The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Maria »

d9popov wrote:
Maria wrote:

Please give your source for the above. This is a moderator request.

Hi Maria,
My source was approximately three English translations and six Greek editions of the Synodicon of Orthodoxy, print and internet. One edition that I was able to inspect personally was from the year 1600!!! The chapters that I quoted are in every edition that I could find. The key word "Theotes" can be translated as "Godhood, Godhead, Deity, Divinity, Divine Nature, or God." I chose "Godhood" as the most literal. I edited some of the English spellings and punctuation. I will gladly compile a list of my sources and post it. I will also post the Greek. All of that might take a few days. In Christ, D9Popov.

Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing your sources.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »


English, Greek, French, German, and Russian:

Synodicon of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council for Orthodoxy. 2010. ... odoxy.html.

Synodicon of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council for Orthodoxy. 2018. ... odicon.htm.

Synodicon of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council for Orthodoxy. 2018.

Synodicon of the Holy and Ecumenical Seventh Council for Orthodoxy. 2018. ... hodoxy.htm.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 1600. In Τριῴδιον, edited by Bishop Maximos Kathērōn, Venice: Ἀντωνίῳ τῷ Πινέλῳ, 1600.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 1876. In Τριῴδιον Κατανυκτικόν, 4th edition, Venice: Φοίνιξ, 1876,

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 1893. In Fedor Ivanovich Uspenskii, Синодикъ въ недѣлю православія сводныий текстъ съ приложеніями, Odessa: Тип. Шт. Одесскаго военнаго округа, 1893.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 1976. Edited and translated by Jean Gouillard, “Le Synodicon de l’Orthodoxie: Edition et commentaire,” Travaux et Mémoires (Centre de recherche d’histoire et civilisation byzantines) 2:1–316.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 1994. In Τριῴδιον Κατανυκτικόν, Athens: Ἀποστολικὴ Διακονία τῆς Ἐκκλησίας τῆς Ἑλλάδος, 1994.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. 2018. In Symbole, ... onorthodox.

Συνοδικὸν τῆς Ἁγίας καὶ Οἰκουμενικῆς Ζʹ Συνόδου ὑπὲρ τῆς Ὀρθοδοξίας. n.d. In Τριῴδιον Κατανυκτικόν, Athens: Φῶς, n.d.,

Le Synodikon de l’orthodoxie. 2012. Traduite par Jean Gouillard.

Synodikon der Orthodoxie. 2012.

Синодикъ въ недѣлю православія. 1893. In Fedor Ivanovich Uspenskii, Синодикъ въ недѣлю православія сводныий текстъ съ приложеніями, Odessa: Тип. Шт. Одесскаго военнаго округа, 1893.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »


The statement of the Serbian True Orthodox Church is at ... .html#more.

The earlier (very irenic and humble, even self-humiliating) letter of the Serbian True Orthodox Church to the Kallinikos synod is at ... nical.html.

The full text of the Synodicon of Orthodoxy in English and in Greek was posted at Euphrosynos Cafe at ... 403#p72156. The anathemas against the Barlaamite heresy were posted in English above with full references in a follow up posting.

The English translation of the synodal decree of the Council of Constantinople of AD 1451 (which is sometimes called the Ninth Ecumenical Council of the Orthodox Church) does not exist on the internet, to my knowledge. However, the Orthodox Confession of Faith of Saint Gregory Palamas, which was confirmed as dogma by the same Council of Constantinople of AD 1451 is in several places on the internet in English and Greek. For the English translation by Father Patapios (Patrick Barker), see ... y-palamas/. For the English translation by Catharine Roth, see pp. 540-545 at ... 0Texts.pdf. For the English translation by Aristeides Papadakis, see There is at least one significant difference between the translations (about the Holy Spirit and creation), so it might be useful to read all three translations --- and to compare to the Greek if possible. The Greek is online at, as well as at Apostolike Diakonia, Migne's PG, and Mansi's conciliar collection (all online).

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »

Bishop Akakije of Utešiteljevo and Bishop Nektarije of Šumadija of the Serbian True Orthodox Church have stated emphatically that they desire (1) unity among Serbian Orthodox Christians who reject bishops who are in communion with the heresy of ecumenism, a unity in which all these true Serbian Orthodox Christians are under an indigenous Serbian hierarchy, without dominance by Greeks or Russians; (2) unity among the traditional Orthodox synods in Russia, especially the RTOC-Tikhon and the ROAC-Feodor; (3) communion between sister true Orthodox Churches in Russia, Greece, and the now-divided Serbian Patriarchal territories in the Republic of Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Croatia. Below is Bishop Akakije's 2016 statement on the Kallinikos synod in Greece. Bishop Akakije should consider that it is God's blessing that the Kallinikos synod has rebuffed his efforts towards communion with that synod. He should consider that the Kallinikos synod does not represent the canonical church in Greece, but that there are other bishops in Greece who are more faithful in their opposition to the heresy of ecumenism.

