Monsanto playing God with new GMO foods

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Monsanto playing God with new GMO foods

Post by Maria »

... According to its press release, Monsanto is investing $125 million in gene editing technology through a new partnership with Pairwise Plants, a California agricultural startup that will help Monsanto to create gene edited corn, soybeans, cotton and canola crops.

This new technology is said to be the next big thing in the GMO industry.

It allows scientists to play God with our food supply by altering foods even quicker in a laboratory setting, bestowing upon them new traits like the inability to show signs of rotting or wasting.

Among new varieties of GMO crops, Pairwise is also expected to work with Monsanto on a new GMO wheat, as well as GMO fruits including the potential to create GMO strawberries. ...

To read the entire article, please click: ... heat-more/

Lord have mercy.

The worst thing about GMO crops is not only the gene-editing, which causes mutations that may cause cancer, but also the fact that these GMO crops are GMO-ready and able to withstand heavier doses of pesticides and herbicides. Thus these crops will be highly toxic and carcinogenic. Raising these GMO crops with toxic chemicals will (1) deplete the land of magnesium and other essential minerals and nutrients; (2) increase the cancer rates of people and animals who live nearby the GMO fields; (3) increaset he cancer rates of people and animals who eat this contaminated GMO food.

Let's face it, you cannot wash off these chemicals. When you touch food tainted with chemicals, these chemicals go through your skin. When the agricultural giants spray their fields with toxic chemicals, then nearby residents and animals will not be spared from breathing the fumes and having the chemical on their skin. This is called over-spray.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.

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