patriarchate, Fr. Gideon submitted his resignation as abbot. He withdrew to the Skete of Kafsokalyvia, where he remained for three years. Then, seeking greater solitude for silence and prayer, he went to the wilderness of St. Basil and the hermitage of St. Peter of Athos, where he remained for another seven years.
By this time, the persecution against the old calendarists had reached fever pitch in Greece. Unleashed by the new calendar church authorities, the police openly harassed, jailed and physically beat both clergy and laypeople. There were even incidents where Orthodox Christians, including a young mother, were clubbed to death in "Christian" Greece. Their crime? Attending a church service held according to the traditional ecclesiastical calendar.
At the invitation of the priest-monk Matthew (later to become Archbishop of the "Matthewite" old calendarists), Fr. Gideon came to Athens to help strengthen and encourage the Christians. This was in 1934. It was during this period also that the old calendarists began organizing their monastic communities. The convent at Keratea was established and eventually came to have some 500 nuns. At about two hours walking distance from the convent, in Kuvara of Attica, the men's monastery of the Holy Transfiguration was founded and, at its peak, had some ninety to one hundred fathers in its brotherhood. It was in this monastery, on May 31, 1941, that Fr. Gideon was elected to the abbacy.
But here, too, his tenure as abbot lasted only a short three years.
What happened?
One day, in the spring of 1944, a group of monastics appeared at Archbishop Matthew's residence at the convent. The head of the group, Fr. Victor Matthew, one of the senior fathers of the monastery, requested an audience with the Archbishop concerning a "serious matter."
Archbishop Matthew welcomed the fathers into his quarters and asked them the purpose of their visit.
"Your Eminence, we wish to speak to you about Fr. Gideon," replied Fr. Victor.
"It's a very serious matter, Your Eminence. All of us here are ready to testify, in writing if necessary, that Fr. Gideon is immoral. He has an unbecoming and perverted fondness for young men."
Archbishop Matthew was thunderstruck. He had always revered Fr. Gideon greatly, and knew him for his strictness in fasting, his vigils in prayer, and his spiritual diligence. The charges were incredible. Indeed, they were preposterous.
"No, Your Eminence, everything we are saying is true, and we are willing to swear on it and put it in writing.
The Archbishop found himself in an impasse. On the one hand, he knew and loved Fr. Gideon and respected him for the strictness of his life and his steadfastness in matters regarding the Faith. On the other hand, the witnesses were many. Furthermore, they were senior members - the pillars, so to speak, of the monastery. They had neither run away from the monastery, nor stolen anything, nor done anything dishonorable. They were evidently in their right minds and, at least from a canonical point of view, had to be esteemed as trustworthy and reliable. In fact, the head of the delegation -Fr. Victor Matthew - was the one who later was to print the monumental series of the Lives of the Saints (The Great Synaxaristes) in fourteen volumes.
Archbishop Matthew now found himself in a very difficult position. After the others left, he summoned Fr. Gideon to question him concerning these grave charges.
"What do you have to say to these accusations, Fr. Gideon?" asked the Archbishop.
"Holy master, the only thing I can say is that I have many sins; but I am not guilty of these particular sins of which I am accused."
"But the witnesses are many, and they are all responsible members of your monastery."
"What more can I say, holy master?"
Archbishop Matthew was left with no other course of action: Fr. Gideon was defrocked and sent into exile away from the monastery.
Unperturbed, and at peace with himself, Fr. Gideon - now a simple monk - packed up his shoulder bag and headed for the mountains. He found himself a quiet spot and began to build a small hut. To this structure, he added a little chapel where he could chant his daily office in peace and quiet.
From time to time, shepherds passed through the area grazing their flocks. They noticed the little hut and often saw the black-robed figure tending a small garden of herbs, vegetables and greens. Moved by curiosity, they came to investigate. Fr. Gideon greeted them in a kindly manner and spoke with them briefly. A little later, when their flocks were again grazing in the area, the shepherds went out of their way to visit the monk. Fr. Gideon spoke to them from the parables of our Lord, from the lives of the Saints. He spoke to them of the things they understood -- of flocks, of good pastures, of wolves that seek to devour the sheep, of the Good Shepherd. He told them of the rocky earth, of thorns and thistles that choke out the grains of wheat, and he spoke also to them about the good earth. They were simple men of the mountains, and so they understood these simple things which he told them. They themselves were men of the earth, the good earth, and so Fr. Gideon's words began to take root.
On returning home, the shepherds told their wives of the kindly little father they had met in the mountains. They related how the father spoke to them about how they should be pious, and kind, and fair in all their dealings, and about how they should love God and man, and be faithful to the Orthodox Faith.
Naturally, the women felt they had to check out everything that their husbands had told them.
Hence, they too began hiking up into the mountains to visit Fr. Gideon. Of course, their philótimo * precluded them from going empty-handed. So, loaded down with bags of food and bottles of olive-oil ("for the icon-lamps, little Father"), these sturdy little women trekked up to Fr. Gideon's hermitage.
As he spoke with the men, so did Fr. Gideon speak with the women also. He told them many parables and accounts from the Lives of the Saints. He told them about prayer, about fasting; he admonished them how to struggle in the life of piety, and also how to cope with their husbands.
