Uncontacted tribe

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Uncontacted tribe

Post by Justice »

Apparently there's a tribe in India called the Sentinelese that's resisted every attempt at man contact. The first attempt was made by the British who took two elders and two children to their camp.The two elders were killed by smallpox so the British showered the kids with gifts and sent them back to the tribe. The following attempts to make contact were all failiures until in 1991, when the tribe unexpectedly came out to greet the pilgrims. Then in 2004, a hurricane devastated India and so the Indian government went to check up on the tribe with a rescue helicopter only to be pelted with arrows. Also in 2006 a pair of Indian fisherman were nearing close to the shore of the island and the Sentinelese ran towards there boat and killed them. Since then the Indian government has banned anybody from visiting the island. Though in my opinion, we need to try harder to make contact with the Sentinelese I would start with missionaries and I would be honored to go over there and try and convert those people.

Video of the Sentinelese:

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Re: Uncontacted tribe

Post by Maria »

It appears that these tribal peoples have been traumatized by their contact with "Western Civilization" as their two elders came down with smallpox and died. The story did not say, but undoubtedly, those two children could have carried smallpox to others in that tribe. Therefore, that tribe is afraid of any more contact lest more of their people die of this horrific plague.

And then what does our uncivilized culture have to offer? More death, another World War, secular humanism, vaccinations loaded with mercury, aluminum, and other contaminates that leave infants struggling with autism.

If there were a way to reach out to them without killing them with our superbugs, which modern science has created, that might be honorable. Right now, we must pray that God will grant them the grace of salvation.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Uncontacted tribe

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

Apparently there's a tribe in India called the Sentinelese that's resisted every attempt at man contact. The first attempt was made by the British who took two elders and two children to their camp.The two elders were killed by smallpox so the British showered the kids with gifts and sent them back to the tribe. The following attempts to make contact were all failiures until in 1991, when the tribe unexpectedly came out to greet the pilgrims. Then in 2004, a hurricane devastated India and so the Indian government went to check up on the tribe with a rescue helicopter only to be pelted with arrows. Also in 2006 a pair of Indian fisherman were nearing close to the shore of the island and the Sentinelese ran towards there boat and killed them. Since then the Indian government has banned anybody from visiting the island. Though in my opinion, we need to try harder to make contact with the Sentinelese I would start with missionaries and I would be honored to go over there and try and convert those people.

Video of the Sentinelese:

Have you read the story of the conversion of the Alaskan Native Peoples?

Visiting people in far off places has been done through bilocation. I think it was St.Herman of Alaska who was in his cell praying in Russia for the conversion of these people, but at the same time, he was catechizing them in person in Alaska.

There have been many other stories of saints who have been able to be in two places in the world at the same time. This is one of the many charismatic gifts that the Lord grants his saints. The Pentecostal gift of tongues has been granted to many of the saints where they have been able to understand languages that they have never spoken, and speak in their native tongue yet be heard by others in many different languages.

Remember that only the Divine Grace of the Holy Trinity can convert people. Each conversion is a miracle of this grace from God. We can only pray and beg to be used as a vehicle. Nothing more.

So pray. Perhaps God will gift you with these gifts of the Holy Spirit when you are Baptized and Chrismated. Then you can be a missionary without even leaving the monastery walls.

In conclusion, I believe that if we pray strongly with faith, that these people can be brought to Christ. It may be that the Theotokos, the Holy Virgin Mother of God, will have to appear to them. She has appeared to many. Again, we must pray, for these people are so wounded and afraid that only a powerful miraculous appearance can help them overcome their fears.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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