BISHOP AKAKIJE ( ... oc-in.html) WROTE:

The Serbian Church is a Patriarchate. Thus, in rank and historical dignity, it is higher than the Athens Archiepiscopate, and it is known that the Serbian Church has never in its entire history been under the Athens Archiepiscopate. It follows that the Greek TOC has no right to impose itself as a lawful and canonical church authority in Serbia. The Greeks claim that because the Serbian people has fallen into heresy with its bishops and that the Serbian Church has disappeared, the canonical territory of the Serbian Church now belongs to the Greek Church. Even so, the logic of taking territory according to the rule “first come, first serve” is not applicable because the Greek TOC did not enter and missionize Serbia on its own initiative. Rather, they responded to the call from the faithful from the Serbian Church for help in its renewal, and that within the strictly defined structure of a temporary administration. It follows that if the condition of temporary administration for the sake of help is not fulfilled, or what is more, prevented, then we who had called upon the Greek Church for help have the right to call upon another Local Church which has no less right than the Greeks to come to the territory of our canonical jurisdiction and help in its renewal. The Greeks’ claim that the Serbian Church does not exist and that the Serbian people have ceased to be Orthodox, i.e., that we have regressed to the level of an unenlightened people for whom evangelization is again necessary, is simply unacceptable to us. We maintain the position that despite the fall of the Belgrade Patriarchate into the heresy of ecumenism, the majority of the clergy, monastics, and faithful have remained faithful to Orthodoxy and do not accept ecumenism as a doctrine. On the contrary, in fact, there is a significant opposition to ecumenism as a modern heresy. Nor do the majority of the Orthodox Serbs accept adopting the New Calendar, and, out of fear of creating a large division, the official hierarchy does not dare to introduce calendar reform. Thus, the only sin of a large majority of the clergy, monastics, and especially the ordinary believers is only the unwilling, and sometimes unconscious, communion with heretics. In order to encourage the cessation of communion with the heretical hierarchy, it is necessary that a canonical Serbian True Orthodox episcopacy exist in Serbia whose first interest is the Serbian Church. Joining them would not be leaving the Serbian Church and joining the Greek, as many have understood, but rather leaving a heretical hierarchy and joining the True Orthodox, all the time remaining in one’s own Local Church and remaining under one’s own episcopacy. Unfortunately, the Greeks had no understanding of this problem for an entire fifteen years. Their insistence that Serbia be under the Greek Church and that entry into the True Church implies joining the Greek Church inflicted such wounds in the holy battle for the rebirth of the Serbian Church that it will take much time to recover from them. The Greeks’ insistence on akrivia in receiving people from the official to the True Church, by re-baptizing all and sundry without any sort of discernment, and the immeasurable harm done by this stance, we will not examine in any further detail here.

Today, the Greek TOC, despite the existence of the Serbian TOC’s canonical episcopate, has a parish (Panchevo) and a monastery (Bosnia) in the canonical territory of the STOC with a corresponding number of clergy members, thus continuing to create division among the Serbian flock. We bishops of the Serbian TOC were ready to make a compromise and accept this uncanonical situation. That is, upon the entering into communion of our two Local Churches, this parish and monastery would remain under the temporary jurisdiction of the Greek TOC. This would be under the condition that the Greek TOC would no longer have the right to broaden its jurisdiction in the canonical territory of the Serbian Church by creating new parishes or monasteries, ordaining new clergymen, or accepting clergymen from the official church. Yet despite all of our efforts to reach canonical unity between our Churches, the reply from the Greek Church to our petition of December 1, 2015, was devastating to us. The Greek TOC, after all the debates, polemics, initiatives, and petitions from us again sought that we should submit to some kind of Greek Belgrade Metropolis and a Greek guardian of St. Sava’s patriarchal seat. Of course, such a suggestion was not even taken up for official consideration. All who read this suggestion were extremely insulted by the Greek Church’s unscrupulous stubbornness in trying to keep power over Serbia at any price. Our last initiative thus only received an echo of similar responses, where we found ourselves again coming up against a wall of a complete lack of understanding or sympathy.

THE FULL ENGLISH TEXT IS среда, 01. јун 2016.
Did the Serbian TOC Come to the GOC in Repentance because of Schism and Did the Serbian TOC with this Repentance Seek that the Greek TOC Receive Her into Their Jurisdiction?