As the numbers of Fr. Gideon's new spiritual children continued to increase, many of them began to wonder why they could not have a parish nearby which followed the Church's traditional calendar and usages.
"Fr. Gideon, you have explained many things to us about the spiritual life, and about Orthodoxy, and about the church calendar," said his faithful disciples. Then came the big question: "Why don't you become our priest?"
Fr. Gideon cleared his throat and looked here and there desperately. "Well. . .the matter is difficult," he hedged.
His new flock - most of them former new calendarists - were not put off. It was obvious, they said among themselves, that Fr. Gideon was being evasive only because of his humility. They would write a petition directly to Archbishop Matthew, requesting that the good Fr. Gideon be ordained to the priesthood for them.
On receiving their petition, Archbishop Matthew was astonished, for he understood how great a number had returned to traditional Orthodoxy thanks to Fr. Gideon's teaching and example.
The report of these doings eventually reached the men's monastery of the Holy Transfiguration also. Pricked by his conscience, Fr. Victor Matthew - the leader of the group who had originally accused Fr. Gideon - made his way to the Archbishop's office once again.
"Your Eminence, I must speak with you."
"What do you have to say, Fr. Victor?"
"I have a confession to make to you. All those charges that we brought against Fr. Gideon some four years ago. . ."
"Yes, what about those charges?"
"They were false -all of them."
"False?" exclaimed the Archbishop. "In God's name, what prompted you to do such a thing?"
"He was too strict! - what with his unrelenting fasts and his incessant work hours - he even had us working in the olive groves during the Great Fast while we had to keep the fast of the Ninth Hour! The fathers said that if we didn't get rid of him, he would kill us all for sure!"
According to the holy canons, if Fr. Victor and the other accusers had been priests or deacons, then they would have been subject to defrockment for slandering another. However, Fr. Gideon agreed to come back to the monastery only if his accusers were not punished.
He was re-instated to the priesthood, and on September 1, 1948, Matthew ordained him to the episcopate and gave him the name Spyridon. His diocese was Trimythus of Cyprus, and thus he became "Spyridon of Trimythus."
Even though his stay in Cyprus lasted only two years, the new Bishop Spyridon ordained many clergy, established monasteries, convents, and parishes, and, in general, completely organized the church life of the traditional Orthodox Christians.
The British government authorities in Cyprus, however, felt that he was too active and too popular. Therefore, at the urging of the new calendarist hierarchy, the British exiled him back to Greece.
However, in Greece also, the traditional Orthodox Christians were weathering terrible new persecutions from another Spyridon - the new calendarist Archbishop of Athens. Nonethe1ess, Bishop Spyridon of Trimythus remained active for another three years, until the repose of Archbishop Matthew in 1953.
Immediately after Archbishop Matthew's funeral, Bishop Spyridon disappeared. He simply vanished into thin air without a trace. For ten years no one had any idea what happened to him.
In fact, Bishop Spyridon had gone into seclusion. Just below the convent in Keratea, there is a village by the sea-side. An old-calendar family living in the village of Keratea had agreed to receive the bishop into their home secretly. There, in the basement of this home, Bishop Spyridon established a secret hermitage, and for some ten years no one knew of his whereabouts.
About one year before his repose, he came down with cancer. Bed-ridden for most of this time, he patiently endured the terrible agony of his malady without once complaining. Together with the righteous Job, he cried out, "The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away. As it seemed good to the Lord, so hath it come to pass. Blessed be the name of the Lord."
He was determined, however, to make one last pilgrimage. Many decades before, he had been tonsured rassophor at the Skete of St. Anne on the Holy Mountain. Now his last wish was to visit the Skete church - the kyriakon - so that he could venerate the icon of St. Anne there in the very church where he had made his renunciation of the world.
He never got there.
He got only as far as Daphne, the "second capital" of the Holy Mountain. As he was waiting to transfer to another boat which would take him down the coast of the Athonite peninsula, someone recognized him. Immediately, this individual rushed to the local police station and reported that an old calendarist bishop was trying to sneak into the Holy Mountain. Alarmed, the gendarmes ran down to the harbor and arrested Bishop Spryidon.
"You must leave immediately. The Holy Mountain is under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and you have no right to be here."
"My children, I am close to death. I have no purpose for coming here except to kiss the icon of St. Anne in the Skete church where I was first tonsured. If you do not believe me, come with me. You may even hold me by the arms if you wish. My only wish is to venerate the Saint's icon and to return to my hermitage to die."
"Absolutely not! You are going no further. You must leave immediately under guard."
Broken-hearted and dejected, Bishop Spyridon, now accompanied by a gendarme, returned to the mainland and began to make his way back to Keratea.
He had to pass through Thessalonica. When he arrived at that city, he was again recognized... The report spread like wildfire: "Spyridon of the Matthewites is here in the city!" Immediately, great numbers of the faithful began to gather, including those of the other Old Calendarist jurisdiction. Everyone wanted to receive his blessing, to kiss his panagia, to venerate the hem of his rassa, to kiss his hand, to touch him.
Finally, with great difficulty he made it back to his little hermitage. There, after a few weeks, he peacefully reposed in the Lord on February 18, 1963.

