Why join True Orthodoxy when there is no Church nearby?

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Why join True Orthodoxy when there is no Church nearby?

Post by Maria »

I think it is better to pray at home, in a domestic church, far away from the Maddening Crowd (EP) when one's own True Orthodox Church is in another state or country 8 to 12 hours away. Visiting my in-laws in the local Greek Orthodox Church under Bartholomew at Baptisms is really hard especially when they gush over the fact that unity is so close with Pope Francis, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and Protestants.

In 20 years, my Greek in-laws have come a long way from their own brand of New Calendar parochialism. With interfaith marriages occurring more frequently among my in-laws, now they rush to embrace the heterodoxy of a One World Religion claiming that Muslims, Jews, and various Christians sects all worship the same God of Abraham. And they even tell those of different religions to be better Roman Catholics, better Protestants, better Jews, better Muslims, and better Buddhists!

Where does Christ fit in with Ecumenism? He does not. He is not welcomed in this New World Religion. Yet, it is the Holy Trinity who is the God of Abraham as the Holy Trinity appeared to Abraham and Sarah as Three Angels at the Oak of Mamre. The ancient Jews worshipped the Holy Trinity or why else would Genesis state, "Let Us create man in Our own image." This plural usage indicates that our God is a Triune Godhead: One God in Three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We True Orthodox worship the Triune Godhead: Father, Son (Logos), and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God, is our Creator, our Redeemer, and our God. It is He Who gave us the Holy Bible through the Holy Spirit. It is He Who was baptized in the Jordan by the Holy Forerunner, St. John the Baptist. At His Baptism, Christ's unity with the Holy Trinity was revealed as the Father bore witness to Him exclaiming, "This is My Beloved Son," and the Spirit in the form of a Dove, confirmed the truthfulness of His words. Oh, Christ our God, Who has appeared and enlightened the world, Glory be to Thee!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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