Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

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Re: Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

Post by Justice »

Barbara wrote:

Let me be even bolder and add the following. Today I was stopped at a light when a truck went by right in front of me. The sign on its side read "TVCOFFEE.COM".

I thought "This must be a clue regarding this thread. Probably not only the TV programming but that combined with the drinking of coffee -- so prevalent in America -- which causes this mental deterioration"

Coffee fans will find a way to ignore or cancel this out, but I think the idea is worth considering. Surely the coffee industry is so powerful that any findings to this effect would be stamped out immediately. It's indisputable that coffee interferes with the nervous system, such as in 'coffee jitters'. So why is it much of a stretch to envision that coffee erodes or destroys the brain's pathways and synapses ? Or does other neural damage ?

So Justice, I hope you are a tea drinker, if you consume any of the popular beverages ! Tea is civilized, where coffee is so rough.

I never understood the appeal of coffee, for me it's to strong. Though everyone around me especially my school friends loved it. I remember at one of my friend's birthdays, my friend got two cases of the drink ( the parents completely ingnoring studies that show kids who drink coffee get stunted growth.)

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Re: Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

Post by Barbara »

Is that RIGHT ? Coffee consumption distorts the normal growth process for youth ?

I hope all the TOC youth is aware of this ! We need to have much more in the way of youth activities. Some TOC groups offer summer camps, but much more needs to be done in this area, naturally. It is the same everywhere.

Surely a health lecturer could acquaint TOC youth with this and other important facts so that they - like you - choose their beverage wisely and go with TEA !

Yes, I quite agree. I never have drunk coffee but even the smell of it is overpowering. What about the actual liquid ?
That thick brew is deleterious for many reasons. The chemicals in coffee probably shut down the all-important hormones needed for healthy development of many systems, not only the growth hormones [ or whatever is responsible for growth.]

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Re: Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

Post by Maria »

I am quite sensitive to coffee and chocolate. Perhaps you are too Barbara.

Anyway, what does drinking coffee or eating chocolate have to do with watching movies or playing video games?
I have heard of youth in Japan or Korea who play video games non-stop by drinking coffee or gulping down those dangerous energy drinks to avoid sleep for more than 36 hours. They end up dying because of the lack of sleep, lack of nourishment, lack of exercise, etc.

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Re: Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

Post by Barbara »

I dislike the smell of both coffee and chocolate. I try to avoid letting my eyes rest on either of these noxious items. So yes, I am too sensitive to tolerate either of them.

What do TV and Coffee have to do with each other ? Well, it was the logo on the truck which I saw that day which seemed to point up the parallel : not only TV but also coffee likely destroy healthy functioning of the brain [ also rock music and all that even worse stuff out today do the same ].

The truck, by the way, I realized a minute after it passed by, was owned by the Treasure Valley Coffee Company. Hence "TV COFFEE" on its side.
Since this thread had been active at that precise moment, I guessed it was a suggestion from Heaven for kids [ as well as adults ] to skip BOTH TV and Coffee !

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Re: Should we let kids watch movies or play video games?

Post by Justice »

I have two video games that are hard to part with because they bring back such good memories.

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