Due to some erroneous interpretations of the document from the Serbian Hierarchs to the Holy Synod of the Greek GOC in October of last year (1/16 October 2015) ... nical.html , we consider it needful to clarify the Petition itself along with our position in regards to this entire matter. Namely, among certain circles both here in Serbia and abroad some assert that we Serbian hierarchs came to the Greek GOC in repentance for causing a schism and supposedly asked that the Greek GOC receive us back into their jurisdiction. The very title of our petition, however, should answer the two questions which are posed in the title of this text. From the title of the petition it is clear that one Local Church is initiating entry into communion with another Local Church. Furthermore, in the text of the Petition itself the word schism is never used.

The contents of the Petition exclusively concern the cessation of communion between two Local Churches along with a list of the reasons why this break took place. In the spirit of humility, the Petition attributes the fault for the break in communion entirely to the Serbian Hierarchs without any kind of accusations directed at the other side. This self-blame is despite the fact that the other side’s unbending position, that the Serbian Orthodox people and the Serbian Church should be under the Greek Church, is in large part the cause of the situation.

The Petition seeks to establish communion between two independent Local Churches with the same confession of faith and canonical episcopacy, based on the Lord’s commandment that unity in love between His disciples is one of the main confirmations of true loyalty to Him and His Divine Will. In this spirit, we Serbian Hierarchs, zealous to fulfill the commandment for the unity of the Church, humbly address our brother Greeks with a petition to “do everything we can together in order to establish canonical unity between our two sister churches to the glory of God.” As the foundation for beginning to establish canonical unity between our two Churches we offer our sincere repentance for the actions which we took of our own will in the vital interests of the Serbian Church and the Serbian Orthodox people. These actions were taken after several years of seeking a solution, during which we tried every means possible to come to an agreement with the Greek hierarchs. Thus, we repent exclusively for the self-willed nature of our actions, in entering into communion with the Russian True Orthodox Church (without the brotherly agreement of the Greek Church) and receiving help from them in renewing a canonical episcopate. It should be recalled that the Greek TOC recognized the Russian TOC as the canonical Russian Church which completely preserves a True Orthodox confession of faith. Along with this repentance, in the Petition forgiveness is sought “for any rough and hurtful words which we may have said or published” during the polemics about a solution for the canonically unresolved (destroyed) status of the Serbian Church. The Petition does not contain a request that the Greek GOC hierarchs receive us under their omophorion after we seek repentance for schism. This idea cannot be found in any part of the Petition.

Let us mention something else. When my unworthiness went to a preliminary discussion in Athens in the Greek GOC Synod office (Oct. 12,2015) about our initiative to establish canonical communion between the Serbian and Greek TOC, His Beatitude Archbishop Kallinikos and several metropolitans and bishops were present. From the very beginning of the conversation one metropolitan wisely and concretely asked me what position I was addressing them from: was it as an ex-member of their clergy who sought to be received back into the jurisdiction of their Church, or as the representative of another autocephalous Church which sought communion with their Church? My answer was unmistakably clear: that I was coming as the representative of the autocephalous Serbian TOC which is seeking to establish canonical communion with the Greek TOC.

My answer was accompanied by an explanation, especially brought forward because of the presence of new bishops (from the former Synod in Resistance) who most likely were not familiar with our old problems. I mentioned that, in the beginning of 1995 as believers (monks) of the Serbian Church we had already joined the Greek TOC in the monastery of Esfigmenou on the Holy Mountain, as a result of the apostasy of the Belgrade Patriarchate into the heresy of ecumenism and the apostasy of Sergianisim. From the very beginning we sought help from the Greek Church to accept the temporary administration of the widowed Serbian Church. This implied brotherly help in the rebirth of Orthodoxy in Serbia for which the establishment of a canonical episcopate was an imperative. According to canonical guidelines, the administration of one widowed eparchy (or in this case, Church) must be of an absolutely temporary nature. The canons strictly forbid lengthening the period of the temporary administration in order to prevent abuse. The duration of this temporary administration is strictly defined in order to prevent the help turning into the abuse of episcopal authority by taking over the church entrusted to it.

However, after fifteen years of the Greek Church’s administration of the widowed Serbian Church, except for the help which they did give, which was indeed meaningful and for which we are truly grateful, not only did the Greek Church not fulfill the basic task of administration but they even, against the canons, gave themselves the right to take the Serbian Church and its entire territory under their own jurisdiction. To the disadvantage of the freedom and the vital interests of the Serbian Church, they insisted on the inviolability of their authority. When the Serbian clergy, monastics and believers opposed this uncanonical state, the assumption of all the rights of government and administration of the widowed Serbian Church for the indefinite future, this opposition was declared to be the sin of disobedience and rebellion against lawful bishops. Meanwhile, because of petty personal interests, they accepted and defended as obedient and loyal those who praised them. In this manner, over the years, a very serious rift among the clergy and flock of the Serbian Church arose which over time became almost insurmountable. This uncompromising stance as well as the inadequate attention given to the flock and clergy by the administration at that time brought the Serbian Church to a state of complete disorder and made any progress impossible.

