My Orthodox story

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My Orthodox story

Post by Justice »

Hello everyone,

Since I'm new here I might as well give some background on my life, I was born into a biracial Jewish family though throughout the early years of my childhood I had no understanding of God because I was never taught about him. Then one day when I was twelve, My mother took me to synagogue and we started going every Saturday. But it went downhill when I realized that the current form of Jewish worship isn't the correct one and at the same time I was getting a strong sense to accept Jesus Christ. One day I just couldn't take it anymore and embraced Jesus and as soon as I did it was as if a weight had been lifted from me. My mother became furious with me for this (and still is) and she started to say things such as "Jesus was a magician" and Jesus is for the Idiots" since then I have been looking into many various groups and the ones I'm deciding to join are the Coptic Church and the GOC.

In Christ,

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Re: My Orthodox story

Post by Maria »

Welcome to E Cafe, Justice!

In my journey toward True Orthodoxy, I too looked into the Coptic Church as we have many Copts here in Los Angeles. I went to several discussion groups where the Copts and the Armenians battled each other. It was fierce. They were both upset over their hierarchs and the ecumenism present to the point where their hierarchs were meeting with Muslims and the Pope of Rome in a bid for a one-world religion. This spirit of ecumenism greatly disturbed me, so I began the search and chose True Orthodoxy as it does not compromise with this diabolical ecumenical spirit.

I will pray that you will be granted great discernment. Lord have mercy.

p.s. I am moving this thread into the Inquirer's Forum where it will not be overlooked.

Maria, Administrator

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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