Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

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Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Maria »

Metropolitan of the Greek Orthodox Church to appear before court for sharp remarks concerning sodomy


September 25, 2016

Metropolitan Alexandros of Mantineia and Kynouria has reported that he received an official summons and will soon appear in court for his statements regarding representatives of sexual minorities.

Vladyka reported that he is obliged to give testimony before Tuesday September 27.

In April 2016 the metropolitan of Mantineia spoke out sharply against Greek Parliament’s adopting of the law on free cohabitation: “Worst of all is that Parliament voted for laws which call perversion and depraved couplings of people of the same sex marriage.”

Speaking of sodomites, Vladyka said in particular: “They are an anomaly which is condemned by society and life itself. I feel bad for them. I pray for the Lord to forgive them and that they would repent and change themselves to become honest members of our society. The Church is guided by God’s law and natural order. No one who has some weaknesses should display them publicly without any shame.” According to the metropolitan, persons of untraditional orientation are sick and in need of healing. In response to a journalist’s question: “Are there active representatives of sexual minorities amongst the members of the Church?” Vladyka answered: “I don’t know, but if we do have them, we should distance ourselves from them.”

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Barbara »

I am sorry that Metropolitan Alexandros has to appear on Exaltation of the Cross ! Though I guess being EP, that Feast has already passed for his diocese.

This is marvelous that he stood up ! How refreshing. Most of the remarks are always so carefully couched as to sound "Christian" with disgusting prattle about "we must love the homosexuals, bla bla bla".
I always roll my eyes at the emptiness of what many hierarchs or other figures are saying in an effort to placate the deluded masses in Europe and America today.

This Metropolitan has spoken so much more accurately. APPLAUSE !
I hope he wins completely and the case becomes an example from which other Orthodox leaders can take courage to repeat his remarks without fear of being dragged into public censure. That is outrageous that the poor Met has to be taken to task like this.

It's wonderful that Met. Alexandros didn't try to play to the liberal audience. Rather than all the syrupy platitudes dished out by other figures to the effect of "We must respect them as humans and welcome them into our churches and / or provide methods of healing for them", this Greek Met. didn't mince words.

"We should distance ourselves from them ", which is the ONLY RIGHT prescription.

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Barbara »

Apparently the hearing has not yet taken place. I was waiting for news about this unfair occurrence.

Backing up Met Alexandros meanwhile is Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus who gives a character reference and solidly supports his stance as the position of the Orthodox Church. Hopefully other figures are maneuvering behind the scenes to ensure a victorious outcome for Met Alexandros !

"Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus supports Metropolitan Alexander of Mantineia and Kynouria who will soon appear in court for his criticism of the law which legalizes same-sex “marriages."
According to Metropolitan Seraphim, the activities of the Metropolitan of Mantineia and Kynouria “have inspired God’s people” for many decades. “He has taken care for his diocese wisely, with prudence and sacrificial love."

The metropolitan of Piraeus stressed that the criminal investigation initiated by the Tripoli investigative committee against Metropolitan Alexander for his “statements concerning the terrible vice of homosexuality which is a psychopathological deviation from the natural physiological state of an individual” is “utterly groundless and unfounded."

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

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Finally ! This brave Metropolitan is exonerated from the ridiculous 'charges' :

"The committee that had been investigating recent statements of Metropolitan Alexander of Mantineia and Kynouria has found that no crime was committed, reports

The investigation was conducted against the hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Church after a number of complaints were received by various liberal human rights organizations regarding statements from the metropolitan .....and the Greek government’s adoption of a law on free cohabitation.

In April 2016 the metropolitan of Mantineia spoke out sharply against the new law.

After several months, the investigative committee has made an official statement saying they found no reason to prosecute Metropolitan Alexander."

This, of course, is the obvious outcome. The fact that these factions tried to stir up trouble shows how bold the Devil and aggressive has become, trying to defame a hierarch who was just speaking out what every Orthodox clergyman - and layperson - should be saying on these subjects.

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Maria »

Praise the Lord. Let us pray that he comes to his senses and joins True Orthodoxy.