“What exactly are you here for?”

“…To see with eyes unclouded by hate.”

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Re: The Sanctity of Our Hierarchs

Post by Maria »

Dear Philaret,

Please give a link to this article and only post a couple of paragraphs so as not to violate copyright laws.



Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The Sanctity of Our Hierarchs

Post by Barbara »

Amazing that I read this story on the Feast of this Bishop's Saint, St Spyridon of Tremythus !

I am therefore GLAD that the entire Life was included, for i may not have followed a link and would therefore have
missed out on a very instructive and inspiring story.

Fr Gideon handled the false accusation against him so admirably. That itself is a good lesson. But too, to see how
God used this event to separate Fr Gideon off and make him a teacher and guide for Old Calendarists is remarkable.

However, it seems the authorities preventing Bp Spyridon from venerating his special icon of St Anne was the action of the Devil. Why wouldn't they have agreed to escort the harmless, sick elderly Bishop to the Skete of St Anne for the nostalgic visit which would have brought his spiritual life full circle ? Must have been the spite of the New Calendarists at work behind the scenes due to Bp Spyridon's evident popularity with the Greek people.

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Re: The Sanctity of Our Hierarchs

Post by Isaakos »

Because he was a "schismatic" and supposedly "schismatics" are not allowed on the holy mountain. Never mind the delegation of Monophysite heretics that recently visited Athos! They are harmless, we can't have a "zealot" come in and stir up trouble! Lol. The hypocrisies of the schismatic church and its schismatic ministers know no limits.

Here is another awesome story about the holy Elder of Athikia, GREECE. He was a zealot and the Spiritual Son of Pachomius of Chios, a spiritual brother of St Nektarios, and the Spiritual Father of Kallistos of Corinth. Here is the story of his repose:

"Elder Moses (Tripitinian)

+June 14, 1946

(As told by his disciple, Metropolitan Kallistos)

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It was the desire of the holy Elder Moses that he repose at the men's monastery which  was in a secluded area, far away from the  tumult of the world. Death came to him in the  midst of the German occupation of Greece, during World War II. Four or five days before his repose, he told me and all the fathers that it was time for him to leave this world. "My soul will leave on Friday towards Saturday at dawn. When I leave, don't inform the  sisters right away, but let a few hours pass."

At dawn on Saturday he asked to receive the Precious Gifts, the Body and Blood of Our Saviour. He then crossed his arms and gave up his soul. Overcome with sorrow and anxiety, I said to one of the brothers: "Hurry and notify the others so they can say a prayer rope for the Elder, for he has reposed ." The brother ran and notified the sisters. But no sooner did the mourning begin than the Elder came back to life, I was standing over him, ready to prepare his body for burial, when I heard him say, "Oh, lost man! Elder?!" "Elder?" he said. "How can you call me Elder? Didn't I tell you not to say anything for a few hours, and now look what you've done. You've brought me back. What do I owe you that I have to wait another week and endure all these trials and sorrows? Let me go, let me leave, why did you call me back?"