After many unsuccessful initiatives and petitions directed to the episcopacy of the Greek Church, conscientious clergy, monastics and believers who fought for the interests of their Local Church were forced to seek help and mediation from another canonical True Orthodox Church to resolve the the gravely harmful state created by the uncanonical indefinite lengthening of the Greek Church’s administration of the widowed Serbian Church. When we established contact with the Russian TOC we found that the Russian hierarchs completely understood us. They truly saw potential in the community of the Orthodox Serbs for the rebirth of the Serbian Church, and they related to them as such. They considered us as an individual, autocephalous, widowed Church who was in need of brotherly help without interference in its administration, which meant in the first place the renewal of Her episcopacy. When the last attempts for an agreement with the Greek bishops had been made with no success, the Administrative Council of the Serbian TOC resolved (23/5 August 2011) that the Serbian TOC should leave the temporary administration of the Greek TOC without their agreement and to enter into communion with the Russian TOC. Soon after its entry into communion with the Russian TOC, the Serbian Church’s canonical episcopacy was renewed (through the consecration of Bishop Akakije in Lesna Convent on the 2/15 August 2011). The Russian and Serbian TOC had previously addressed the Greek TOC with a last appeal that the Greek TOC take part in this act of renewal of the Serbian TOC, to which the Greek TOC responded by angrily condemning the entry and interference of the Russian TOC into the jurisdiction of the Greek Church. The Synod of the Greek TOC formalized this condemnation in a Synod Encyclical on August 9/22 2011 in which the Serbian TOC’s act of seeking help from the Russian TOC was defined as an act of schism. In this encyclical the Greek TOC’s stance is clearly confirmed that its governance over the Serbian Church is not temporary, and even denies the very existence of the Serbian Church as Local and autocephalous. The Greek Church relegates the Serbian Church into one Greek eparchy, a metropolis to be exact, and named the Archbishop of Athens the guardian of the patriarchal throne (the throne of St Sava).

What is the matter at hand here? Does the Archiepiscopate of Athens have the canonical power to relate in such a way towards a Local Church in such misfortune? The Serbian Church is a Patriarchate. Thus, in rank and historical dignity, it is higher than the Athens Archiepiscopate, and it is known that the Serbian Church has never in its entire history been under the Athens Archiepiscopate. It follows that the Greek TOC has no right to impose itself as a lawful and canonical church authority in Serbia. The Greeks claim that because the Serbian people has fallen into heresy with its bishops and that the Serbian Church has disappeared, the canonical territory of the Serbian Church now belongs to the Greek Church. Even so, the logic of taking territory according to the rule “first come, first serve” is not applicable because the Greek TOC did not enter and missionize Serbia on its own initiative. Rather, they responded to the call from the faithful from the Serbian Church for help in its renewal, and that within the strictly defined structure of a temporary administration. It follows that if the condition of temporary administration for the sake of help is not fulfilled, or what is more, prevented, then we who had called upon the Greek Church for help have the right to call upon another Local Church which has no less right than the Greeks to come to the territory of our canonical jurisdiction and help in its renewal. The Greeks’ claim that the Serbian Church does not exist and that the Serbian people have ceased to be Orthodox, ie that we have regressed to the level of an unenlightened people for whom evangelization is again necessary, is simply unacceptable to us. We maintain the position that despite the fall of the Belgrade Patriarchate into the heresy of ecumenism, the majority of the clergy, monastics and faithful have remained faithful to Orthodoxy and do not accept ecumenism as a doctrine. On the contrary, in fact, there is a significant opposition to ecumenism as a modern heresy. Nor do the majority of the Orthodox Serbs accept adopting the New Calendar, and out of fear of creating a large division the official hierarchy does not dare to introduce calendar reform. Thus, the only sin of a large majority of the clergy, monastics and especially the ordinary believers is only the unwilling, and sometimes unconscious communion with heretics. In order to encourage the cessation of communion with the heretical hierarchy it is necessary that a canonical Serbian True Orthodox episcopacy exist in Serbia whose first interest is the Serbian Church. Joining them would not be leaving the Serbian Church and joining the Greek, as many have understood, but rather leaving a heretical hierarchy and joining the True Orthodox, all the time remaining in one’s own Local Church and remaining under one’s own episcopacy. Unfortunately, the Greeks had no understanding of this problem for an entire fifteen years. Their insistence that Serbia be under the Greek Church and that entry into the True Church implies joining the Greek Church inflicted such wounds in the holy battle for the rebirth of the Serbian Church that it will take much time to recover from them. The Greeks’ insistence on akrivia in receiving people from the official to the True Church, by re-baptizing all and sundry without any sort of discernment, and the immeasurable harm done by this stance we will not examine in any further detail here.