Was he the only Greek Metropolitan to speak out?

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Barbara »

It appears the only other Metropolitan to back up Met Alexandros was Metropolitan Seraphim of Pireaus.

That by itself speaks volumes ! They should ALL be chorusing their support for this brave hierarch, who only said what everyone privately thinks. Perhaps some Greek clergyman did quietly send messages expressing approval of his bold remarks. But none other publicly announced their backing for their beleaguered brother bishop, as far as anyone knows.

I would not be surprised if Russian and Georgian and Serbian hierarchs also sent Met Alexandros letters of congratulation. Again, these were private rather than public, perhaps because the foreign clergymen did not want to appear to be interfering in the Greek Church theater.

Yes ! It would be wonderful if a TOC could talk Met Alexandros into joining. He has that rare strength to break away from the EP.

What an asset this forthright, determined Metropolitan would be for our TOCs !

P.S. Does anyone notice how the words "brave", "courageous", or "daring" are employed these days to laud perverts and evildoers ??
Never for a stalwart Prince of the Church like Met. Alexandros who are only ridiculed to the skies by the left, liberals, etc. That is what the entire persecution campaign was about. The hope was clearly that if he could be silenced, no other Orthodox clergyman would dare to speak out, saying what - in fact - everyone wants their clergymen to say.

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Re: Greek Metropolitan at court 9-27-2016 re: sodomy remarks

Post by Barbara »

On a somewhat similar note, the militantly secular Greek government has stepped on Greek Orthodox toes [ ouch ! ] yet again.

The arena is different but the theme is the same. The Metropolitans are being badgered and bossed around to ensure they have no influence or prestige to speak out to halt Athens' increasingly aggressive campaign to reduce the Church to a far inferior role vis a vis an all-powerful Greek state apparatus.

"Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Patras has sent an open letter to the Greek Minister of Health Andreas Xanthos, expressing his disagreement with the renaming of St. Andrew’s Hospital in Patras, reports AgionOros.

“With great disbelief the residents of Patras have seen the new signboard on St. Andrew’s Hospital, which now bears the name ‘Patras General Hospital,’” he stated. Patras is Greece's third-largest city and the regional capital of Western Greece, in the northern Peloponnese, 135 miles west of Athens.

“The name ‘St. Andrew’ has been inextricably linked with the healthcare
[ institution ? ] since its foundation, and it is known under that name throughout all of Greece,” the bishop emphasized in his epistle.

Not only is St. Andrew connected with the hospital, but with the very city and history of Patras itself. “As you know,” Met. Chrysostomos writes, “the holy apostle Andrew the First-Called is the founder of the Church in Patras and the patron of our city. Our city is inseparably linked with his name. The apostle Andrew is the breath and life of Patras (He taught and worked miracles here. Patras is the place of his burial, his precious head, and his cross, on which he suffered martyrdom).”[/i]

In short, to change the name of the hospital is to deny the city’s history itself.

“In this regard, we believe the hospital should be returned to its historical name. This decision will correct this injustice and greatly delight the residents of our city,” the prelate insisted."...


Anyone who in student days voyaged through southern Europe or took the overland route from London to India will recall Patras. This city is the terminus of the much-traveled ferry route from Brindisi, Italy.

Today, it seems these ferries also originate from Bari - the well-known site of the relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. Passengers likewise disembark in Patras.

Therefore, now we have 2 IMPORTANT SAINTS whose locales are involved !

The Greek Healthy Ministry should make haste to return that hospital to its original name, St Andrew's. Certainly in time for the May 9/22 Feast of the Translation of St Nicholas' Relics to Bari.

Tomb of St Nicholas at Bari, Italy. An easy 4 hour journey by highspeed train from Rome, this shrine is easily accessible to pilgrims from all over the world -- including those taking the ferry from St Andrew's city of Patras !

If this renaming of the hijacked hospital is not done, the Greek government will be exposed as working its hardest to hassle the Orthodox, particularly targeting the more traditional elements like Metropolitan Alexandros above.

Greek officials should stop staging this unbecoming childish taunting of the Church. Or expect to be punished by God for their malicious games.

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