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 Another week passed and again it was Saturday morning. Once more the Elder received the Holy Mysteries--and reposed. This time I let a little more time pass, but again, in my sorrow I forgot the Elder's injunction. Or perhaps I was being a bit deceptive. Thinking that what had occurred might happen again, I told the brother to quickly notify everyone of the Elder's passing. I started to prepare him again when I heard his voice. I almost fainted. All the monks gathered and exclaimed in disbelief: "Elder! Elder!" A bigger sigh was heard this time from the Elder as he came back to life. "Why don't you let me go? Let me leave quietly, at least this coming Saturday, definitely, for it is God's will that I leave then. You will then be witness to the departure of my soul, for God will permit us a soul-profiting lesson."

 Friday night after Vespers I went to see the Elder and asked if there was anything that we could bring him. "Are you fathers well?" he asked. "What is Philoret (a monk who did carpentry work) doing outside my door, banging and making all that racket? Doesn't he know the state I'm in? Can't you leave me in peace in my last hoists? Please, go and find out what is going on, and ask him to please stop all that noise, for I cannot bear it.” I went outside but there was no one there.  "Oh, I understand now. It's the enemy, the demons, coming to make this attack before my soul's departure. Please, give me the Holy Mysteries so that I might be fortified with God's grace. Also. please bring me the picture of my holy Elder Pachomius, for he will come to receive me and take me before the Bridegroom of our souls, our Lord Jesus Christ, so that I can worship the Holy Trinity. Why are you standing there! Don't you see what is going on? Prepare the censer, light the candles and read the Gospel, so that we may receive the approaching saints and saved friends and acquaintances.''

Suddenly my spiritual eyes were opened, and I realized that this was truly an awesome moment; the Elder was seeing the spiritual and bright heavenly world. His face changed and became bright like the sun, with a joy unspeakable and unending, and I heard him say: "Thank you, thank you, Elder!" His deceased elder Pachomius had come and he was thanking him for the angelic schema which he had given him, for the riassa, the polistavri, belt, monastic headcover, prayer rope, etc.

 When he finished his conversation with Elder Pachomius, his face again changed, and with a staunchly defensive spirit he spoke out in a firm voice: "You wretched, horny, black and incompetent demon: No!" This is how he answered the demonic leaders who examined him at the toll houses. All their false and slanderous accusations he answered with a firm "No!" He passed through the twelve toll houses and then, in the loudest possible voice, the Elder said to the demon parading in front of him: "You short one, what do you want? Who are you? Identify yourself so that I can see who you are." It was finally revealed that this was the demon of heresy. "Who are you calling a heretic, you lying, evil demon?" Making the sign of the cross, the Elder began reciting the Confession of the Orthodox Faith, whereupon the demon became like smoke and disappeared. The Elder then explained that all the demonic leaders of the different toll houses had a sign which identified them as being responsible for a mortal sin. All the demons paraded in front of him and then, as howling wild beast s, they disappeared like smoke. He said how terrible it would be for any Christian to be held captive by these deceitful and horny creatures, particularly the monastics who will replace the angelic order.

The Elder received the Holy Mysteries once more, and within a short time his blessed soul departed from his body and ascended to the heavenly mansions where he could rejoice eternally in the Kingdom of Heaven. His face shone brightly as the sun, exactly as when I first met him. We couldn't take our eyes off such a sight and we regretted having to put on the monastic headcover (koukoulion) as is the custom. But we couldn't do otherwise, and began preparing his holy body for burial. Prayers for the repose of his soul were read and all other necessary arrangements required by the Church were completed. After a few hours had passed we notified tile sisters of the Elder's repose. They were grief stricken like the rest of us. It was Friday night, a few minutes before midnight, June 14,1946. We buried him the following day.

So great was my sorrow that I could not bear to leave his grave site. I stayed there for three days praying and weeping, for I felt totally alone without his guidance and protection. Sleep usually overtook me for a few hours before dawn. On the third day, feeling exhausted from the vigil and my sorrow, I lay down to rest a little. Whether I slept or not, whether my eyes were open... I saw growing from the middle of his grave a large, magnificent tree with many branches and marvelous leaves: it was heavy with beautiful fruit, large and juicy, which resembled apples sweet to the taste and wondrous to the sight, with an indescribable fragrance which permeated the surrounding area. In the middle of the trunk I saw a bright gold sign unfolding, bearing the following inscription: "THE TREE OFOBEDIENCE. remain in your holy obedience and you will taste of these fruits, and in its shade you will rest eternally." On seeing this, my soul was comforted and, filled with spiritual joy, I was able to go to the Monastery of the Archangels in Athikia, where we began serving the forty Liturgies for the repose of the Elder's soul."

“What exactly are you here for?”

“…To see with eyes unclouded by hate.”

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