Fr Joachim Parr & the MP Mercy House Debacle

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Re: Fr Joachim Parr & the MP Mercy House Debacle

Post by Barbara »

Charging ahead on building a new Church in Post Falls, Idaho [ extreme northern part of the state ] is the MP's Our Lady of Kazan parish. Hmm.

From January 2017, putting up the sheetrock

Church building on the right with parking spaces. Not sure what is on the left side. Looks like a long greenhouse ? More likely, that structure is unrelated to the mission and just borders it.

The current space used in Spokane :

Looking at the mission's website, I saw the answer to one of our member's earlier question about the precise natures of Mercy House.
Then, we see below that this new mission is directly under Fr Parr ! Could that STILL be the case ?


"The Monastery of St. Mary of Egypt was founded as a part of a homeless shelter and mission known as "Mercy House" in Manhattan in New York in 1993 by Archmandrit Joachim (Parr).

In 2008 most of the brotherhood with their Elder moved to Treadwell (Catskill region of Upstate New York). Both the Our Lady of Kazan Church and the Skete are under the spiritual guidance of Father Joachim."

I recall seeing notices of when Fr Parr went to this Kazan mission to give the equivalent of a retreat or something similar.
I didn't realize he has - or HAD - this "first Russian Orthodox Church in Spokane" project directly under his spiritual direction. I wonder what the Priest here, a Fr. Dimitrian, and the parishioners think of Fr Parr's recent chastisement by the Moscow Patriarchate ?

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Re: Fr Joachim Parr & the MP Mercy House Debacle

Post by Barbara »

A new video is available on the Mercy House Abuse facebook page.
It's called "8 Signs of Fake People".
Though extremely simplified, this quick description can make one think of various acquaintances ! The video
seems to describe Narcissists rather than Sociopaths.

Thus I don't think it does justice to the serious harm caused by Fr Parr.

Yet it does hit home about a few behavior patterns of people who are not spiritually or mentally healthy, such as being DESPERATE to get attention. This characteristic is not included on lists of Narcissism traits, nor Sociopathic ones.
Yet we all know people like this.

This video seems to be only made for facebook, as it is not available on youtube yet.
If anyone is curious, go to MercyHouseAbuseHistory or perhaps just MercyHouseAbuse on facebook. The video, posted July 4, 2017, will appear near the top.

By the way, I always dislike the stereotypical presentation "10 ways to a better garden" or "14 traits of a Borderline Personality Disordered Person" I usually would not even look at such material, figuring it is fluff for the masses. I would rather read a serious, thoughtful essay or book on any subject.

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Re: Fr Joachim Parr & the MP Mercy House Debacle

Post by Barbara »

This Our Lady of Kazan MP parish received a building permit and is ready to be consecrated October 14, 2017.
The site says somewhere "by the Bishop". Thus Fr Parr is not involved, unless he attends as an observer. Of course, he is forbidden to serve.

Which bishop will officiate was not stated that I noticed. Assumedly the Administrator for US parishes of the MP, Bp John of Naro-Fominsk. That's a long way to travel from the East Coast to Spokane, eastern Washington state.

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