Today the Greek TOC, despite the existence of the Serbian TOC’s canonical episcopate, has a parish (Panchevo) and a monastery (Bosnia) in the canonical territory of the STOC with a corresponding number of clergy members, thus continuing to create division among the Serbian flock. We bishops of the Serbian TOC were ready to make a compromise and accept this uncanonical situation. That is, upon the entering into communion of our two Local Churches, this parish and monastery would remain under the temporary jurisdiction of the Greek TOC. This would be under the condition that the Greek TOC would no longer have the right to broaden its jurisdiction in the canonical territory of the Serbian Church by creating new parishes or monasteries, ordaining new clergymen or accepting clergymen from the official church. Yet despite all of our efforts to reach canonical unity between our Churches, the reply from the Greek Church to our petition of December 1, 2015 was devastating to us. The Greek TOC, after all the debates, polemics, initiatives and petitions from us again sought that we should submit to some kind of Greek Belgrade Metropolis and a Greek guardian of St. Sava’s patriarchal seat. Of course, such a suggestion was not even taken up for official consideration. All who read this suggestion were extremely insulted by the Greek Church’s unscrupulous stubbornness in trying to keep power over Serbia at any price. Our last initiative thus only received an echo of similar responses, where we found ourselves again coming up against a wall of a complete lack of understanding or sympathy.

Nonetheless, we are not giving up on seeking that the Lord’s commandment for unity in love between His disciples be fulfilled in deed. Thus we will make every effort for the unity between all the True Orthodox. We cannot, however, for that purpose give away the independence of the Church of our Serbian Fatherland, something which we have no right to give.

Sunday of the Myrrhbearers, May 2016


The full original text ( ... .html#more) is:

субота, 28. мај 2016.

