The truth about chemotherapy

Archimandrit Nilos
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The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Archimandrit Nilos »

The truth about chemotherapy from Dr Nicholas Gonzales. Very interesting and revealing.

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Barbara »

Greetings with Feast of St Vladimir, Archimandrite !

You are on facebook- ?!! Though I despise that place, it's true that almost everyone is on it or checks it frequently.
So you are wise to get out this information.

I will look at your 'page' as soon as I can.

I have always known that this form of treatment was a disaster. I can't believe how people are brainwashed into it, as though it is a mandatory sentence for them to undergo.
In fact, it is the most deleterious treatment imaginable !

I am sure the article shows precisely WHY that is true, which is valuable information to present so that people will wake up.
My type of reasoning "I feel that it's bad" will have no impact on anyone ! They need the EVIDENCE and from a physician, of course, as we are all educated this way.

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Maria »

The late Dr. Gonzalez mentioned in the video that certain types of chemotherapy do work for specific types of cancer, but that the generalized use of chemotherapy for all types of cancer is not warranted. Chemotherapy is not the magic bullet, which it is portrayed as being, as it is a deadly chemical that if used indiscriminately can cause more cancers to appear throughout the body. Since Dr. Gonzalez was trained under top oncologists, and was offered two well-paying positions at Sloan-Kettering, which he politely refused, he knows the chemotherapic agents, their specific target, and their side effects.

One of the most important statements he made is that it is important to follow the wishes of the patient.

For example, in double blind studies, if the patient really wants surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, then giving them a drastic change in diet (vegetarian) and in lifestyle (no smoking, no drinking, lots of sleep and plenty of exercise, no candy, no sweet pastries, no sugars, no fried foods, no meats, and no processed snack foods such as potato chips and dips) when they are in pain and do not want to change their lifestyle, then it will not work. Such people want instant gratification: surgery and drugs to mitigate their pain and get rid of that tumorous beast, and comfort foods which are provided in abundance in the chemotherapist's office where chocolates, pastries, and sugary drinks are everywhere present. So if relatives force them into a study which they do not like, they will not be compliant and will cheat at every opportunity, thus rendering any study invalid.

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Barbara »

Thanks, Maria, for your intelligent summary. I never imagined that any patients would be like you described so helpfully. That helps explain why some do mindlessly opt for these - to me - killer courses of treatment. They want any quick track to supposed success - without having to do a bit of work themselves !

I also always wonder WHY it is that the same phrase is repeated ad nauseam : "so and so battled cance".

Why is it that no other expression can be dredged up in the English language to describe the situation ?!
Almost unbelievable that a patient is presented by relatives as having "battled" the disease.

Now I see WHY some patients have this combative approach which perhaps COULD be called "battling".
They trust in a weapon, a surgeon's knife, sometimes. Or else take on the illness like it's their enemy.

Well, I think better understanding needs to reached so that patients are not taught this way.
Why not to say "Ah, now I have a chance to have a miraculous cure and give glory to a Saint" - such as in the touching story
which joasia related above, in the 'Inquiring Into Orthodoxy ' thread ?

As a footnote, myself, I will never even use the name of the disease if I can avoid it !
I believe that if I stay clear of all that beehive of trouble, it will never get near me. Of course, this does not help a person who is caring for someone has the illness. But to keep it out of one's life and world wherever God allows would be the best option from my [ limited ! ] perspective.

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Barbara »

Another footnote. Elder Nektary of Optina actually served his priestly guest and that priest's matushka - chocolate candies !
They didn't want to eat them and were amazed that he would have any in his cell. But he did !
When the guests hesitated to take even one morsel, while wondering why he himself could avail himself of the milk products in the chocolate, the last Optina Elder sat down at the table and started right in with a big smile !
The Priest and his wife reluctantly followed suit, just to please the Elder.

So one never knows when the usual eating rules can be suspended. But rarely would one see an authentic Elder today, if ever.
Let alone one who was able to transcend the usual customs and set out a plate of -- chocolates.

Maybe if Elder Nekary were able to prescribe for patients of this disease, he at least might not mind that plunge into eating junk food, candy and Nestles. I doubt any physician alive would have anything remotely approaching his clairvoyance, however !

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by joasia »

I have had family that went through chemo. They just did it because it was the conventional way. But, there were two situations which I intervened. I posted about one tonight. My cousin who had cancer in 1994. I brought St. John's oil to him. He still had to have chemo and go through the surgery, but he survived. Then there is my mother who had to go through light chemo since last year of Sept. She had her first operation on Dec. 6/19, cancer on the liver. See that date? I went to her with St. John's oil before her operation and I also was present at Vespers of St. Nicholas and then went to see her at 7 a.m. the next day and brought her the oil of the Vespers blessing of that feast day of St. Nicholas. She survived that operation which was considered very difficult. The doctor even told us that we should be prepared for the worst. Imagine that. But, I had complete faith in God which is why I made every effort to anoint her with the blessed oils of St. John Maximovitch and St. Nicholas.

Then in April, my mother had to have another operation of her large colon. They removed it. I also, at that time brought her the oil of St. John...the one that I got when I went to visit him in 2013. Maybe that's why I was brought that I could have this oil for her healing. She recovered from that operation, thanks be to God.

I haven't listened to all this video, but I wanted to give my thoughts about the subject, because it's so important considering what I went through. I will write more later, but I just wanted to share my experience with you all. My faith, in my heart, requires that I turn to God first. I was faced with the possible death of my 17 year-old cousin back then and the death of my mother now. And even though they were being treated by doctors, I ran to them (cousin and mother) with the holy oils of the saints. I believe that if we have complete conviction in believing in God in helping us with our illness/sickness, then He will heal.

There was nothing that I could do to heal them. I didn't have any talents. But, all I could do was pray and bring them the oil. Did I mention that my mother's second operation in April was on Big Thursday? It just seems that I am always battling situations that try to pull me away from God. But, God sees my struggles. The operation was successful and I was able to make it to Church for Big Friday and the rest of the Holy Weekend and Pascha. Thanks be to God.

When you are faced with a situation that forces you to chose between personal circumstances, as painful as they may be, or God...choose God (even if you don't have any idea how it can possibly work out), because God can make any situation saveable. Don't give in to rationalization... that is the trap. God is the only way. Jesus Christ is always there with us. We just have to really believe it in our hearts and the test is when we face critical circumstances. Don't give into the fear.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Ps. 50)

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Re: The truth about chemotherapy

Post by Barbara »

Oh, I didn't see this, Joasia. Thank you for telling us what happened in detail so everyone can learn.
Too many times, people post so vaguely, supposedly for protection of the identities of the individuals, but in reality, detracting from the story they are telling. We, the listeners, NEED to hear all that ! It is edifying for all.

Please do continue with the rest of what you had planned to say.

Meanwhile, glad you found good success with the St John's oils ! I remember that trip, when you parked in the zoned off
parking places in front of the Church !

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