Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

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Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Luke »

Please pray for my Mom's hip replacement surgery tomorrow. I am worried about it because she is older and not in the best of health. Please also pray for my siblings and I as we look after her and Dad who has memory problems.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Barbara »

Oh no ! Two problems at once to deal with vis a vis your parents.
Is that a tricky operation, the hip one ? Or relatively straightforward - for the surgeon, that is.
Hope it goes well, on 12 -12, it'll be.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Maria »

Lord have mercy.

She is in my prayers, Luke.

You have a powerful patron saint, Luke.
Pray that St. Luke may guide the surgeon's hands.

My own mom went through hip replacement surgery just fine.
My dad reposed in the Lord in June 2004 after having memory problems.

Much like in Kindergarten, my mom would pin a note on my dad's shirt,
with a safety pin telling my dad what he needed to do when he went into
another room. Science has taught us that whenever we pass through a
portal (door), we tend to forget what we have intended to do in that new
room. Thus, this is not just a problem that the elderly have.

So, she would write very clearly, "Go into the garage, and remove the
towels from the dryer. Then bring the towels into the master bedroom,
place them on the bed, and fold these towels. Next, come into the kitchen
and have some dinner with me." Not only was my dad becoming senile
through small strokes (TIAs), but also he was losing his sense of hearing.

With these notes, my dad would be able to help her with her household
chores. In turn, these small chores would give him a sense of well-being.
Thus, he could be folding towels while she fixed dinner for both of them.
Needless to say, he had to give up his driver's license because he would
forget where he was going.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Barbara »

Ha ha, I am sure Maria means the original St Luke, the Evangelist. NOT that imposter surgeon-'saint' of the same name.

Not funny, however, is the parental problems. That is so frightening to hear about. Luke, is your father in the same general condition as Maria described ? This must be catastrophic for the children - and for the mother, of course.

Do either of you have any idea what caused this onset of confusion and fading of memory ?
There is a supplement called Vinpocetine which is said to strengthen the brain. This is derived from the periwinkle flower, of all things. A Hungarian chemist discovered it in 1975. Maybe if taken from youth, it might be able to prevent this or any related mental deterioration from ever developing.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Luke »

Dad had a stroke a few years ago. His memory has been getting worse since. Plus his hearing is very bad. I do not think Mom has pinned notes on Dad's shirt, but she has written him notes that are their kitchen counter. I know Maria meant St. Luke the Evangelist-Doctor.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Maria »

Luke wrote:

Dad had a stroke a few years ago. His memory has been getting worse since. Plus his hearing is very bad. I do not think Mom has pinned notes on Dad's shirt, but she has written him notes that are their kitchen counter. I know Maria meant St. Luke the Evangelist-Doctor.


My husband has been taking curcumin to help his brain recover from a stroke he had two years ago. It was doctor-recommended (in lieu of a daily aspirin). He is also taking a scoop of l-Citrulline with breakfast. This gives him energy and stamina. Plus he claims that it lifts his morning brain fog.

Know that I will pray for your mom and dad.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: Mom Hip Replacement Surgery Dec. 12

Post by Luke »

Thanks, Maria. I really appreciate it.

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