Поводом, од стране неколицине, погрешног тумачења „Молбе за успостављање канонског општењаизмеђу Српске и Грчке ИПЦ“ упућене од стране српских архијереја светом Синоду Грчке ИПЦ у октобру прошле године (1/16. октобар 2015.), сматрамо за потребно да појаснимо како саму Молбу тако и наш став поводом свега тога. Наиме, међу одређеним круговима људи како у земљи тако и у иностранству постоји тврдња да смо ми српски архијереји принели Грчкој ИПЦ покајање за учињени раскол и наводно тражимо да нас Грчка ИПЦ прими назад у своју јурисдикцију. Већ сам наслов Молбе одговара на два питања постављена у самом наслову овога текста. Из наслова се јасно види да једна помесна црква покреће иницијативу за улазак у општење са другом помесном црквом. Док у самом тексту Молбе ни у једном контексту није поменута реч раскол.
Садржај Молбе искључиво је везан за прекинуто општење између две помесне Цркве као и навођење узрока због којих је до тог прекида дошло. У духу смирења, кривица за прекид општења је од стране нас српских архијереја, у садржају Молбе, једнострано преузета без оптуживања друге стране да је кривица за такво стање добрим делом изазвана њиховим непопустљивим ставом о подчињености Србије, српског православног народа и Српске Цркве Грчкој Цркви. У Молби иде реч о иницијативи за успостављање општења између две помесне независне Цркве са истим исповедањем вере и канонским епископатом, покренутој на основу заповести Господње да је јединство и љубав међу Његовим ученицима једна од главних потврда истинске верности Њему и Његовој божанској вољи. У том духу, ми српски архијереји, ревнујући за испуњење заповести о јединству Цркве, смирено смо се обратили са молбом браћи Грцима „да заједнички учинимо све што можемо како би се у славу Божију између наших сестринских цркава успоставило канонско јединство“. Као основ за почетак процеса успостављања каононског јединства између наше две Цркве ми смо приложили искрено покајање за активности које смо самоиницијативно 2011. године предузели у оквиру виталних интереса српске Цркве и српског православног народа. И то све пошто смо после неколико година тражења решења исцрпели све покушаје за проналажења заједничког језика са грчким архијерејима. Дакле, принето покајање се односи искључиво за самоиницијативну делатност (без братске сагласности Грчке Цркве) ступања у општење са Руском Истински Православном Црквом и примања од исте помоћи у виду обнављања канонског епископата (при свему томе мора се имати у виду да је Грчка ИПЦ препознала Руску ИПЦ као канонску Руску Цркву која се у потпуности држи истински-православног исповедања вере). Уз то, у Молби је тражен опроштај „за све грубе и увредљиве речи које смо изговорили или објавили“ у току полемике о изналажењу решења за канонски нерешен (нарушен) статус Српске Цркве. Значи, Молба не садржи тражења од архијереја Грчке ИПЦ да нас српске архијереје у покајању (за раскол) приме под свој омофор. То се ни из једног дела садржаја Молбе не може закључити.
Навешћемо овде још нешто. Када је моја маленкост била на прелиминарном разговору поводом наше иницијативе о успостављању канонског општења међу Српском и Грчком ИПЦ, у Атини у просторијама Синода Грчке ИПЦ, 12. октобра 2015. где сам се састао са Његовим Блаженством архиепископом Калиником и неколицином митрополита и епископа Грчке ИПЦ био сам у самом почетку разговора мудро и конкретно упитан од стране једног митрополита у ком својству им се обраћам, да ли у име њихових бивших клирика који траже да буде опет примљени у јурисдикцију њихове Цркве или као представник друге помесне аутокефалне Цркве која тражи успостављање општења са њиховом Црквом? Мој одговор је био јасан и недвосмислен: „Као представник аутокефалне Српске ИПЦ која тражи успостављање канонског општења са Грчком ИПЦ“. Овај мој одговор пратило је објашњење, нарочито изнето због присуства нових епископа (из бившег Синода супротстављених) који највероватније нису упознати са тематиком нашег дугогодишњег проблема. Навео сам да смо се ми још у самом почетку 1995. као верници (монаси) Српске Цркве услед отпадања јерерхије Београдске патријаршије у јерес екуменизма и отпадништва Сергијанизма кроз Грчку ИПЦ (тачније манастир Есфигмен на Светој Гори) присајединили Истинском Православљу. Како смо још од самог почетка тражили помоћ од Грчке Цркве да се прихвати привременог администровања обезглављене (удове) Српске Цркве које подразумева братску помоћ у препороду православља у Србији чији је императив успостављање канонског епископата. Према канонској дефиницији администровања једном удовом епархијом (у овом случају црквом) оно мора бити неизоставно привременог карактера и канони строго забрањују и спречавају његову злоупотребу баш по питању продужавања времена привремене администрације. Дакле, администровање је строго временски ограничено како се не би уз помоћ, тачније злоупотребом епископског ауторитета преузела власт над датом црквом. После 15 година администровања Грчке Цркве над удовом Српском Црквом осим помоћи, која је заиста била значајна и због које смо неизмерно захвални, не само да нису испоштовани основни задаци администровања него је Грчка Црква, противно канонима, дала себи за право да Српску Цркву са целокупном територијом њене канонске јурисдикције присвоји као своју, намећући, на уштрб слободе и виталних интереса Српске Цркве, неприкосновеност своје власти. Противљење српских клирика,монаха и верног народа таквом противканонском стању присвајања свих права власти и управе над удовом Српском Црквом од стране административних црквених власти и то на неодређени, неограничени временски период проглашено је грехом непослушности и бунтом против законских епископа, а они који су такво стање ради ситних користи и личних интереса прихватали и бранили похваљивани су као послушни и лојални. На такав начин годинама је стваран веома озбиљан раздор међу клиром и паством Српске Цркве који је током времена постао готово непремостив. Такав непомирљиви став и неадекватан третман пастве и клира тадашњег администратора довео је до потпуног расула и немогућности било каквог напретка Српске Цркве. Савесни клирици, монаштво и верни народ који су се борили за интересе своје помесне Цркве, после много неуспелих иницијатива и молби упућених епископату Грчке Цркве ради решавања веома лошег и штетног стања изазваног неканонским продужавањем у недоглед админстрације Грчке Цркве над Српској удовом Црквом, били су принуђени да потраже помоћ и арбитражу друге канонске истински православне Цркве када се за то указала прва могућност. Успоставивши контакт са