Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

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Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Justice »

I've heard that the Our lady of Guadalupe image despite being a western Icon, is acceptable in Orthodoxy. I've even heard that the image was accepted by the Orthodox accepted the image before Rome. Is this true? and can I venerate it?

It has appeared in many World Orthodox churches in Mexico and South America:


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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Maria »

Justice wrote:

I've heard that the Our lady of Guadalupe image despite being a western Icon, is acceptable in Orthodoxy. I've even heard that the image was accepted by the Orthodox accepted the image before Rome. Is this true? and can I venerate it?

It has appeared in many World Orthodox churches in Mexico and South America:


Even though some churches in World Orthodoxy have accepted the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, it has not been accepted by all. For example, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA) has refused to accept this Roman Catholic image, unless they have recently changed their position.

Be careful and do not rush to venerate the images and icons of the heterodox.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Justice »

The Antiochian and Cypriot World Orthodox churches apparently accept this icon. This almost seems that this was a small attempt at ecumenism.

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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by NotChrysostomYet »

Justice wrote:

The Antiochian and Cypriot World Orthodox churches apparently accept this icon. This almost seems that this was a small attempt at ecumenism.

Regardless of your view on the image though, it is beyond any doubt more Orthodox than much of the stuff that was produced in Russia during Peter's building of St. Petersburg and other Lutheran/Catholic influenced sights built by his successors. Ultimately that's what makes me okay with it.

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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Agios_Irineos »

Maria wrote:

Be careful and do not rush to venerate the images and icons of the heterodox.

I think this is sound advice for the simple reason that you can be sure that Orthodox icons are approved, but not the heterodox ones. There are very few RC icons that I think look anything like a Byzantine icon. The Church has traditioned the appearance of icons to properly depict the saint or scene depicted for the faithful. The Romans are not bound by this.

Of far greater import though, if you lack good Orthodox icons to venerate, Justice, please PM me your address and I will send you a few!

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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Barbara »

Re NCYet's lament, yes. I would go even farther and say that I have always wished that Sophia had stayed in power and Peter permanently exiled from the Russian domains. Whatever her shortcomings, at least the country and culture would have been saved that horrible shock of the damage he did to Russian's self-esteem. That in turn led to so many bad effects, and I have always thought, ultimately to the Russian Revolution, the exact centennial date of which is approaching only 3 weeks from now.

Just think, Peter would NEVER have attempted to build that city in the north which is gloomy and too fake-Italianate.
There is such a Protestant feel to it. I don't see much Catholic influence except in, for example, the building of St Isaac's Cathedral by a brilliant French architect, Auguste de Montferrand, with somewhat Catholic/continental style icons.

Then all those poor people would not have died during the impossible construction of this city, an example of hubris.
Think about the many times the city flooded, causing massive destruction and much loss of life. One such example was told by Chief Manager of Alaska Simeon Ivanovich Yanovsky, who ended his life in the St Tikhon of Kaluga Monastery near Optina as Schemamonk Sergius [ reposed April 1876 ].

Ironically, the date this terrible flood occurred was a signpost for the Bolshevik Revolution. The epic St Petersburg flood occurred on that dread date of November 7, 1824, foreshadowing the date the Reds grabbed power almost a century later.
Did anyone remark upon this coincidence in the years after the Soviet Union replaced the Russian Empire ?

Yanovsky left memoirs of what he witnessed when living on Vasilievsky Island, where St Xenia's shrine is located.
The narrative is too awful for words to hear all that the denizens of the northern capital endured --- all due to the megalomaniac and anti-Orthodox Peter.

Back to this image in the 1st post : that is something !
I had never known that the Guadalupe image was present in Orthodox Churches of Central and South America.
I see also Our Lady of Perpetual Help to the left of the royal doors.

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Re: Our Lady of Guadalupe Image

Post by Cyprian »

Justice wrote:

I've heard that the Our lady of Guadalupe image despite being a western Icon, is acceptable in Orthodoxy. I've even heard that the image was accepted by the Orthodox accepted the image before Rome. Is this true? and can I venerate it?

You should be asking yourself why you feel so compelled to want to venerate it in the first place. Are there not enough venerable Orthodox icons for you to venerate that you must resort to Latin ones?

No, you should not venerate it.

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