Руском ИПЦ, од стране руских архијереја наишли смо на потпуно разумевање. Руски архијереји су у заједници истински православних Срба заиста видели потенцијал препорођене Српске Цркве и као таквој су се и односили, сматрајући је засебном, аутокефалном, удовом Црквом коју без наметања власти туђе јурисдикције треба помоћи као сестринску Цркву, на првом месту обновом њеног упражњеног епископата. Када су исцрпљене и последње могућности договора са грчким епископатом, од стране Управног одбора Српске ИПЦ донета је одлука (23\5 август 2011.) о изласку Српске ИПЦ испод привремене административне управе Грчке ИПЦ и да се без добијања сагласности од стране исте ступи у општење са Руском ИПЦ од стране које је, ускоро по успостављању општења, Српској ИПЦ обновељен канонски епископат (хиротонија епископа Акакија обављена је у манастиру Лесна 2/15. август 2011. Руска и Српска ИПЦ претходно су се обратиле Грчкој ИПЦ последњим апелом да и Грчка ИПЦ узме учешће у овом чину препорода Српске ИПЦ, на шта је Синод Грчке ИПЦ љутито одговорио да осуђује улазак и мешање Руске ИПЦ у јурисдикцију Грчке Цркве. Ову осуду је Синод Грчке ИПЦ озваничио Синодском Енцикликом од 9/22. августа 2011. у којој је акт тражење од стране Српске ИПЦ помоћи од Руске ИПЦ окарактерисан као раскол. У овој Енциклици Грчког Синода јасно је потврђен став Грчке ИПЦ да власт над Српском Црквом од стране Грчке ИПЦ не да није привремено-административног карактера него се негира и само постојање Српске Цркве као помесне и аутокефалне. Српска Црква је од стране Грчке Цркве сведена на једну грчку епархију, тачније митрополију са све чуварем патријаршиског трона (трона светог Саве) за кога је именован архиепископ Атински.
О чему је овде реч? Да ли Атинска Архиепископија има канонску власт да се тако односи према једној помесној Цркви која се нашла у великој невољи? Српска Црква је на првом месту патријаршија, дакле по рангу и историјском достојанству виша него Атинска архиепископија, а зна се да никада у својој историји није била потчињена атинском Архиепископу те ради тога Грчка ИПЦ нема никаква права да јој се намеће као законска и канонска црквена власт. Грци тврде како је Српски народ заједно са епископима пао у јерес и да се Српска Црква угасила и да на основу тога канонска територија Српске Цркве припада Грчкој. Чак и као таква, логика заузимања територије по закону „ко први зазуме – његово је“ није основана јер Грчка ИПЦ није својом самоиницијативном мисијом запосела територију Српске Цркве него се одазвала на позив верника Српске Цркве да помогне препороду исте и то само у строго одређеним оквирима привременог администровања. Дакле, ако тај услов није испуњен, шта више, ако се онемогућавао, онда ми који смо их позвали, имамо право да позовемо другу помесну Цркву која има ништа мање право од грка да на позив ступи на простор друге (наше) канонске јурисдикцији и да на основу помоћи сестринске цркве помогне њен препород. Твдње грка да Српска Црква не постоји и да је српски народ престао бити православним, тј. да се вратио на ниво непросвећених народа над којима је потребно поново извршити мисију евангелизације или оправослављења ми ни у ком случају не прихватамо. Ми се држимо става да је и поред пада јерархије Београдске патријаршије у јерес екуменизма већина клира, монаштва и верног народа остала верна православљу не прихватајући екуменизам као доктрину (напротив, постоји масовно противљење екуменизму као савременој јереси) и не прихватања преласка на нови календар (због таквог чврстог става српског клира, монаштва и верног народа званична јерерхија се и не усуђује да уведе календарску реформу због страха од великих подела). Дакле, једини грех велике већине клира, монаштва, а нарочито верног народа је само невољно, а понекад и несвесно општење са јеретицима. Да би се охрабрили на прекидање општења са јеретичком јерархијом потребно је да у Србији постоји канонски истински православни српски епископат који се залаже на првом месту за интересе Српске Цркве и прелазак коме не представља напуштање Српске Цркве и прелазак у Грчку, како се то тумачило, него једноставно напуштање јеретичке јерархије и прелазак истински православној уз останак у својој помесној Цркви и под својим српским епископатом. На жалост, за овакав вапијући став грци нису имали разумевања целих 15 година и њихово инсистирање да се Србија подчини Грчкој Цркви и да прелазак у Истинско Православље подразумева прелазак у Грчку Цркву, нанело је свештеној борби за препород Православља у Србији тешке ране за које је потребно много времена да се зацеле. Инсистирање грка на акривији примања, тј. при преласку из официјелног у истинско православље прекрштавања свега и свакога и непроценљиве штете направљене таквим тврдокорним нерасудним ставом овде нећемо детаљније разматрати.
Данас Грчка ИПЦ и поред постојања канонског епископата Српске ИПЦ држи на њеној канонској територији једну парохију (Панчево) и један манастир (Република Српска) са исто толико клирика настављајући на такав начин правити раздор међу српском паством. Ми епископи Српске ИПЦ били смо спремни на компромис да се овакво неканонско стање прихвати, тј. да по ступању у општење наше две помесне Цркве ова парохија и овај манастир остану под привременом јурисдикцијом Грчке Цркве, под условом да се поштује принцип затеченог стања, тј. да Грчка ИПЦ више нема права било каквог ширења њене јурисдикције на територији Српске Цркве (оснивање нових парохија и манастира и рупополагања нових клирика или евентуално примање већ постојећих из званичне српске цркве). Без обзира на све наше напоре да се достигне канонско јединство између наших цркава одговор Грчке Цркве на нашу Молбу од 01. децембар 2015. био је за све нас поражавајући. Грчка ИПЦ је после свих дебата, полемика, иницијатива и молби од нас опет тражила да се потчинимо некаквој Грчкој Београдској митрополији и грчком чувару светосавског трона. Наравно, такав предлог није узет у званично разматрање. Сви који су га прочитали били су поражени и увређени бескрупулозном упорношћу Грчке Цркве да по сваку цену задржи власт над Србијом. Наша последња иницијатива је на такав начин опет била ехо који нам се по ко зна који пут вратио наишавши на зид неразумевања и несаосећања.
Но, ми свакако не одустајемо од тражења могућности да се заповест Господња о јединству и љубави међу Његовим ученицима испуни на делу. У том контексту даћемо све од себе да до јединства међу свим ИПХ што пре дође, али никако не можемо у име тога дати нешто што ми немамо право да дамо – самосталност наше помесне отачасвене Српске Цркве.

На недељу Мироносица, месеца маја, године спасења 2016.


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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Cyprian »

d9popov wrote:

Bishop Akakije has criticized the Kallinikos-Cyprianite unity, but he has also expressed hope that the final result would be the destruction of false Matthewite and false Cyprianite-Phyleite ecclesiologies.

What false Matthewite ecclesiology? Please elaborate, and provide for us actual citations, demonstrating when and where this false Matthewite ecclesiology has been officially defined or promulgated by the Synod, or by Archbishop Matthew of blessed memory, himself. If you are going to tell me some story about a light switch theory, show me where the Synod or the President of the Synod officially defined this or publicly preached it.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by d9popov »

Cyprian wrote:
d9popov wrote:

Bishop Akakije has criticized the Kallinikos-Cyprianite unity, but he has also expressed hope that the final result would be the destruction of false Matthewite and false Cyprianite-Phyleite ecclesiologies.

What false Matthewite ecclesiology? Please elaborate, and provide for us actual citations, demonstrating when and where this false Matthewite ecclesiology has been officially defined or promulgated by the Synod, or by Archbishop Matthew of blessed memory, himself. If you are going to tell me some story about a light switch theory, show me where the Synod or the President of the Synod officially defined this or publicly preached it.

First, let me say that by calling Matthewite and Phyleite ecclesiologies "false," I do not mean to imply that either one is totally coherent/consistent. Maybe they are more like false "tendencies." However, in each case Bishop Matthew and Bishop Cyprian saw their ecclesiologies as distinct enough to "justify" a schism from the overwhelming majority of Genuine Orthodox Christians. So, I believe that both ecclesiologies were false by (1) over-simplifying things in one preferred direction and (2) using the extreme simplification in order to support schism in the true Church. If you put all of Metropolitan Chrysostom (Kavourides) of Florina's statements together you will see two principles (1) heretics and schismatics lose the Mysteries; and (2) there can be some gray/uncertain areas for a time about the exact moment that sacramental grace is lost. Those two principles are what the Holy Orthodox Church teaches. Matthew simplified/distorted in one direction; Cyprian in the opposite direction. Both created schisms. I am opposed to schism and support true Orthodox unity based on an Orthodox confession of faith that does not deviate either to the "right" or to the "left." I do not have access at this very second to Bishop Matthew's writings, but I will be able to find some of his more extreme attacks against Metropolitan Chrysostom and quote them, if you want me to. Some of those attacks went too far. If you have direct quotations from Bishop Matthew (or later Matthewite bishops or synods) about gray areas/uncertainty or oikonomia or opposition to a simple "light switch" theory, then please post them. I would be truly overjoyed to learn that Bishop Matthew or other Matthewites had a nuanced patristic teaching on grace and that he/they was/were much more patristic than caricatures indicate. Many in the Kallinikos synod are adopting a false Phyleite view, so I hope that there might be a union of true Orthodox Mathewites and Florinites that reject Phyleism and also reject some pro-schism versions of so-called "Matthewitism." I would love to see more of what Bishop Matthew actually wrote that was patristic and not overly-simplified about grace. If Matthewite synods or bishops have written against a simplified light switch theory, I hope and pray that you will post those writings for all of us to read. PLEASE POST ALL OF THEM -- in Greek and in English. Maybe, God willing, a balanced understanding of the grace issue, will lead to unity. Good strength.

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Re: The STOC under Bishop Akakije - Where are they going?

Post by Maria »

Please define your terms and avoid pejorative terms like Matthewites and Phyleites. Who is Phyle?

Let's be more charitable please.

You must be aware that HOCNA and the Synod of Makaria are not considered to be True Orthodox,
and that they are both in heresy and in schism. The heresy is that of Name-Worshiping.
The schism involved leaving other synods to form their own.

That is why these two sects above are not included in our list of True Orthodox.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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